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Arab Law Quarterly: Celebrating 35 Years with free access to selected articles

Arab Law Quarterly, the leading English language scholarly publication on matters relating to the law of Arab states, will publish its 35th Volume in 2021. To celebrate this, five sets of seven articles, hand-picked from past volumes by Editor-in-Chief Haider Ala Hamoudi, will be available for free downloading during 2021.

New Series: International and Comparative Business Law and Public Policy

The Series offers an outlet for monographs and collective works making substantial contributions to interdisciplinary research.

Forthcoming: Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia (3 vols)

Incorporating the work of numerous leading scholars, the Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia provides a detailed description of the practice and implementation of international law in various Asian states. The Encyclopedia is also available online.

Secondary Sources International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation, “Chile” (profile updated 16 Jun 2016). International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation, “Financial report filing requirements around the world: Chile” (profile updated Feb 2018). Digna Azúa & Verónica Pizarro, “Chile. Adopting the IFRS in Chile: Influences on companies and the capital market,” in IFRS in a global world (Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2016), 343–57. DOI: Sakthi Mahenthiran, Berta Silva Palavecinos & Hanns De La Fuente-Mella, “The effect of board links, audit partner tenure, and related party transactions on misstatements: Evidence from Chile,” International journal of financial studies 8, 4 (2020): 78–99. DOI: International Federation of Accountants, “Chile” (methodology updated Nov 2022). Contains an overview of the statutory framework for accounting and auditing. Arnolfo Composto Canales, Manual de contabilidad para abogados, 2nd ed. (Santiago: Editorial Jurídica de Chile, 2021). Spanish. Colegio de Contadores de Chile (CCCH). Website for the CCCH, which includes access to norms, publications, news, and videos related to accounting and auditing in Chile. Spanish. Subject Searches: Tax accounting--Law and legislation--Chile.Corporations--Accounting--Law and legislation--Chile.Corporations--Auditing--Law and legislation--Chile.Auditing, Internal--Law and legislation--Chile. Primary Sources Note: The [Chilean Institute of Accountants] Colegio de Contadores de Chile (CCCH) sets accounting and auditing standards for otherwise non-regulated entities in Chile. The CCCH has adopted the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Chilean [Generally Accepted Auditing Standards] Normas de Auditoría Generalmente Acceptadas (NAGAS). The [Financial Market Commission] Comisión para el Mercado Financiero (CMF) sets accounting, financial reporting, and auditing standards for entities under its supervision. [Law no. 13,011, Creates an institution with legal personality called the Institute of Accountants] Ley no. 13,011, Crea una institución con personalidad jurídica denominada Colegio de Contadores, 13 Sep 1958, DO, 29 Sep 1958, no. 24,155, pp. 1–3. BCN: Creates and empowers the Chilean Institute of Accountants to denote accounting and auditing standards for otherwise non-regulated entities.  [Law no. 18,046, Law on companies] Ley no. 18,046, Ley sobre sociedades anónimas, 21 Oct 1981, DO, 22 Oct 1981, no. 31,096, pp. 6–17. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). Translated: “Law no. 18,046,” RIA Worldwide tax & commercial law -- Latin America (Checkpoint, 2023). https://checkpoint-riag-com. English. Contains the financial reporting requirements for all Chilean companies.  [Decree law no. 3,538, Creates the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance] Decreto ley no. 3,538, Crea la Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros, 09 Dec 1980, DO, 23 Dec 1980, no. 30,847, pp. 1–4. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). Modified by: [Law no. 21,000, Creates the Financial Market Commission] Ley no. 21,000, Crea la Comisión para el Mercado Financiero, 10 Feb 2016, DO, 23 Feb 2017, no. 41,692, pp. 1–36. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). Translated: [Decree law no. 3,538, as amended to Law no. 21,130] ón para el Mercado Financiero (CMS). English.  [Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) Corresponding to 2023] Normas de Auditoría Generalmente Acceptadas (NAGAS) Correspondientes a 2023 (Santiago: Colegio de Contadores de Chile, 2022). Available in sections on the CCCH website under “Normas de Auditoría” then “Auditoría” (Spanish).  [International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)] Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera (NIIF) (2016—). Available on the CCCH website under “Normas Contables,” including the separate norms for [small- and medium-sized entities] pequeñas y medianas entidades (PYMES or EPYMS). The IFRS are available in English on the IFRS Foundation’s website with a free registration at  [Compendium of Accounting Norms for Banks] Compendio de Normas Contables para Bancos, (2022 ed.). Consolidated through Circular no. 2,323 (21 Oct 2022). 2021%20de%20octubre,la%20utilizaci%C3%B3n%20del%20peso%20chileno%20en%20operaciones%20trasfronterizas. Contains the CMF’s accounting rules for banks. For the current and earlier editions of the compendium and related guidance, see the CMF’s website at 

Secondary Sources Gabriel Bocksang Hola, “Tradition and renewal of administrative ex ante controls of legality: The case of toma de razón in Chile,” in Comparative perspectives on administrative procedure (Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2017), 87–104. José A. Hernandez-Riera, “The role of the judiciary fighting ‘the right to be ignorant’ in environmental administrative proceedings in Chile,” Comparative law review 24 (2018): 11–44. DOI: Jorge Contesse, “Exceptional regulations for an exceptional moment: The law and politics of COVID-19 in Chile,” Administrative law review 73, 1 (2021): 121–37. Susan Alberts, Mireya Dávila & Arturo Valenzuela, “Modernizing the state to strengthen democracy: Public sector reforms in Chile,” in The Emerald handbook of public administration in Latin America (Bingley, UK: Emerald, 2021), 81–114. Detailed overview of the Chilean administrative state and accompanying norms. OECD, “Chile,” in OECD regulatory policy outlook 2021 (Paris: OECD Publishing, 2021). OECD, Enhancing the oversight impact of Chile’s supreme audit institution: Applying behavioral insights for public integrity (Paris: OECD Publishing, 2022). DOI: Also available in Spanish. Alejandro Vergara Blanco, Derecho administrativo: Identidad y transformaciones (Santiago: Ediciones UC, 2018). Spanish. José Miguel Valdivia, Manual de derecho administrativo (Valencia, Spain: Tirant lo Blanch, 2018). Spanish. Alejandro Guzmán Brito, La interpretación administrativa en el derecho Chileno, 2nd ed. (Santiago: Thomson Reuters, 2019). Spanish. Eduardo Cordero Quinzacara, “Los reglamentos como fuente del derecho administrativo y su control jurisdiccional,” Ius et Praxis 25, 1 (Apr 2019): 285–334. DOI: Spanish. Diego Miranda Reyes & Javier Valdés Torres, Formularios básicos de las relaciones de los cuidadanos con la administración del estado (Valencia, Spain: Tirant lo Blanch, 2022). Spanish. Enrique Silva Cimma, Derecho administrativo Chileno y comparado: Actos, contractos y bienes, 2d ed. (Santiago: Ediciones Jurídicas de Santiago, 2023). Spanish. Subject Searches: Administrative law--Chile.Administrative procedure--Chile. Primary Sources Note: Since the end of the Pinochet dictatorship, the Chilean government has promulgated a plethora of norms aimed at strengthening the citizenry’s engagement with the public sector and improving the transparency of government actions and civil service hiring. To this end, the Chilean government hosts and maintains a variety of websites designed to promote citizen interaction with the various administrative agencies (e.g., ChileAtiende). See also the BCN’s compilation of norms on [Government and State] Gobierno y Estado at (Spanish).   [Decree with force of law no. 29, Sets the consolidated, coordinated and systemized text of Law no. 18,834, On the Administrative Statute] Decreto con fuerza de ley no. 29, Fija texto refundido, coordinado y sistemizado de la Ley no. 18,834, Sobre Estatuto Administrativo, 16 Jun 2004, DO, 16 Mar 2005, no. 38,112, pp. 3–22. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated).  [Decree with force of law no. 1/19,653, Sets the consolidated, coordinated and systemized text of Law no. 18,575, Organic constitutional law on the general bases of state administration] Decreto confuerza de ley no. 1/19,653, Fija texto refundido, coordinado y sistemizado de la Ley no. 18,575, Leyorgánica constitucional de bases generales de la administración del estado, 13 Dec 2000, DO, 17 Nov 2001, no. 37,113, pp. 2–7. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated).  [Law no. 19,886, Basic law on administrative contracts for the supply and provision of services] Ley no. 19,886, Ley de bases sobre contratos administrativos de suministro y prestación de servicios, 11 Jul 2003, DO, 30 Jul 2003, no. 37,622, pp. 2–5. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). Regulated by: [Decree no. 250, Regulation of Law no. 19,886, Basic law on administrative contracts for the supply and provision of services] Decreto no. 250, Reglamento de la Ley no. 19,886, de bases sobre contratos administrativos de suministro y prestación de servicios. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). Modified by: [Law no. 21,634, Modernizes Law no. 19,886 and other laws, to improve the quality of public spending, increase standards of probity and transparency, and introduce circular economy principles in government procurement] Ley no. 21,634, Moderniza la Ley no. 19.886 y otras leyes, para mejorar la calidad del gasto público, aumentar los estándares de probidad y transparencia e introducir principios de economía circular en las compras del estado, 28 Nov 2023, DO, 11 Dec 2023, no. 43,722, pp. 1–42 (Sección I). BCN: Law no. 21,634, will go into force on 12 Dec 2024.  [Law no. 20,285, On access to public information] Ley no. 20,285, Sobre acceso a la información pública, 11 Aug 2008, DO, 20 Aug 2008, no. 39,142, pp. 3–8.   BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). Regulates the principle of transparency of public administration, access to information on state administrative bodies, procedures for accessing that information, and exceptions to sharing that information with the public. More on the “Transparency Law” is available in both Spanish and English at the website of the [Transparency Council] Consejo para la Transparencia. See also the related [Transparency Portal] Portal de Transparencia (Spanish).  [Law no. 20,500, On associations and citizen participation in public management] Ley no. 20,500, Sobre asociaciones y participación cuidadana en la gestión pública, 04 Feb 2011, DO, 16 Feb 2011, no. 39,887, pp. 2–10 (Cuerpo I). BCN: Establishes definitions and mechanisms to form civil society councils and defines ways in which these entities participate in the management of public authorities.  [Law no. 19,880, Establishes the bases of the administrative procedures that govern the acts of  state administration bodies] Ley no. 19,880,Establece bases de los procedimientos administrativos que rigen los actos de los órganos de la administración del estado, 22 May 2003, DO, 29 May 2003, no. 37,570, pp. 2–6. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). Modified by: [Law no. 21,180, Digital transformation of the state] Ley no. 21,180, Transformación digital del estado, 25 Oct 2019, DO, 11 Nov 2019, no. 42,499, pp. 1–11 (Sección I). BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). The law’s purpose is to carry out a digital transformation of the state, incorporating support and electronic processing in administrative procedures and document management.  [Law no. 21,592, Establishes a protection statute for the whistleblower] Ley no. 21,592, Establece un estatuto de protección en favor del denunciante, 10 Aug 2023, DO, 21 Aug 2023, no. 43,632, pp. 1–12. (Sección 1). BCN: Creates an electronic platform where any person can report facts constituting disciplinary infractions or administrative offenses, including acts of corruption, which affect, or may affect, public property or resources. The whistleblower’s identity is protected.

Secondary Sources Ricardo Rozas, “Chile: Part 1. Arrest of Vessels” (2020), in Maritime law handbook (Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, 1987—). Available in Kluwer Law Online. Roy S. Lee, New directions in the law of the sea: Regional and national developments (Eagan, MN: West/Thomson Reuters, 2011—). Updated semiannually. Provides guidance on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and English-language translations of notable related documents in the Chilean context, including statements and declarations. Caterina Milo, “Obligation to negotiate access to the Pacific Ocean (Bolivia v. Chile),” in The Max Planckencyclopedia of public international law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008—). Available on Oxford Public International Law. Julio Faúndez, The International Court of Justice and maritime disputes: The case of Chile and Peru (Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge, 2019). Aniekan Akpan, “Republic of Chile: Decreto ley 2222 of 1978 and Decreto ley 3059 of 1979,” in Maritime cabotage law (Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge, 2019). Leslie Tomasello Weitz, “Chile,” in Shipping laws and regulations 2023, International Comparative Legal Guides (London: Global Legal Group, 2023). Ricardo Sandoval López, Derecho comercial, tomo X (Santiago: Editorial Jurídica de Chile, 2019). Spanish. Provides a comprehensive overview of navigation and maritime law as it appears in Book III of the Chilean Commercial Code and in international norms. Subject Searches: Maritime law--Chile.Admiralty--Chile.Foreign trade regulation--Law and legislation--Chile.Law of the sea--Chile. Primary Sources Note: Maritime law is an important component of the Chilean legal system given the country’s claim to thousands of miles of ocean territory, the crucial role of maritime activity in Chile’s economy, and the country’s commitment to establishing marine-protected areas. It should be noted that Chile is a party to a number of maritime treaties, including the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the UN Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea (the “Hamburg Rules”). Chile has also been a state party in several transnational maritime disputes brought to international tribunals.   [Decree law no. 2,222, Substitutes the Law of Navigation] Decreto ley no. 2,222, Sustituye Ley de Navigación, 21 May 1978, DO, 31 May 1978, no. 29,977, pp. 1–10. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated).  [Commercial Code] Código de Comercio, promulgated 23 Nov 1865. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). Incorporates [Law no. 18,680, Replaces Book III, “Of Maritime Commerce,” of the Commercial Code, modifies Decree law no. 2,222, of 1978, the Codes of Commerce and Civil Procedure; and repeals Law no. 3,500] Ley no. 18,680, Sustituye Libro III, “Del Comercio Maritimo,” del Código de Comercio, modifica el Decreto ley no. 2,222, de 1978, los Códigos de Comercio y de Procedimiento Civil; y deroga la Ley no. 3,500, 22 Dec 1987, DO, 11 Jan 1988, no. 32,966, pp. 1–19. Errors rectified in DO, 20 Jan 1988, no. 32,974, p. 1. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). Translated: “Commercial Code,” RIA Worldwide tax & commercial Law – Latin America (Checkpoint, 2023). https://checkpoint-riag-com. English. See Libro III [On Navigation and Maritime Commerce] De la Navegación y el Comercio Marítimos of the Commercial Code.  [Decree law no. 3,059, Law for the promotion of the Merchant Marine] Decreto ley no. 3,059, Ley de fomento a la Marina Mercante, 21 Dec 1979, DO, 22 Dec 1979, no. 30,546, pp. 5–6. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated).  [Normative Framework] Marco Normativo, Armada de Chile, DirecteMar, Comprehensive collection of maritime laws, regulations, and international treaties posted on the website of the [General Directorate of Maritime Territory and Merchant Marine] Dirección General del Territorio Marítimo y de Marina Mercante.

Secondary Sources Jorge Andrés Cruz Silva & David Andrés Mayorga Naranjo, “Drone ethics and legal regulation, comparative drone law in Latin American countries,” in The politics of technology in Latin America (Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge, 2021), Vol. 2. Annette Froehlich, Diego Alonso Amante Soria & Ewerton De Marchi, “Chile,” in Space supporting Latin America, Studies in space policy,(Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2020), Vol. 25, 275–303. DOI: Annette Froehlich & Diego Alonso Amante Soria, A regional space agency for Latin America: Legal and political perspectives, Studies in space policy (Cham, Switzerland: Springer 2021), Vol. 32. DOI: Francisco Prat, “Chile,” in Aviation laws and regulations 2023, International Comparative Legal Guides (London: Global Legal Group, 2023). “Chile” in Getting the deal through: Aviation transport (London: Law Business Research, regularly updated). Available on Bloomberg Law, Lexology, and Lexis. Marcelo Villena, Rodrigo Harrison & Mauricio G. Villena, “Impacto económico de la política de acuerdos de cielos abiertos en Chile,” Revista de análisis económico 23, 1 (2008): 107–49. Spanish. Hugo Camus Palacios, Katherine Holz Burgos & Mónica Ventura Alcaíno, AstronáuticaChile. Spanish. Website devoted to aeronautics in Chile, which includes a detailed overview of the history of Chilean aviation and its legal framework. Subject Searches: Aeronautics, Commercial--Chile.Aeronautics--Law and legislation--Chile. Primary Sources Note: Chile is a party to several international air and space treaties, including the Convention on International Civil Aviation and the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air (the “Warsaw Convention”) and its Protocol (the “Hague Protocol”). The two authorities that regulate Chilean aviation are the [General Directorate of Civil Aereonautics] Dirección General de AereonáuticaCivil (DGAC) and the [Civil Aeronautics Board] Junta de Aeronáutica Civil (JAC). [Law no. 18,916, Approves the Aeronautics Code] Ley no. 18,916, Aprueba Código Aeronáutico, 19 Jan 1990, DO, 08 Feb 1990, no. 33,591, pp. 1–9. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). Modified by: [Law no. 21,610, Modifies the Aeronautics Code to require the list of passengers in national air transport] Ley no. 21,610, Modifica el Código Aeronáutico para hacer exigible el listado de pasajeros en el transporte aéreo nacional, 14 Sep 2023, DO, 22 Sep 2023 (Sección I). BCN: Modifies the Aeronautics Code to include among the documentation that must be carried by all aircraft flying over national territory, the list of passengers, indicating their names, places of embarkment, and destination.  [Law no. 16,752, Sets the organization and functions and establishes the general provisions of the General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics] Ley no. 16,752, Fija organización y funciones y establece disposiciones generales a la Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil, 30 Jan 1968, DO, 17 Feb 1968, no. 26,971, pp. 1–3. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated).  [Decree law no. 2,564, Issues regulations on commercial aviation, modifies Decrees with force of law numbers 221, of 1931, and 241, of 1960, and repeals the indicated provisions] Decreto ley no. 2,564, Dicta normas sobre aviación comercial, modifica los Decretos con fuerza de ley números 221, de 1931, y 241, de 1960, y deroga los preceptos que señala, 21 Mar 1979, DO, 22 Jun 1979, no. 30,395, pp. 1–2. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). Known as the [“Open Skies”] “Cielos Abiertos” law. Permits new national and foreign airlines to operate in Chile.  [Aeronautics Norms] Normas Aeronáuticas (DAN).  Aeronautics Norms (DAN) are provisions that the DGAC issues to regulate matters of a technical or operational nature to protect air safety.  [Aeronautics Regulations] Reglamentos Aeronáuticas (DAR).  Provisions that establish general regulatory standards aimed at providing safety and various services to air navigation. Their numbering and format are derived from the Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.  [Procedure for Registering an RPA (Remotely Piloted Aircraft)] Procedimiento para Registro RPA, Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil, Departamento Seguridad Operacional, Subdepartamento Aeronavegabilidad, 15 Mar 2023.  Procedure for registering drones.  [Decree no. 814, Promulgates the Convention on the Registration of Objects Launched into Space] Decreto no. 814, Promulga el Convenio sobre Registro de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre, 22 Sep 1981, DO, 17 Nov 1981, no. 31,118, pp. 1–2. BCN:  [Decree no. 11, Establishes the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space] Decreto no. 11, Establece el Registro de Objectos Espaciales Lanzados en Órbita Terrestre o más allá de ella, 16 Feb 2015, DO, 08 Aug 2015, no. 41,228, pp. 1–2. BCN:  [Decree no. 76, Promulgates an agreement on the Salvage and Return of Astronauts and Restitution of Objects Launched into Space] Decreto no. 76, Promulga acuerdo sobre Salvamento y la Restitución de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre, 25 Jan 1982,  DO, 31 Mar 1982, no. 31,230, pp. 1–2. BCN:

Secondary Sources Council on Hemispheric Affairs, “Juntos podemos? Together we CAN: Chile and the Andean Community’s quest for free trade” (17 Jul 2007). Bartłomiej Różycki, “Together we CAN! … or CAN’T? A struggling détente between the Andean Community and Chile and (lost) opportunities of a strategic partnership,” in States, internationalorganizations and strategic partnerships (Cheltenham, England: Elgar, 2019), 466–86. DOI: María Gabriela Rho, “Visiones políticas y perspectivas de Mercosur, CAN y Unasur en la construcción de una ciudadanía regional (2002–2016),” Estudios fronterizos 19, e015 (2018). DOI: Spanish. Subject Searches: Foreign economic relations--Chile.Economic integration--Chile.Free trade--Chile.Foreign relations--21st century--Chile.Non-state actors (International relations)--Chile.International agencies--Chile.Regionalism--Chile. Primary Sources Note: Chile was one of the founding members of the 1969 Andean Pact (now the Andean Community), but it left the trade group in 1976. Chile rejoined the Andean Community as an associate member in 2006.   [Andean Subregional Integration Agreement (Cartagena Agreement)] Acuerdo de Integración Subregional Andino (Acuerdo de Cartagena), 26 May 1969. Translated:World Bank, English.  [Decree law no. 1,641, Approves the additional Protocol to the Cartagena Agreement] Decreto ley no. 1,641, Aprueba Protocolo adicional al Acuerdo de Cartagena, 30 Dec 1976, DO, 03 Jan 1977, no. 29,648, pp. 1–2. BCN:  [Decree law no. 1,642, Repeals the legal provisions as indicated] Decreto ley no. 1,642, Deroga disposiciones legales que indica, 30 Dec 1976, DO 03 Jan 1977, no. 29,648, pp. 1–2. BCN: Repeals: [Decree no. 428, Provides for the implementation and enforcement of the Subregional Integration Agreement] Decreto no. 428, Dispone la aplicación y cumplimiento del Acuerdo de Integración Subregional, 30 Jun 1969, DO, 27 Aug 1969, no. 27,431, pp. 1–9. BCN:  [Decision 645 - Granting of the Status of Associate Member Country of the Andean Community to the Republic of Chile] Decisión 645 - Otorgamiento de la condición de País Miembro Asociado de la Comunidad Andina a la República de Chile, Gaceta Oficial del Acuerdo de Cartagena, 21 Sep 2006, no. 1,401, año XXIII, pp. 2–3. Translated:Law & Business News of the Americas 13, 1 (2007): 263–64. English.

Secondary Sources World Animal Protection, “Animal Protection Index: Chile” (2020). Stéphanie Ghislain & Daniel Pérez Vega, “Briefing: Chile, animal protection in EU trade negotiations,” Eurogroup for Animals (2021). Includes a description of Chilean animal welfare legislation. Reinaldo Letelier González et al., “Factors related to animal welfare in the commercialization of bovine livestock according to the Chilean legislation: A review,” Open access journal of biomedical science 3, 6 (2021): 1421–26. DOI:   Elena Garde et al., “A review and analysis of the national dog population management program in Chile,” Animals 12, 3 (2022): 228–48. DOI: Macarena Montes Franceschini, Derecho animal en Chile (Santiago: Libromar, 2018). Spanish. Israel González Marino, coord., Discusiones y desafíos en torno al derecho animal (Santiago: Ediciones Jurídicas de Santiago, 2018). Spanish. Equipo de Protección Animal Chile, “Guía de cómo denunciar los casos de maltrato animal en Chile” (Jul 2016, updated Mar 2019). Spanish. Lucy Margarita Villafañe-Ferrer, Doris Esther Gómez-Camargo & Rubén Dario Gómez-Arias, “Normativas para la protección de mascotas: Situación de Colombia, Chile, Uruguay y México,” Revista MVZ Córdoba 25, 2 (May–Aug 2020): e1609. DOI: Spanish. Alfonso Henríquez Ramírez, “El principio de protección del bienestar animal: Elementos para su configuración en el derecho Chileno,” Revista bioética y derecho no. 53 (2021): 235–52. DOI: Spanish. Subject Searches: Animal welfare--Law and legislation--Chile.Farm management--Chile.Animal welfare--Moral and ethical aspects--Chile.Animal rights--Chile. Primary Sources [Decree with force of law no. 1, Sets the consolidated, coordinated and systemized text of the Civil Code; of Law no. 4,808, On civil registration, Law no. 17,344, which authorizes the change of names and surnames, of Law no. 16,618, Law of juveniles, of Law no. 14,908, On family abandonment and alimony, and of Law no. 16,271, On taxing inheritance, assignments and donations] Decreto con la fuerza de ley no. 1, Fija el texto refundido, coordinado y sistematizado del Código Civil; de la Ley no. 4,808, Sobre registro civil, de la Ley no. 17,344, que autoriza cambio de nombres y apellidos, de la Ley no. 16,618, Ley de menores, de la Ley no. 14,908, Sobre abandono de familia y pago de pensiones alimenticias, y de la Ley no. 16,271, De impuesto a las herencias, asignaciones y donaciones, 16 May 2000, DO, 30 May 2000, no. 36,676, pp. 1–80 (Segundo Cuerpo). BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). Translated: Julio Romaach, Jr., trans., Civil Code of Chile, 4th ed. (Baton Rouge: Lawrence Publishing, 2022). English. See article 567 of the Civil Code, which treats animals as property and as movable assets in contrast to Law no. 20,380 (below).  [Law no. 20,380, On the protection of animals] Ley no. 20,380, Sobre protección de animales, 11 Sep 2009, DO, 03 Oct 2009, no. 39,477, pp. 3–5. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). Recognizes animals as sentient beings that should be protected from unnecessary suffering and addresses such areas as animal transportation, testing, and slaughter. At the time of this writing, a bill had been introduced in the Chilean [Chamber of Deputies] Cámara de Diputadas y Diputados to amend Law no. 20,380, to also protect animals that participate in sports. See  [Law no. 21,020, On the responsible ownership of pets and companion animals] Ley no. 21,020, Sobre tenencia responsable de mascotas y animales de compañia, 19 Jul 2017, DO, 02 Aug 2017, no. 41,824, pp. 1–10 (Sección I). BCN:  [Decree no. 28, Approves the regulation on the protection of animals that provide meat, leather, feathers and other products at the time of processing in industrial establishments] Decreto no. 28, Aprueba reglamento sobre protección de los animales que provean de carne, pieles, plumas y otros productos al momento del beneficio en establecimientos industriales, 05 Jun 2012, DO, 30 May 2013, no. 40,571, pp. 16–22 (Primer Cuerpo). BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated).  [Decree no. 29, Approves the regulation on the protection of animals during their industrial production, their marketing and in other premises that maintain animals] Decreto no. 29, Aprueba reglamento sobre protección de los animales durante su producción industrial, su comercialización y en otros recintos de mantención de animales, 05 Jun 2012, DO, 24 May 2013, no. 40,566, pp. 9–12 (Primer Cuerpo). BCN:  [Decree no. 30, Approves the regulation on the protection of livestock during transport] Decreto no. 30, Aprueba reglamento sobre protección del ganado durante el transporte, 05 Jun 2012, DO, 16 May 2013, no. 40,560, pp. 10–14 (Primer Cuerpo). BCN:

Secondary Sources Francisco Agüero, “Chilean antitrust policy: Some lessons behind its success,” Law and contemporaryproblems 79, 4 (2016): 123–54. Claudio Lizana & Fabián Piedra (Carey y Cía); Jaime Barahona Urzúa and Tomás Kubick Orrego (Guerrero Olivos), “Chile: Overview of antitrust law in Chile,” Mondaq (2016).,in%20Chile.%20Home%20Latin%20America%20Chile%20Antitrust%2FCompetition%20Law. Ignacio Errazquin & Rodrigo Campero, “Antitrust law and legislation in Chile during COVID-19,” CMS (May 18, 2020). “Chile,” in Getting the deal through: Competition compliance (London: Law Business Research, regularly updated). Available on Bloomberg Law, Lexology, and LexisNexis.   Umut Aydin, “Attitudes toward collusion in Chile,” Journal of competition law & economics 17, 1 (Mar 2021): 168–93. DOI: Umit Aydin & Nicolás Figueroa, “The Chilean anti-cartel experience: Accomplishments and challenges,” Review of industrial organization 54, 2 (2019): 327–52. DOI: Francisco Eduardo Beneke Avila, Market entry and competition law in Latin America: The role of economic development in antitrust analysis (Berlin: Springer, 2021). DOI: Includes an analysis of competition jurisprudence from Chile. Global Competition Review: Chile. Available from GCR database. David López Jiménez, “The self-regulation of electronic commerce: An appraisal in accordance to the Chilean law of unfair competition,” International journal of science and society 3, 2 (2021): 88–97. DOI: Juan Cristóbal Gumucio Schönthaler & Cristóbal Lema Abarca, “Competition law in Chile,” in Competition law in Latin America: A practical guide, 2d ed. (Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, 2022). “Competition law in Chile: Overview,” Practical law global (Thomson Reuters, regularly updated). Available on Westlaw. Umut Aydin, “Embracing policy innovations from abroad: The role of learning in Chile’s anti-cartel reforms,” Policy & politics 51, 2 (2023): 250–70. DOI: Patricio Bernedo, Historia de la libre competencia en Chile: 1959–2010 (Santiago: Fiscal Nacional Económica, 2013). Spanish. María Fernanda Juppet Ewing & Joaquín Morales Godoy, La colusión en Chile: Análisis doctrinario y jurisprudencial (Santiago: Thomson Reuters, 2018). Spanish. Roberto Contreras Marín & Zenobio Saldivia Maldonado, “Colusión y regulación, una visión histórica (1973–2018): El caso de Chile,” Revista Chilena de economía y sociedad (Nov 2021): 65–84. Spanish. Subject Searches: Antitrust law--Chile.Competition--Chile.Monopolies--Chile. Primary Sources Note: The [National Economic Prosecutor] Fiscalía Nacional Económica (FNE) is Chile’s antitrust watchdog that brings cases to the [Court for the Defense of Free Competition] Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia. Some of the FNE’s content is available in English at   [Decree with force of law no. 1, Sets the consolidated, coordinated and systemized text of Decree law no. 211, of 1973] Decreto con fuerza de ley no. 1, Fija el texto refundido, coordinado y sistematizado del Decreto ley no. 211, de 1973, 18 Oct 2004, DO, 07 Mar 2005, no. 38,104, pp. 2–7. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). Modified by: [Law no. 20,945, Enhances the defense of the free competition system] Ley no. 20,945, Perfecciona el sistema de defensa de la libre competencia, 19 Aug 2016, DO, 30 Aug 2016, no. 41,546, pp. 1–17 (Sección I). BCN: Translated:Fiscalía Nacional Económica (FNE), (current through the incorporation of Law no. 20,945). English.  [Law no. 19,911, Creates the Court for the Defense of Free Competition] Ley no. 19,911, Crea el Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia, 20 Oct 2003, DO, 14 Nov 2003, no. 37,710, pp. 2–6. BCN: The website of the Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia (TDLC) provides access to related norms (under “Normativa”) and the TDLC’s jurisprudence (under “Jurisprudencia”) (Spanish).  [Law no. 20,169, Regulates unfair competition] Ley no. 20,169, Regula la competencia desleal, 02 Feb 2007, DO, 16 Feb 2007, no. 38,691, p. 4. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated).  Fiscalía Nacional Económica, [Guidelines on Competition] Guía de Competencia (Jun 2017).  Fiscalía Nacional Económica, [Guidelines for the Analysis of Vertical Restraints] Guía para el Análisis deRestricciones Verticales (Jun 2014).  Fiscalía Nacional Económica, [Horizontal Merger Guidelines] Guía para el Análisis de Operaciones de Concentraciones Horizontales (May 2022). Translated:Fiscalía Nacional Económica, English.  Fiscalía Nacional Económica, [Internal Guidelines on Leniency in Cartel Cases] Guía Interna sobre Delación Compensada en Casos de Colusión (Mar 2017). Translated:Fiscalía​ Nacional Económica, English.  Fiscalía Nacional Económica, [Guidelines on Remedies] Guía de Remedios (Jun 2017). Translated:Fiscalía Nacional Económica, English.  Fiscalía Nacional Económica, [Internal Guidelines for the Filing of Complaints for the Crime of Collusion] Guía Interna para la Interposición de Querellas por el Delito de Colusión (Jun 2018).  Fiscalía Nacional Económica, [Internal Guidelines for the National Competition Agency’s Requests for Fines] Guía Interna para Solicitudes de Multa de la Fiscal Nacional Económica (Aug 2019).  Fiscalía Nacional Económica, [Practical Guidelines for the Application of Notification Thresholds for Mergers in Chile] Guía Práctica para la Aplicación de Umbrales de Notificación de Operaciones de Concentración en Chile (Aug 2019).

Secondary Sources Karina Cherro Varela, “The new Chilean arbitration law: Will Chile become a new international arbitration venue?” Max Planck yearbook of United Nations law 10, 1 (2006): 681–729. Fernando Jamarne, Nicolás Miranda & Sofía Haupt, “Chile,” in Interim measures ininternational arbitration (Huntington, NY: Juris, 2014), 137–60.   Gonzalo Vial & Francisco Blavi, “Santiago as a seat for international commercial arbitration,” Oregon review of international law 18, 1 (2016): 25–50. Orlando Palominos Aravena, “Analysis of Chilean case law on the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards,” Revista Chilena de derecho 45, 2 (2018): 381–405. Jana Andrés, “Chile,” in Arbitration law and practice in Latin America (Huntington, NY: Juris, 2019). Jana L. Andrés, “National report for Chile,” in ICCA international handbook on commercial arbitration (Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, 2020). Available on Kluwer Arbitration. Rodrigo Campero & Stephan Lührmann, “International arbitration law and rules in Chile,” CMS (03 Nov 2021). Francesco Campora Gatica & Juan Pablo Letelier Ballocchi, “Challenging and enforcing arbitral awards: Chile,” Global arbitration review. Available on GAR database. Andrés Jana et al., “Chile,” in International arbitration 2023, Chambers global practice guide (last updated 24 Aug 2023). José Astigarraga, The guide to international arbitration in Latin America (London: Law Business Research, 2022). María Fernanda Vásquez Palma, Tratado de arbitraje en Chile. Arbitraje interno e internacional (Santiago: Thomson Reuters, 2018). Spanish. Eduardo Jequier Lehuedé, El arbitraje en el derecho Chileno de sociedades comerciales (Santiago: Thomson Reuters, 2020). Spanish. Juan Eduardo Figueroa Valdés & Macarena Letelier Velasco, “El arbitraje doméstico e internacional en Chile y su jurisprudencia,” in Arbitraje y constitución (Asociación Latinoamericana de Arbitraje, 2020), Vol. 8, 126–59. Spanish. Santiago Talero Rueda, Arbitraje internacional comercial. Instituciones básicas y derecho aplicable, 2d ed. (Bogotá: Tirant lo Blanch, 2022). Spanish. Subject Searches: Commercial arbitration--Chile.Arbitration and award--Chile. Primary Sources [Law no. 19,971, On international commercial arbitration] Ley no. 19,971, Sobre arbitraje comercial internacional, 10 Sep 2004, DO, 29 Sep 2004, no. 37,973, pp. 2–4. BCN: Translated: “Law No. 19.971 on International Commercial Arbitration,” in ICCA International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration (ICCA & Kluwer Law International, 2023), Supplement No. 52, Jun 2008, pp. 1-12. Available on Kluwer Arbitration.  Based on the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration.  [Statutes of the Santiago Arbitration and Mediation Centre, Santiago Chamber of Commerce (CAM)] Estatutos del Centro de Arbitraje y Mediación de Santiago (CAM), Cámara de Comercio de Santiago (15 Dec 2021). CAM is the leading arbitral body in Chile. Its current rules are posted on its website along with other useful information about arbitration in Chile. Some material is available in English.  [Law no. 1,552, Code of Civil Procedure] Ley no. 1,552, Código de Procedimiento Civil, 28 Aug 1902, DO, 30 Aug 1902, no. 7,340, pp. 2–3. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). See Título VIII [On the Arbitral Judgment] Del Juicio Arbitral.  [Law no. 7,421, Organic Code of Courts] Ley no. 7,421, Código Orgánico de Tribunales, 15 Jun 1943, DO, 09 Jul 1943, no. 19,610, p. 1. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). See Título IX [On Judicial Arbitrators] De los Jueces Árbitros.  [Decree with force of law no. 1, Sets the consolidated, coordinated and systemized text of the Labor Code] Decreto con fuerza de ley no. 1, Fija el texto refundido, coordinado y sistematizado del Código del Trabajo, 31 Jul 2002, DO, 16 Jan 2003, no. 37,460, pp. 5–45. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated).Libro IV covers collective negotiation, and Título VII within Libro IV covers mediation, labor mediation of collective disputes, and arbitration. For a compilation of norms on labor mediation, see the BCN’s collection at  [Law no. 19,966, Establishes a regime of health guarantees] Ley no. 19,966, Establece un régimen de garantías en salud, 25 Aug 2004, DO, 03 Sep 2004, no. 37,953, pp. 3–7. BCN: See Título II, pár. II [On mediation] De la mediación. For a compilation of norms related to health mediation, see the BCN’s collection at

Secondary Sources Caterina Preda, “Art should be apolitical: Official art in Chile,” in Art and politics under moderndictatorships (Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017). DOI: Terri Gordon-Zolov, “The Chilean state seeks to ban the poets,” NACLAreport on the Americas (25 Oct 2020). Terri Gordon-Zolov & Eric Zolov, The walls of Santiago: Social revolution and political aesthetics incontemporary Chile (New York: Berghan, 2022). DOI: Felipe Montero Morales et al., Legislación cultural Chilena (Santiago: Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes, Jan 2014). Spanish. Carolina Benavente Morales, “La investigación artística en el debate constituyente Chileno: Crónica (1),” Journal of artistic research (JAR online) (29 Sep 2021). DOI: Spanish. Plataforma de artes visuales, “Cabildo de artes visuales–Chile” (Centro Cultural Matucama 100, Santiago, 15 Nov 2019). Spanish. This is a document produced after a “town hall” event in Santiago on the visual arts. It includes discussions on how Chile’s new constitution should incorporate various creative and artistic rights, including artistic expression. Subject Searches: Law and art--Chile. Primary Sources Note: The [Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage] Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio has a robust website (Spanish). There are also a number of associations dedicated to the arts in Chile. The BCN has compiled norms related to culture at (Spanish).   [Decree no. 100, Sets the consolidated, coordinated and systemized text of the Constitution of Chile] Decreto no. 100, Fija el texto refundido, coordinado y sistematizado de la Constitución Política de la República de Chile, 17 Sep 2005, DO, 22 Sep 2005, no. 38,268, pp. 5–26. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). Translated:         --  “Chile,” in World constitutions illustrated (HeinOnline). (current to Law no. 21,626, of 2023; includes changes made for the second rewrite). English.      --  Chile 1980 (rev. 2021), Constitute Project, (revised 2021; does not include changes made for the second rewrite). English.      --  “Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile: August 8, 1980 (as amended to August 18, 2005),” in Oxford constitutions of the world (Oxford University Press, 2005). English.    Article 19(25) of the 1980 Constitution guarantees “the freedom to create and disseminate the arts, as well as the right of the author over his intellectual and artistic creations of any kind.”  [Law no. 17,236, Approves norms that favor the exercise and diffusion of the arts] Ley no. 17,236, Aprueba normas que favorecen el ejercicio y difusión de las artes, 12 Nov 1969, DO, 21 Nov 1969, no. 27,502, pp. 2–3. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). Modified by: [Law no. 21,045, Creates the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage] Ley no. 21,045, Crea el Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio, 13 Oct 2017, DO, 03 Nov 2017, no. 41,898, pp. 1–26 (Sección I). BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated).  Arte Contemporáneo Asociado A.G. et al., Código de buenas prácticas profesionales en las artes visuales (Santiago: Arte Contemporáneo Asociado A.G., 2013). “Soft law” compilation of best practices for Chilean visual artists, which is based on a Spanish model.  [Law no. 19,889, Regulates the working and hiring conditions of arts and entertainment workers]Ley no. 19,889, Regula las condiciones de trabajo y contratación de los trabajadores de artes y espectáculos, 16 Aug 2003, DO, 24 Sep 2003, no. 37,667, p. 2. BCN:  [Law no. 21,175, Law on the promotion of the performing arts] Ley no. 21,175, Ley sobre fomento a las artes escénicas, 27 Aug 2019, DO, 16 Sep 2019, no. 42,256, pp. 1–7 (Sección I). BCN:  [Law no. 17,349, Establishes that in the types of artistic live shows indicated, at least 85% of the artists who express themselves in the Spanish language must be Chilean] Ley no. 17,349, Establece que en los espectáculos artísticos de números vivos que indica, el 85% de los artistas que se expresen en el idioma Castellano, a lo menos, deberán ser Chilenos, 10 Jun 1971, DO, 19 Jun 1971, no. 27,976, pp. 1–2. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated).  [Decree no. 433, Establishes curricular bases for basic education in the subjects indicated] Decreto no. 443, Establece bases curriculares para la educación básica en asignaturas que indica, 08 Oct 2012, DO, 19 Dec 2012, no. 40,438, pp. 2–23 (Cuerpo I). BCN: See under Bases Curriculares 2012, Educación Básica: Artes Visuales (p. 11). Recognizes the importance of the arts in basic education, so that students “learn to express themselves and create using the elements of the language of the visual arts and to value the artistic manifestations of different eras, recognizing them as part of their legacy and their personal identity.”

Secondary Sources Camila Hoyuela Zattera, Maximiliano Escobar Saavedra & Mauricio Inostroza Sáez, “National report for Chile,” in Executory contracts in insolvency law: A global guide (Cheltenham, England: Elgar, 2019), 139–51. DOI:   Francisco Javier Illanes & Sergio Balharry, “Accessing a new evolution in Chile: In-court reorganization proceedings,” Emerging markets restructuring journal 5 (Winter 2017–18). “Chile bankruptcy newswire,” Bankruptcy news today, EIN Newsdesk and EIN Presswire, Newsmatics (one-month coverage). Benito Umaña-Hermosilla et al., “Analysis of a bankruptcy prediction model for companies in Chile,” in Advances in artificial intelligence, software and systems engineering. Proceedings of the AHFE 2021 Virtual Conferences on Human Factors in Software and Systems Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Social Computing, and Energy, 2021, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2021), Vol. 271. DOI: Includes an overview of Chilean bankruptcy regulations. Gianfranco Lotito, “Chile,” in Americas restructuring review 2023 (09 Dec 2022). Available on GRR database. Eduardo T. Jequier Lehuedé, “El arbitraje concursal en Chile: Revisión crítica de su ambigua regulación en la Ley no. 20,720,” Revista Chilena de derecho 47, 2 (Aug 2020): 459–78. DOI: Spanish. Nicolás Ignacio Ariel Carrasco Delgado, “El concurso desde una perspectiva procesal,” Revista de derecho 27 (2020): e4040. DOI: Spanish. Patricio Valdés Fuentealba & Jorge Lagos Pacheco, Derecho concursal Chileno. Análisis de la Ley no. 20.720, de insolvencia y reemprendimiento (Valencia, Spain: Tirant lo Blanch, 2021). Spanish. Ismael Antonio González Cerda, Código de insolvencia sistematizado con jurisprudencia actualizada (Santiago: Editorial Hammurabi Chile, 2023). Spanish. Cámara de Diputadas y Diputados, “A ley modernización de procedimientos relacionados con empresas en insolvencia,” Centro de Prensa (19 Jan 2023). Spanish. Subject Searches: Bankruptcy--Chile. Primary Sources Note: The Chilean [Bankruptcy and Reorganization Superintendence] Superintendencia de Insolvencia y Reemprendimiento has a website (Spanish) that includes information on personal and business bankruptcies. The Chilean [Bankruptcy Gazette] Boletín de Quiebras publishes court-approved bankruptcy proposals, and creditors have five days to challenge them. [Law no. 20,720, Substitutes the current bankruptcy regime with a law for the reorganization and liquidation of companies and individuals, and improves the role of the relevant government branch] Ley no. 20,720, Sustituye el régimen concursal vigente por una ley de reorganización y liquidación de empresas y personas, y perfecciona el rol de la Superintendencia del ramo, 30 Dec 2013, DO, 09 Jan 2014, no. 40,752, pp. 1–48 (Cuerpo I). BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). Substantially overhauled the previous bankruptcy legal framework. Modified by: [Law no. 21,563, Modernizes the bankruptcy procedures contemplated in Law no. 20,720, and creates new procedures for micro and small businesses] Ley no. 21,563, Moderniza los procedimientos concursales contemplados en la Ley no. 20,720, y crea nuevos procedimientos para micro y pequeñas empresas, 27 Apr 2023, DO, 10 May 2023, no. 43,547, pp. 1–35 (Sección I). BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated).