Brill & The Hague Academy of International Law


Founded in 1923, the Academy has for decades served as a global center for research about and teaching of international law.

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Arab Law Quarterly: Celebrating 35 Years with free access to selected articles

Arab Law Quarterly, the leading English language scholarly publication on matters relating to the law of Arab states, will publish its 35th Volume in 2021. To celebrate this, five sets of seven articles, hand-picked from past volumes by Editor-in-Chief Haider Ala Hamoudi, will be available for free downloading during 2021.

New Series: International and Comparative Business Law and Public Policy

The Series offers an outlet for monographs and collective works making substantial contributions to interdisciplinary research.

Forthcoming: Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia (3 vols)

Incorporating the work of numerous leading scholars, the Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia provides a detailed description of the practice and implementation of international law in various Asian states. The Encyclopedia is also available online.

International Law

Secondary Sources Roberto Cortés Conde et al., Historia de las Instituciones Monetarias Argentinas (Buenos Aires: Temas. Asociación Argentina de Economía Política, 2014). María Elsa Uzal, “National Report on Argentina,” in Groups of Companies: A Comparative Law Overview (Cham: Springer, 2020).  Andrea Lucia Tapia-Hoffmann, Legal Certainty and Central Bank Autonomy in Latin American Emerging Markets (Cham: Springer, 2021). Subject Searches: Banking law--Argentina.Financial institutions--Law and legislation--Argentina.Banks and banking, Foreign--Law and legislation--Argentina.Nonbank financial institutions--Law and legislation--Argentina. Primary Sources [Law of Checks] Ley de Cheques, Ley 24.452, Boletín Oficial (02 Mar 1995). Compiled statutory text. Spanish. Translated: “Argentina: Law on Checks,” in RIA Worldwide Tax & Commercial Law -- Latin America (Thomson Reuters, 2024). Available on Checkpoint. English.  [Credit Cards Law] Tarjetas de Crédito, Ley 25.065, Boletín Oficial (14 Jan 1999). Compiled statutory text. Spanish.  [Law on Fixed Term Deposits] Ley de Depósitos a Plazo Fijo, Ley 20.663, Boletín Oficial (16 May 1974). Compiled statutory text. Spanish.  [Common Investment Funds] Fondos Comunes de Inversión, Ley 24.083, Boletín Oficial (18 Jun 1992). Compiled statutory text. Spanish.  [Reorganization of the Financial, Banking and Credit System] Reordenamiento del Sistema Financiero, Bancario y Crediticio, Decreto 1.316/2002, Boletín Oficial (24 Jul 2002). Compiled statutory text. Spanish.  [Financial Institutions Act] Ley de Entidades Financieras/Ley de Bancos, Ley 21.526, Boletín Oficial (21 Feb 1977). Compiled statutory text. Spanish.  [General Law of Companies] Ley de Sociedades Comerciales, Ley 19.550, Boletín Oficial (25 Apr 1972). Compiled statutory text. Spanish. The Title of this law was changed from Commercial Companies Act to General Law of Companies by item 2.1 of Annex II of Law 26,994, 10/8/2014. Translated: “Argentina: General Law of Companies,” in RIA Worldwide Tax & Commercial Law -- Latin America (Thomson Reuters, 2024). Available on Checkpoint. English.  [Organic Act of the Central Bank of Argentina ] Carta Orgánica del Banco Central de la República Argentina, Ley 24.144, Boletín Oficial (22 Oct 1992). Compiled statutory text. Spanish.  [Reforming of Mortgages] Sistema de Refinanciación Hipotecaria, Ley 25.798, Boletín Oficial (07 Nov 2003). Compiled statutory text. Spanish.  [Creating Insurance System for Bank Deposits] Creación del Sistema de Seguro de los Depósitos Bancarios, Ley 24.485, Boletín Oficial (18 Apr 1995). Compiled statutory text, Spanish.  [Bank Secrecy] Información Secreta para las Entidades Financieras, Ley 23.271, Boletín Oficial (27 Sep 1985). Compiled statutory text. Spanish.  [Adherence to the Multilateral Investment Fund III of the Inter-American Development Bank] Adhesión al Fondo Multilateral de Inversiones III del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Ley 27.698, Boletín Oficial (28 Nov 2022). Compiled statutory text. Spanish.