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Arab Law Quarterly, the leading English language scholarly publication on matters relating to the law of Arab states, will publish its 35th Volume in 2021. To celebrate this, five sets of seven articles, hand-picked from past volumes by Editor-in-Chief Haider Ala Hamoudi, will be available for free downloading during 2021.
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Secondary Sources J. Cianciardo, “The Right of the Indigenous Peoples to Their own Law,” Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 98, 1 (2012): 112-120. Marzia Rosti, “The Right to Consultation and Free, Prior and Informed Consent in Argentina: The Case of Salinas Grandes-Laguna de Guayatayoc,” in The Prior Consultation of Indigenous Peoples in Latin America: Inside the Implementation Gap (London: Routledge, 2019). Subject Searches: Indigenous peoples--Legal status, laws, etc.--Argentina. Primary Sources [Possession and Land Holdings Traditionally Occupied by Indigenous Communities] Comunidades Indigenas: Emergencia en Materia de Posesion y Propiedad de Tierras, Ley 26.160, Boletín Oficial (29 Nov 2006). Compiled statutory text. Spanish. [Law on Indigenous Policy and Support to Aboriginal Communities] Ley sobre Política Indígena y Apoyo a las Comunidades Aborígenes, Ley 25.799, Boletín Oficial (01 Dec 2006). Compiled statutory text. Spanish. [Environmental Protection Act of Native Forests] Ley de Protección Ambiental de los Bosques Nativos, Ley 26.331, Boletín Oficial (26 Dec 2007). Compiled statutory text. Spanish.
Secondary Sources Walters Nsoh, “Customary Land Rights, Indigenous Rights and Land Expropriation in Cameroon: Ecosystem Services as a Possible New Approach in Valuing Compensation,” in Property and Human Rights in a Global Context (Oxford; Portland, OR: Hart Publishing Ltd, 2015), Chap. 12. DOI: 10.5040/ International Labor Organisation (ILO), “Les Peuples Autochtones Au Cameroun: Guide à l’intention des professionnels des medias,” French. ILO guide on the indigenous people of Cameroon. Subject Searches: Indigenous peoples--Legal status, laws, etc.--Cameroon. Primary Sources [Preamble, subsection 2, Constitution of the Republic of Cameroon, Law No. 96/06 of 18 Jan 1996 to amend the Constitution of 2 June 1972, amended and supplemented by Law No. 2008/001 of 14 Apr. 2008] Loi No.96-06 du 18 janvier 1996 portant revision de la Constitution du 02 juin 1972, (enacted)14 Apr 2008. French. English. Reprinted in: -- “Cameroon 1972 (rev. 2008),” Constitute Project, English. -- “Cameroon,” in World Constitutions Illustrated (Heinonline), English. -- “Cameroon,” in Oxford Constitutions of the World (Oxford University Press). English.
Secondary Sources Luciano Hiriart-Bertrand et al., “From customary law to the implementation of safeguard measures: The case of ‘marine and coastal areas for indigenous peoples’ in Chile,” in Marine andfisheries policies in Latin America: A comparison of selected countries (Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge, 2020), 137–46. Joanna Siekiera, “Implications of Easter Island protests – breach of Rapa Nui rights by Chile in the context of national, American and universal legal systems,” Asia-Pacific journal on human rights and the law 21, 1 (2020): 98–120. DOI: Ana Lankes, “The contentious vote in Chile that could transform indigenous rights,” New York times (02 Sep 2022). Juan Jorge Faundes Peñafiel & Nancy Postero, “The constituent process in Chile (2019–2022) from the perspective of indigenous peoples,” in Routledge handbook of indigenous development (Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge, 2022), Ch. 11. Kelly Bauer, Negotiating autonomy: Mapuche territorial demands and Chilean land policy (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2021). Jane Chambers, “Chile’s Mapuche indigenous group fights for rights,” BBC News (26 Nov 2020). Zoe Mangley, “Constitutional rights and indigenous dispossession in Chile,” Brown politicalreview (02 Dec 2021). Ruth Vargas-Forman, “Contribution of the psycho-forensic evidence in the Inter-American Court in the case of Lonkos and Mapuche indigenous leaders versus Chile,” in Human rights violations in Latin America (Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2022), 179–91. DOI: Cultural Survival, “Observations on the state of indigenous human rights in Chile,” Prepared for the 32nd Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review (Jul 2018). Graham Holton, “Indigenous rights take center stage in Chile’s new constitution,” People’s world (20 Jul 2022). Orlando Milesi, “Chile’s Mapuche Indians hurt by a rejection of a plurinational constitution,” Inter Press Service (24 Jan 2023). Salvador Millaleo, “Like sorcerer’s apprentices: The rejection of plurinationality in Chile,” International work group for indigenous affairs (28 Nov 2022). Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile, “Ley Fácil: Espacio costero marino para los pueblos originarios” (last updated 08 Sep 2022). Spanish. “La protección que brinda la Ley no. 19,253 a la propiedad indígena lo es a personas o comunidades indígenas y en relación a tierras indígenas, sustenado en un título o antecedente legal,” Diario constitucional (30 Mar 2022). Spanish. Claudio Fuentes, “Divididos en el reconocimiento. Manifiestos programáticos y pueblos indígenas en Chile (1989–2017),” Dados 65, 4 (2022). DOI: Spanish. Jaime Arancibia Mattar et al., Derecho indígeno, Cuadernos de extensión jurídica 33 (Valencia, Spain: Tirant lo Blanch, 2022). Spanish. Subject Searches: Indigenous peoples--Legal status, laws, etc.--Chile. Primary Sources Note: The BCN has compiled norms on [Native Peoples] Pueblos Originarios at (Spanish). [Law no. 19,253, Establishes norms for the protection, promotion and development of indigenous peoples, and creates the National Corporation of Indigenous Development] Ley no. 19,253, Establece normas sobre protección, fomento y desarrollo de las indígenas, y crea la Corporación Nacional de Desarrollo Indígena, 28 Sep 1993, DO, 05 Oct 1993 (issue unavailable online). BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). [Law no. 20,249, Creates a marine coastal region for native peoples] Ley no. 20,249, Crea el espacio costero marino de los pueblos originarios, 31 Jan 2008, DO, 16 Feb 2008, no. 38,989, pp. 3–4. BCN: Regulated by: [Decree no. 134, Approves the regulation of Law no. 20,249, which creates a marine coastal región for native peoples] Decreto no. 134, Aprueba reglamento de la Ley no. 20,249 que crea el espacio costero marino de los pueblos originarios, 29 Aug 2008, DO, 26 May 2009, BCN: [Decree no. 100, Sets the consolidated, coordinated and systemized text of the Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile] Decreto no. 100, Fija el texto refundido, coordinado y sistematizado de la Constitución Política de la República de Chile, 17 Sep 2005, DO, 22 Sep 2005, no. 38,268, pp. 5–26. BCN: Consolidated text (continually updated). Translated: -- “Chile,” in World constitutions illustrated (HeinOnline). (current to Law no. 21,626, of 2023; includes changes made for the second rewrite). English. -- Chile 1980 (rev. 2021), Constitute Project, (revised 2021; does not include changes made for the second rewrite). English. -- “Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile: August 8, 1980 (as amended to August 18, 2005),” in Oxford constitutions of the world (Oxford University Press, 2005). English. Various Transitory Provisions explain the indigenous representation in the election of constitutional convention delegates for the first constitutional rewrite, and the 46th Transitory Provision addresses the Rapa Nui specifically. For the second rewrite, see articles 144(6) and the special provisions for indigenous candidates; and article 154(4), which mandates that the new constitution recognize indigenous peoples as part of the Chilean nation.
Secondary Sources Jingyu Mao, “Doing Ethnicity: Multi-Layered Ethnic Scripts in Contemporary China,” China Quarterly 256 (2023): 977. DOI: He Ming & David Lewis, Ethnicity and Religion in Southwest China (Oxford: Taylor and Francis, 2022). Joshua T. Mauldin, “Law, Religion, and Society in China: A Contested Terrain,” Journal of Law and Religion 35 (2020): 102. DOI: Linzhu Wang, Self-determination and Minority Rights in China (The Netherlands: Brill Nijhoff, 2015). Siyuan An & Brian Peck, “China’s Indigenous Innovation Policy in the Context of its WTO Obligations and Commitments,” Georgetown Journal of International Law 42 (2011): 375. Gerald A. Postiglione & Gulbahar H. Beckett, China’s Assimilationist Language Policy (New York: NY, Taylor & Francis, 2013). Daniel C.K. Chow, “China’s Indigenous Innovation Policies and the World Trade Organization,” Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business 34 (2013): 81. Barry Sautman, “Scaling Back Minority Rights? The Debate about China’s Ethnic Policies,” Stanford Journal of International Law 46 (2010): 51. Lin Feng, “The Constitutional Imperative of Equitably Distributing the Proceedings of Mineral Resource Extraction from China’s Ethnic Minority Autonomous Areas,” Kentucky Journal of Equine, Agriculture & Natural Resources Law 4 (2011-2012): 1. Subject Searches: Minorities--Legal Status, laws, etc.--China.Minorities--Civil Rights--China.Indigenous peoples--Legal status, laws, etc.--China. Primary Sources [Law of the People’s Republic of China on Regional National Autonomy] 中华人民共和国民族区域自治法 | Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Minzhu Quyu Zizhi Fa, Order of the President No. 46/2001, promulgated 28 Feb 2001, effective immediately. 中国政府网. NPCSC Official Gazette (02/2001: 121-125); SC Official Gazette (14/2001: 10-18). Translated: -- The Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, “I-04-00-101: Law of the People’s Republic of China on Regional National Autonomy,” in Laws and Regulations of the People’s Republic of China (Beijing: China Legal Publishing House, 1979—). English. -- The Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Republic of China, “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Regional National Autonomy,” in The Laws of the People’s Republic of China (Beijing: Law Press, 2001), 41-60. English. -- AsianLII (2001). English. Modifies: -- [Law of the People’s Republic of China on Regional National Autonomy] 中华人民共和国民族区域自治法 | Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Minzhu Quyu Zizhi Fa, Order of the President No. 13/1984, promulgated 31 May 1984, effective 01 Oct 1984. SC Official Gazette (13/1984: 419-429). Translated: -- AsianLII (1984). English. [Several provisions of the State Council on the Implementation of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Regional Autonomy by Ethnic Minorities] 国务院实施《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》若干规定 | Guowuyuan Shishi <Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Minzu Quyu Zhizi Fa> Ruogan Guiding, Order of the State Council No. 435/2005, promulgated 19 May 2005, effective 31 May 2005. SC Official Gazette (20/2005: 7-10).