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Arab Law Quarterly: Celebrating 35 Years with free access to selected articles

Arab Law Quarterly, the leading English language scholarly publication on matters relating to the law of Arab states, will publish its 35th Volume in 2021. To celebrate this, five sets of seven articles, hand-picked from past volumes by Editor-in-Chief Haider Ala Hamoudi, will be available for free downloading during 2021.

New Series: International and Comparative Business Law and Public Policy

The Series offers an outlet for monographs and collective works making substantial contributions to interdisciplinary research.

Forthcoming: Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia (3 vols)

Incorporating the work of numerous leading scholars, the Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia provides a detailed description of the practice and implementation of international law in various Asian states. The Encyclopedia is also available online.

Secondary Sources Fjármálaeftirliti (The Financial Supervisory Authority, Iceland). Includes legislation, regulations, annual reports and statistical information in English. Rikisendurskodun (The Icelandic National Audit Office). Access to news, reports and other information about the office and the Auditor General. Subject Searches: Tax accounting--Law and legislation--Iceland.Corporations--Accounting--Law and legislation--Iceland.Corporations--Auditing--Law and legislation--Iceland.Auditing, Internal--Law and legislation--Iceland. Primary Sources [Act on Auditors and Auditing] Lög um endurskoðendur og endurskoðun, Nr. 94/2019, effective 01 Jan 2020. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs. Unofficial. English.  [Act on the Auditor General and Auditing of Government Accounts] Lög um ríkisendurskoðanda og endurskoðun ríkisreikninga, Nr. 46/2016, effective 01 Jan 2017. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Provides requirements for the Auditor General; including election, qualifications for the position, and the duties of the position.   [Public Finance Act] Lög um opinber fjármál, Nr. 123/2015, effective 01 Jan 2016. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on Annual Accounts] Lög um ársreikninga, Nr. 3/2006, effective 26 Jan 2006. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Annual reporting requirements for specific types of companies such as limited liability companies, cooperative companies, savings banks, etc.  [The Accounting Act] Lög um bókhald, Nr. 145/1994, effective 1 Jan 1995. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Article one states who the act applies to and then provides the accounting principles and requirements to follow.

Secondary Sources Jørgensen, Oluf. Access to Information in the Nordic Countries: A Comparison of the Laws of Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland and International Rules (Göteborg: Nordicom, 2014). Umboðsmaður Alþingis (The Althingi Ombudsman, Iceland). Includes overview of the role of the Althingi Ombudsman, a searchable database of opinions of the Ombudsman, complaint forms, annual reports, etc. Subject Searches: Administrative law--Iceland. Primary Sources [Information Act] Upplýsingalög, Nr. 140/2012, effective 01 Jan 2013. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Prime Minister’s Office. Unofficial. English. Provides public access to information for all government activities of legal entities in which a share of 51% or more is in public ownership.  [Act on Committee Access to Official Safety Data] Lög um rétt nefndar samkvæmt ályktun Alþingis til aðgangs að opinberum gögnum um öryggismál, Nr. 127/2006, effective 13 Oct 2006.  Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Provides committee with access to public security data from 1945-1991 so they can determine how to best make this data accessible to scholars for research purposes.  [Act on Official Control Rules] Lög um opinberar eftirlitsreglur, Nr. 27/1999, effective 30 Mar 1999. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Governs administrative agencies including public health and safety, property issues, environmental protection, consumer protection, competition, business practices, etc. Does not cover agencies that deal with financial supervision, taxation, crimes, protection of children, probation or prosecution.  [Act on the Althing Ombudsman] Lög um umboðsmann Alþingis, Nr. 85/1997, effective 06 Jun 1997. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Legislationline. Unofficial. English. The ombudsman monitors the administration of the State and local authorities and ensures the administration is conducted in conformity with the law and good administrative practice on behalf of the citizens.  [Government Employees Act] Lög um réttindi og skyldur starfsmanna ríkisins, Nr. 70/1996, effective 01 Jul 1996. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. Unofficial. English. Governs hiring and job conditions and brings them in line with those prevailing in the private sector. Eliminates lifetime job guarantee. Repeals the 1954 Civil Service Act.  [Administrative Procedures Act] Stjórnsýslulög, Nr. 37/1993, effective 01 Jan 1994. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Prime Minister’s Office. Unofficial. English. Provides rules and procedures for administrative complaints.  [Act on Notaries] Lög um lögbókandagerðir, Nr. 86/1989, effective 14 Jun 1989. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Describes the requirements for notaries and what effect a notarized document has.

Secondary Sources Rachel L. Johnstone, “Little Fish, Big Pond: Icelandic Interests and Influence in Arctic Governance.” Paper presented at No One is an Island: Iceland and the International Community, Akureyri, Iceland, March 19, 2016 (Akureyri: University of Akureyri). United Nations. The Law of the Sea: National Legislation on the Continental Shelf (New York: United Nations, 1989). Subject Searches: Maritime law--Iceland.Admiralty--Iceland. Primary Sources [Shipping Law] Skipalög, Nr. 66/2021, effective 01 Jul 2021. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on the Icelandic International Ship Registry] Lög um íslenska alþjóðlega skipaskrá, Nr. 38/2007, effective 01 Jan 2008. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Provides requirements for the registration of merchant ships.  [Maritime Protection Act] Lög um siglingavernd, Nr. 50/2004, effective 01 Jul 2004. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Provides laws to ensure the protection of ships, crews, passengers, cargo and port facilities from terrorism and other unlawful actions.  [Act on Maritime Traffic] Lög um vaktstöð siglinga, Nr. 41/2003, effective 03 Apr 2003. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Establishes the Maritime Traffic Service to ensure the safety of navigation, passengers and crews and measures to prevent marine pollution from ships within the exclusive economic zone (EEZ).  [Act on Information Matters] Lög um vitamál, Nr. 132/1999, effective 11 Jan 2000. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Laws governing guidance systems and other safety measures for ships passing through Icelandic waters.  [Act on Marine Accident Investigators] Lög um Slysavarnaskóla sjómanna, Nr. 33/1991, effective 17 Apr 1991. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Provides for the creation of and outlines the duties of the Marine Accident Investigation Board, the Sailors’ Accident Guard School, and sets up other opportunities for safety education in the marine environment.  [Act on Pre-Emption of Merchandise and Merchants at Port Facilities] Lög um forkaupsrétt kaupstaða og kauptúna á hafnarmannvirkjum o.fl., Nr. 22/1932, effective 28 Sep 1932. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Governs pre-emption rights of townships at port facilities.  [Act on the Prohibition of Hazardous Substances in the Sea] Lög um bann við losun hættulegra efna í sjó, Nr. 20/1972, effective 09 Jun 1972. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Governs what substances Icelandic ships are prohibited from discharging into the sea, provides regulatory authority for the same, and also sets limit as to what Icelandic citizens or companies may release.  [Act on the Measurement of Landings in Commercial Places, Licensed Merchants, etc.] Lög um útmælingar lóða í kaupstöðum, löggiltum kauptúnum o.fl., Nr. 75/1917, effective 27 Feb 1918. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Entitles fisherman residing in Iceland to acquire plots to sell their fish in Iceland, sets rules for loading and unloading ship, and provides for fines and penalties if there are violations.

Secondary Sources Björn Þór Rögnvaldsson, Comparative Study of Legislation and Legal Practices in the Nordic Countries Concerning Labour Inspection (Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers, 2011). Subject Sources Space law--Iceland. Primary Sources [Act on the Development and Operation of Airports and Air Traffic Services] Lög um uppbyggingu og rekstur flugvalla og þjónustu við flugumferð, Nr. 65/2023, effective 08 Jul 2023. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on the Registration of Rights in Aircraft] Lög um skrásetningu réttinda í loftförum, Nr. 21/1966, effective 06 May 1966. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Provides overview of rights and other administrative processes and procedures when an aircraft is registered in Iceland.  [Act on the Entry into Force of the International Convention for the Co-ordination of Certain Rules on International Carriage by Air] Lög um gildistöku alþjóðasamnings um samræmingu nokkurra reglna varðandi loftflutninga milli landa, Nr. 41/1949, effective 26 May 1949. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Implements Montreal Convention, Warsaw Convention, and the Hague protocol on international air transport.

Secondary Sources Liv Mostad-Jensen, “Whaling in Iceland and the Faroe Islands: History and Legal Resources,” in Global Animal Law Research: Strategies and Resources (Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2022).  Mast, Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority. Provides access to some legislation and regulations in addition to information on animal health. Subject Searches: Animal welfare--Law and legislation--Iceland.Farm management--Iceland.Animal welfare--Iceland.Animal rights --Iceland. Primary Sources [Act on Veterinary Drugs] Lög um dýralyf, Nr. 14/2022, effective 02 Mar 2022. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Animal Welfare Act] Lög um velferð dýra, Nr. 55/2013, effective 01 Jan 2014. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: MAST Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority. Consolidated and unofficial. English. The act applies to vertebrates, decapods, squid and honey bees.  [Livestock Handling Act] Lög um búfjárhald, Nr. 38/2013, effective 01 Jan 2014. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Rules for keeping livestock.  [Preventative Measures Against Fish Diseases] Lög um varnir gegn fisksjúkdómum, Nr. 60/2006, effective 01 Jul 2006. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Protection of aquatic life and aquaculture by regulating imports, authorizes the Food and Veterinary Authority to take measures to prevent the spread of disease, authorizes promulgation of regulations, and provides penalties for violation of the act.  [Veterinarians and Animal Health Services], Lög um dýralækna og heilbrigðisþjónustu við dýr, Nr. 66/1998, effective 01 Jan 1999. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Requirements for veterinarians.  [Protection, Conservation and Hunting of Wild Birds and Wild Mammals] Lög um vernd, friðun og veiðar á villtum fuglum og villtum spendýrum, Nr. 64/1994, effective 01 Jul 1994. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on Animal Diseases and Measures to Control Them] Lög um dýrasjúkdóma og varnir gegn þeim, Nr. 25/1993, effective 07 Apr 1993. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: MAST Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Promotes health of and prevents disease in farm, domestic and wild animals.   [Importation of Animals Act] Lög um innflutning dýra, Nr. 54/1990, effective 31 May 1990. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on Research into Fish Diseases] Lög um Rannsóknadeild fisksjúkdóma, Nr. 50/1986, effective 21 May 1986. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.

Secondary Sources Dora Sif Tynes, “Iceland,” in Research Handbook in State Aid in the Banking Sector (Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2017). Louis Vogel, “Iceland,” in Global Competition Law: A Practioner’s Guide (Bruxelles: Emile Bruylant, 2015). Halldór Brynjar Halldórsson & Snorri Stefánsson, “Iceland,” in Private Antitrust Litigation: Jurisdictional Comparisons (London: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., 2013). Jean-François Bellis & Porter Elliott, “Iceland,” in Merger Control: JurisdictionalComparisons. (London: Thomson Reuters, 2011). Dirk van Gerven, Cross-Border Mergers in Europe (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010-2011). Samantha J. Mobley & Ross Denton, in Global Cartels Handbook: Leniency, Policy and Procedure (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011). Subject Searches: Antitrust law--Iceland.Competition, Unfair--Iceland.Consolidation and merger of corporations--Law and legislation--Iceland. Primary Sources [Business and Marketing Supervision Act] Lög um eftirlit með viðskiptaháttum og markaðssetningu, Nr. 57/2005, effective 01 Jul 2005. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Covers economic activity, such as production and trade, but does not apply to wages and other economic benefits under collective agreements. Includes unfair competition, false and misleading information in advertisements, warranty statements, confidentiality, etc. Provides penalties for violations.  [Competition Act] Samkeppnislög, Nr. 44/2005, effective 01 Jul 2005. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Industries and Innovation. Consolidated and unofficial. English. As amended by 52/2007 and 94/2008.

Secondary Sources Lára V Júlíusdóttir, “Icelandic Labour Law,” in Scandinavian Studies in Law 43 (2002): 357-374. Subject Searches: Arbitration and award--Iceland.International commercial arbitration--Iceland.Dispute resolution (Law)--Iceland. Primary Sources [Act on Contractual Arbitration] Lög um samningsbundna gerðardóma, Nr. 53/1989, effective 01 Jan 1990. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Allows parties to agree to arbitration to resolve their contractual disputes. Provides rules for the arbitral proceedings.  [Civil Procedure Act] Lög um meðferð einkamála, Nr. 91/1991, effective 01 Jul 1992. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Justice. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Article 106 of the Civil Procedure Act requires the judge to seek reconciliation for a dispute unless it is not possible to the nature of the dispute or for other reasons.  [Attorney General Act] Lög um ríkislögmann, Nr. 51/1985, effective 01 Jan 1986. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Digital Iceland. Consolidated and unofficial. English.

Secondary Sources Minjastofnun Íslands (Cultural Heritage Agency of Iceland). Overseas the protection of Icelandic archaeological and built heritage. Subject Searches: Law and art--Iceland. Primary Sources [Music Act] Tónlistarlög, Nr. 33/2023, effective 07 Jun 2923. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Performing Arts Act] Lög um sviðslistir, Nr. 165/2019, effective 01 Jul 2020. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on Temporary Reimbursement for Music Recordings] Lög um tímabundnar endurgreiðslur vegna hljóðritunar á tónlist, Nr. 110/2016, effective 01 Jan 2017. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Provides for partial reimbursement of the costs of recording music in Iceland.  [Act on Artists’ Honorary Wages] Lög um heiðurslaun listamannag, Nr. 66/2012, effective 01 Sep 2012. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Provides honorary wages for 25 artists every year.  [Act on Visual Arts] Myndlistarlög, Nr. 64/2012, effective 01 Jan 2013. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs. Unofficial. English. Provisions promote the visual arts in Iceland.  [Museum Act] Safnalög, Nr. 141/2011, effective 01 Jan 2013. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs. Unofficial. English. Lays down provisions relating to the organization of museum so as to preserve Icelandic culture and natural heritage.  [Act on the National Museum of Iceland] Lög um Þjóðminjasafn Íslands, Nr. 140/2011, effective 01 Jan 2013. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Organizes the collection, management, role and activities, etc. of the National Museum of Iceland.  [Law on Artistic Salaries] Lög um listamannalaun, Nr. 57/2009, effective 01 May 2009. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Provides for annual funds to pay artists.  [Literary Act] Lög um bókmenntir, Nr. 91/2007, effective 03 May 2007. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Promotes Icelandic literary culture and strengthens Icelandic literature through the creation of the Icelandic Literature Centre and the Literary Fund and by providing for payments for the use of books in libraries.  [Act on the Icelandic Museum of Natural History] Lög um Náttúruminjasafn Íslands, Nr. 35/2007, effective 20 Mar 2007. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. Consolidated and unofficial. English.  [Music Fund Act] Lög um tónlistarsjóð, Nr. 76/2004, effective 18 Jun 2004. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Provides funds to promote Icelandic music and to promote Icelandic musicians and music internationally.  [Movie Act] Kvikmyndalög, Nr. 137/2001, effective 01 Jan 2003. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Promotes film culture in Iceland by supporting the Icelandic Film Center, the Icelandic Film Museum, etc.  [Temporary Reimbursements in Respect of Film Making in Iceland] Lög um tímabundnar endurgreiðslur vegna kvikmyndagerðar á Íslandi, Nr. 43/1999, effective 30 Mar 1999. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Enhances domestic culture and promotes the history of nature in Iceland by temporarily providing reimbursements for motion pictures and television programs produced in Iceland.  [Act on Financial Support for Music Schools] Lög um fjárhagslegan stuðning við tónlistarskóla, Nr. 75/1985, effective 11 Jul 1985. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Outlines the funding mechanism for the Icelandic Symphony Orchestra. Sets up the Board of the Symphony Orchestra and outlines its duties.  [Act on the Construction Fund of the National Gallery of Iceland] Lög um prentrétt, Nr. 41/1959, effective 31 Jul 1959. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Print Act] Lög um prentrétt, Nr. 57/1956, effective 24 Apr 1956. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Provides general requirements and liability for publishers in Iceland and for foreign publications that are printed abroad and exported to Iceland.

Secondary Sources Ulf Nielsson & Bjarni K. Torfason, “Iceland’s Economic Eruption and Meltdown,” Scandinavian Economic History Review 60, 1 (2012): 3-30. Roger Boyes, Meltdown Iceland: How the Global Financial Crisis Bankrupted an Entire Nation (London: Bloomsbury, 2009). Subject Searches: Bankruptcy--Iceland.Business failures--Law and legislation--Iceland. Primary Sources [Act on Financial Assistance for Payment of Collateral for Costs of Bankruptcy Proceedings] Lög um fjárhagsaðstoð til greiðslu tryggingar fyrir kostnaði vegna gjaldþrotaskipta, Nr. 9/2014, effective 01 Feb 2014. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Allows parties to get financial assistance to start bankruptcy proceedings if they cannot afford to start proceedings themselves.  [Act on Investigation of the Priority and Causes of Icelandic Bankruptcy and Related Events] Lög um rannsókn á aðdraganda og orsökum falls íslensku bankanna 2008 og tengdra atburða, Nr. 142/2008, effective 18 Dec 2008. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Created a special investigative committee to investigate the truth about the rise and cause of the collapse of the Icelandic banks in 2008.  [Act on the Ombudsman for Debtors] Lög um umboðsmann skuldara, Nr. 100/2010, effective 01 Aug 2010. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Office of the Ombudsman for Debtors guards the interests and rights of debtors as provided for in law.  [Bankruptcy Act] Lög um gjaldþrotaskipti o.fl., Nr. 21/1991, effective 01 Jul 1991. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Justice. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Replaces Law 25 of 1929.

Secondary Sources Fjármálaeftirliti (The Financial Supervisory Authority, Iceland). Includes legislation, regulations, annual reports and statistical information in English. Justin Rex, “Criminal Prosecutions and the 2008 Financial Crisis in the U.S. and Iceland: What Can a Small Town Icelandic Police Chief Teach the U.S. about Prosecuting Wall Street,” Concordia Law Review 4 (2019): 101-146. Hilmar Þór Hilmarsson, “Small States and Big Banks–The Case of Iceland,” Baltic Journal of Economics 13, 1 (2013): 31-48. Eyvindur G. Gunnarsson, “The Icelandic Regulatory Responses to the Financial Crisis,” European Business Organization Law Review 12, 1 (2011): 1-39. DOI: Kaarlo Jännäri, “Report on Banking Regulation and Supervision in Iceland: Past, Present and Future” (2009). Sigridur Benediktsdottir, Jon Danielsson & Gylfi Zoega. “Lessons From a Collapse of a Financial System,” Economic Policy 26, 66 (2011): 183-235. DOI: Sigríður Benediktsdottir, Tryggvi Gunnarsson & Páll Hreinsson, “Causes of the Collapse of the Icelandic Banks – Responsibility, Mistakes, and Negligence,” Report Prepared by the Icelandic Special Investigation Commission (SIC) (Reykjavik: Althingi, 2010). Mark J. Flannery, “Iceland's Failed Banks: A Post-Mortem,” Report Prepared for the Icelandic Special Investigation (SIC) (Reykjavik: Althingi, 2010). Hilmar Þór Hilmarsson, “The Banking Crisis in Iceland: Did the Government Pretend That Facts from Reality Were Other Than They Were?,” in (Dis) Honesty in Management (Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2013), 61-84. Subject Searches: Banking law--Iceland.Financial institutions--Law and legislation--Iceland.Banks and banking, Foreign--Law and legislation--Iceland.Nonbank financial institutions--Law and legislation--Iceland. Primary Sources [Act on Payment Accounts] Lög um greiðslureikninga, Nr. 5/2023, effective 01 Mar 2023. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on UCITS] Lög um verðbréfasjóði, Nr. 116/2021, effective 01 Sep 2021. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on Markets for Financial Instruments] Lög um markaði fyrir fjármálagerninga, Nr. 115/2021, effective 01 Sep 2021. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on Payment Services] Lög um greiðsluþjónustu, Nr. 114/2021, effective 01 Nov 2021. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on Actions Against Market Abuse] Lög um aðgerðir gegn markaðssvikum, Nr. 60/2021, effective 01 Sep 2021. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Central Bank of Iceland. Unofficial. English.  [Act on Central Securities Depositories, Settlement, and Electronic Registration of Financial Instruments] Lög um verðbréfamiðstöðvar, uppgjör og rafræna eignarskráningu fjármálagerninga, Nr. 7/2020, effective 21 Feb 2020. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on the Central Bank of Iceland] Lög um Seðlabanka Íslands, Nr. 92/2019, effective 01 Jan 2020. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing] Lög um aðgerðir gegn peningaþvætti og fjármögnun hryðjuverka, Nr. 140/2018, effective 1 Jan 2019. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on Supplementary Supervision of Financial Conglomerates] Lög um viðbótareftirlit með fjármálasamsteypum, Nr. 61/2017, effective 21 Jun 2017. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on Short Selling and Credit Default Swaps] Lög um skortsölu og skuldatryggingar, Nr. 55/2017, effective 01 Jul 2017. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on Credit Rating Agencies] Lög um lánshæfismatsfyrirtæki, Nr. 50/2017, effective 20 Jun 2017. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on European Financial Markets Monitoring System] Lög um evrópskt eftirlitskerfi á fjármálamarkaði, Nr. 24/2017, effective 23 May 2017. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on the Financial Stability Council] Lög um fjármálastöðugleikaráð, Nr. 66/2014, effective 06 Jun 2014. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on the Issue and Treatment of Electronic Money] Lög um útgáfu og meðferð rafeyris, Nr. 17/2013, effective 01 Apr 2013. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on the National Bank of Iceland] Lög um Bankasýslu ríkisins, Nr. 88/2009, effective 20 Aug 2009. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on Covered Bonds] Lög um sértryggð skuldabréf, Nr. 11/2008, effective 20 Mar 2008. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. Unofficial. English.  [Securities Transactions] Lög um verðbréfaviðskipti/ Lög um yfirtökur, Nr. 108/2007, effective 01 Nov 2007. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. Consolidated and unofficial. English.   [Act on Financial Security Measures] Lög um fjárhagslegar tryggingarráðstafanir, Nr. 46/2005, effective 30 May 2005. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on Distance Sales of Financial Services] Lög um fjarsölu á fjármálaþjónustu, Nr. 33/2005, effective 01 Jun 2005. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on Financial Undertakings] Lög um fjármálafyrirtæki, Nr. 161/2002, effective 01 Jan 2003. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. Consolidated and unofficial. English. The purpose of this Act is to ensure that financial undertakings are operated in a sound and normal manner in the interests of customers, shareholders, guarantee capital owners, and the entire economy.  [Act on the Payment of Costs for Public Supervision of Financial Activities.] Lög um greiðslu kostnaðar við opinbert eftirlit með fjármálastarfsemi, Nr. 99/1999, effective 30 Dec 1999. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. Unofficial. English.  [Act on Deposit Guarantees and Investor-Compensation Scheme] Lög um innstæðutryggingar og tryggingakerfi fyrir fjárfesta, Nr. 98/1999, effective 01 Jan 2000. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. Unofficial. English.  [Act on Security of Transfer Orders in Payment Systems] Lög um öryggi fyrirmæla í greiðslukerfum og verðbréfauppgjörskerfum, Nr. 90/1999, effective 10 Dec 1999. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. Unofficial. English.  [Act on Official Supervision of Financial Activities] Lög um opinbert eftirlit með fjármálastarfsemi, Nr. 87/1998, effective 01 Jan 1999. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. Consolidated and unofficial. English.  Supervision of commercial banks and credit institutions, insurance enterprises, securities services, mutual funds, stock exchanges, pension funds, etc.  [Act on the Innovation Fund] Lög um Nýsköpunarsjóð atvinnulífsins, Nr. 61/1997, effective 30 May 1997. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on the Establishment of Limited Liability Companies by Landsbanki Íslands and Búnaðarbanki Íslands] Lög um stofnun hlutafélaga um Landsbanka Íslands og Búnaðarbanka Íslands, Nr. 50/1997, effective 29 May 1997. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. Unofficial. English.  [Act on Iceland’s Participation in the Establishment of a Foreign Exchange Fund and International Bank, as Proposed by the Bretton Woods Meeting and on Borrowing for that Purpose] Lög um þátttöku Íslands í stofnun gjaldeyrissjóðs og alþjóðabanka samkvæmt tillögum Bretton Woods fundarins og um lántöku í því skyni, Nr. 105/1945, effective 31 Dec 1945. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.