Brill & The Hague Academy of International Law


Founded in 1923, the Academy has for decades served as a global center for research about and teaching of international law.

Brill | Nijhoff, in partnership with the Academy, publishes several prestigious publications.




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Arab Law Quarterly: Celebrating 35 Years with free access to selected articles

Arab Law Quarterly, the leading English language scholarly publication on matters relating to the law of Arab states, will publish its 35th Volume in 2021. To celebrate this, five sets of seven articles, hand-picked from past volumes by Editor-in-Chief Haider Ala Hamoudi, will be available for free downloading during 2021.

New Series: International and Comparative Business Law and Public Policy

The Series offers an outlet for monographs and collective works making substantial contributions to interdisciplinary research.

Forthcoming: Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia (3 vols)

Incorporating the work of numerous leading scholars, the Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia provides a detailed description of the practice and implementation of international law in various Asian states. The Encyclopedia is also available online.

International Law

Secondary Sources Roberto Vázquez Ferreyra, Reforma a la Ley de Defensa del Consumidor (Buenos Aires: La Ley, 2008). E. Rópolo et al., “Consumer Protection in Argentina,” Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business 33 (2011): 303-331. Luis A. Arana Tagle & Matías Reichman, “Argentina,” in International Consumer Protection, 2d ed. (Huntington, NY: Juris Pub., 2011—). “Argentina: Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law,” in Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law (Cham: Springer, 2018). “Argentina,” in Consumer Protection (Global Legal Group Ltd., frequently updated). Subject Searches: Consumer protection--Law and legislation--Argentina. Primary Sources [Standards on Consumer Protection and Defense. Enforcement Authority. Procedure and Sanctions] Normas de Protección y Defensa los Consumidores. Autoridad de Aplicación. Procedimiento y Sanciones, Ley 24.240, Boletín Oficial (15 Oct 1993). Compiled statutory text. Spanish.  [Creation of Prior Conciliation Service in Consumer Relations] Creación del Servicio de Conciliación Previa en las Relaciones de Consumo, Ley 26.993, Boletín Oficial (19 Sep 2014). Compiled statutory text. Spanish.  [Consumer Protection Act] Ley de Defensa del Consumidor, Ley 26.361, Boletín Oficial (07 Apr 2008). Compiled statutory text. Spanish.  [Law on Commercial Loyalty] Lealtad Comercial, Ley 26.179, Boletín Oficial (20 Dec 2006). Compiled statutory text. Spanish.  [National Consumer Arbitration System] Sistema Nacional de Arbitraje de Consumo, Decreto 276/1998, Boletín Oficial (13 Mar 1998). Compiled statutory text. Spanish.  [Production and Consumption Relations – Control of Prices] Relaciones de Producción y Consumo – Control de Precios, Ley 26.991, Boletín Oficial (19 Sep 2014). Compiled statutory text. Spanish.  [Regulatory System of Credit Cards, Purchase and Debit] Regulación del Sistema de Tarjetas de Crédito, Compra y Débito, Ley 25.065, Boletín Oficial (14 Jan 1999). Compiled statutory text. Spanish.  [Confidentiality of Information Regarding Products Under Legitimate Control of a Person] Ley De Confidencialidad Sobre Informacion y Productos que Estén Legitimamente Bajo Control de una Persona y se Divulgue Indebidamente de Manera Contraria a los Usos Comerciales Honestos, Ley 24.766, Boletín Oficial (30 Dec 1996). Compiled statutory text. Spanish.