International Law
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International Law
Secondary Sources Horacio Etchichury, Igualdad Desatada: La Exigibilidad de los Derchos Sociales en la Constitución Argentina (Córdoba: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2013). Agustín Parise, Ownership Paradigms in American Civil Law Jurisdictions: Manifestations of the Shifts in the Legislation of Louisiana, Chile, and Argentina (16th-20th centuries) (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2017). Ursula Cristina Basset, ed., Introduction to the Law of Argentina (Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International B.V., The Netherlands, 2018). Covers sources and history, constitutional law, administrative law, law of the persons, legal persons, family law, contract law, law of property, inheritance law, criminal law, procedural law, and private international law. A detailed bibliography follows each chapter.2017). Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Directorate, Restrictions on Land Ownership by Foreigners in Selected Jurisdictions (2023), Subject Searches: Real property--Argentina.Land use--Law and legislation--Argentina.Construction industry--Law and legislation--Argentina. Primary Sources [Incentives Act for the Acquisition and Construction of Family Housing] Ley de Incentivos para la Adquisición y Construcción de Vivienda Unica, Familiar y Permanente, Ley 26.158, Boletín Oficial (16 Nov 2006).;jsessionid=288C78236A76073822C9CC4FF0BB07F6?id=122077. Compiled statutory text. Spanish. [Creation of the Federal Council of Records of Real Property] Creación del Registro de la Propiedad Inmueble, Ley 26.387, Boletín Oficial (20 Jun 2008). Compiled statutory text. Spanish. [Federal Housing System] Sistema Federal de la Vivienda, Ley 24.464, Boletín Oficial (04 Apr 1995). Compiled statutory text. Spanish. [Possession of Urban Property] Inmuebles Urbanos, Ley 24.374, Boletín Oficial (27 Sep 1994). Compiled statutory text. Spanish. [Social and Community Housing Policies] Políticas Sociales Comunitarias, Ley 23.767, Boletín Oficial (25 Jan 1990). Compiled statutory text. Spanish. [Horizontal Property] Ley de Propiedad Horizontal, Ley 19.724, Boletín Oficial (18 Apr 1973. Compiled statutory text. Spanish. [Financing of Housing and Development] Financiamiento de la Vivienda y Construcción, Ley 24.441, Boletín Oficial (16 Jan 1995). Compiled statutory text. Spanish. -- Studio legale Tedioli, English. -- “Argentina: Financing of Housing and Construction,” in RIA Worldwide Tax & Commercial Law -- Latin America (Thomson Reuters, 2024). Available on Checkpoint. English. [Leases on Real Property] Contrato de Leasing, Ley 25.248, Boletín Oficial (14 Jun 2000). Compiled statutory text. Spanish. [National Law of Real Property Registries] Ley Nacional de Registros de la Propiedad Inmueble, Ley 17.801, Boletín Oficial (10 Jul1968). Compiled statutory text. Spanish. [Incentive to Argentine Federal Construction and Access to Housing] Incentivo a la Construccion Federal Argentina y Acceso a la Vivienda, Ley 27.613, Boletín Oficial (12 Mar 2021). Compiled Statutory text. Spanish. [Street Situation and Homeless Families] Situación de Calle y Familias Sin Techo, Ley 27.654, Boletín Oficial (24 Dec 2021). Compiled Statutory text. Spanish. [Incentive for Investment, Construction and Production in Argentina] Incentivo a la Inversión, Construcción y Producción Argentina, Ley 27.679, Boletín Oficial (22 Aug 2022). Compiled Statutory text. Spanish. [Domain Regulation Regime for Socio-Urban Integration] Régimen de Regulación Dominial Para la Integración Socio Urbana, Ley 27. 694, Boletín Oficial (28 Oct 2022). Compiled Statutory text. Spanish. [Rental Law: Modification of the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation] Ley de Alquileres: Modificación del Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación, Ley 27.737, Boletín Oficial (17 Oct 2023). Compiled Statutory text. Spanish.