Brill & The Hague Academy of International Law


Founded in 1923, the Academy has for decades served as a global center for research about and teaching of international law.

Brill | Nijhoff, in partnership with the Academy, publishes several prestigious publications.




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Arab Law Quarterly: Celebrating 35 Years with free access to selected articles

Arab Law Quarterly, the leading English language scholarly publication on matters relating to the law of Arab states, will publish its 35th Volume in 2021. To celebrate this, five sets of seven articles, hand-picked from past volumes by Editor-in-Chief Haider Ala Hamoudi, will be available for free downloading during 2021.

New Series: International and Comparative Business Law and Public Policy

The Series offers an outlet for monographs and collective works making substantial contributions to interdisciplinary research.

Forthcoming: Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia (3 vols)

Incorporating the work of numerous leading scholars, the Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia provides a detailed description of the practice and implementation of international law in various Asian states. The Encyclopedia is also available online.

Secondary Sources Paivi Leino & Janne Salminen, “The Euro Crisis and Its Constitutional Consequences for Finland: Is There Room for National Politics in EU Decision-Making,” European Constitutional Law Review 9, 3 (2013): 451. DOI: Leo Jarvinen, “Finland and the European Civil Code: A Case for Convergence,” European Review of Private Law 21, 2 (2013): 507.  https://doi-org/10.54648/erpl2013025. Tapio Raunio & Teija Tiilikainen Finland in the European Union (London: Routledge, 2010). Tuomas Ojanen, “EU Law and the Response of the Constitutional Law Committee of the Finnish Parliament,” Scandinavian Studies in Law 52 (2007): 203. Ruth Nielsen, “EU Public Procurement Law and Nordic Labour Law - Recent Developments and Future Challenges,” Scandinavian Studies in Law 50 (2007): 185-220. Niilo Jaaskinen, “Application of Community Law in Finland: 1995-1998,” The Common Market Law Review 36, 2 (1999): 407.  Ruth Nielsen, “Nordic and EU Labour Law,” Scandinavian Studies in Law 43 (2002): 37. Ulf Bernitz, “Nordic Legislative Cooperation in the New Europe-A Challenge for the Nordic Countries in the EU Perspective,” Scandinavian Studies in Law 39 (2000): 29. Allan Rosas, “Finland's Accession to the European Union: Constitutional Aspects,” European Public Law 1, 2 (1995): 166.  Ulkoasiainministeriö (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) EU Affairs in the Foreign Service, Subject Searches: Law--European Union countries. Primary Sources [Act on the National Implementation of the Brexit Adjustment Provision] Laki brexit-mukautusvarauksen kansallisesta toimeenpanosta, Nr. 1352/2022, effective 01 Jan 2023. Consolidated and official. Finnish.  [Act on Nomination of Candidates for Assignments as Judges or Members of International Courts and the European Court of Justice] Laki ehdokkaiden nimeämisestä kansainvälisten tuomioistuinten ja Euroopan unionin tuomioistuimen tuomarin ja jäsenen tehtäviin, Nr. 676/2016, effective 01 Jan 2017. Consolidated and official. Finnish.  [Act on European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation] Laki eurooppalaisesta alueellisen yhteistyön yhtymästä, Nr. 1340/2015, effective 01 Dec 2015. Consolidated and official. Finnish. Implements EC 1082/2006.  [Act on the National Implementation of the Provisions of the European Parliament and Council Directive on the European Protection Order and on the Application of the Directive] Laki eurooppalaisesta suojelumääräyksestä annetun Euroopan parlamentin ja neuvoston direktiivin lainsäädännön alaan kuuluvien säännösten kansallisesta täytäntöönpanosta ja direktiivin soveltamisesta, Nr. 226/2015, effective 24 Mar 2015. Consolidated and official. Finnish.  [Research Institute for International Relations and EU Issues] Laki kansainvälisten suhteiden ja Euroopan unionin asioiden tutkimuslaitoksesta, Nr. 544/2006, effective 01 Jan 2007. Consolidated and official. Finnish.  [Act on Extradition Procedures Between Finland and Other Member States of the European Union] Laki rikoksen johdosta tapahtuvasta luovuttamisesta Suomen ja muiden Euroopan unionin jäsenvaltioiden välillä, Nr. 1286/2003, effective 01 Jan 2004. Consolidated and official. Finnish. Translated: Ministry of Justice. Unofficial. English.  [Act on the Application of Certain European Union Provisions on State Aid] Laki eräiden valtion tukea koskevien Euroopan unionin säännösten soveltamisesta, Nr. 300/2001, effective 04 Apr 2001. Consolidated and official. Finnish.  [Act on the Approval of Certain Provisions of the Treaty of Accession to the European Union] Laki Suomen liittymisestä Euroopan unioniin tehdyn sopimuksen eräiden määräysten hyväksymisestä, Nr. 1540/1994, effective 01 Jan 1995. Consolidated and official. Finnish.  [Act on the Fulfilment of Certain Obligations of Finland as a Member of the United Nations and of the European Union] Laki eräiden Suomelle Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien ja Euroopan unionin jäsenenä kuuluvien velvoitusten täyttämisestä, Nr. 659/1967, effective 01 Jan 1968. Consolidated and official. Finnish. Translated: Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Consolidated and unofficial. English.