Brill & The Hague Academy of International Law


Founded in 1923, the Academy has for decades served as a global center for research about and teaching of international law.

Brill | Nijhoff, in partnership with the Academy, publishes several prestigious publications.




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Arab Law Quarterly: Celebrating 35 Years with free access to selected articles

Arab Law Quarterly, the leading English language scholarly publication on matters relating to the law of Arab states, will publish its 35th Volume in 2021. To celebrate this, five sets of seven articles, hand-picked from past volumes by Editor-in-Chief Haider Ala Hamoudi, will be available for free downloading during 2021.

New Series: International and Comparative Business Law and Public Policy

The Series offers an outlet for monographs and collective works making substantial contributions to interdisciplinary research.

Forthcoming: Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia (3 vols)

Incorporating the work of numerous leading scholars, the Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia provides a detailed description of the practice and implementation of international law in various Asian states. The Encyclopedia is also available online.

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Secondary Sources Guillermo Cabanellas, Derecho Antimonopólico y de Defensa de la Competenc (Buenos Aires: Heliasta, 2005). Carlos Eduardo Tambussi, “Defensa de la competencia en la Argentina: Aspectos Constitucionales y Vinculación con el Derecho de Usuarios y Consumidores,” LEX 12, 14 (2014): 99-120. Diego Petrecolla, Mejores Prácticas en Materia de Defensa de la Competencia en Argentina y Brasil: Aspectos útiles para Centroamérica. (México: CEPAL, 2007). Louis Vogel, “Argentina,” in Global Competition Law: A Practitioner's Guide (Paris: LawLex, 2015). Miguel del Pino & Santiago del Rio, “Argentina,” in Global Antitrust Compliance Handbook (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014), 1.01-1.85. Mariela Rivera & Ana Paula Zorrilla, “Argentina,” Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law 28, 5 (2020): 166. Brief discussion of the 'Competition Defense Law' No 27.442 of 2018. “Argentina,” in International Mergers: The Antitrust Process, 3d ed. (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2011—). Marcelo den Toom, “Argentina,” in International Encyclopaedia of Law: Competition Law (Kluwer Law International, 2022). Available on Kluwer Law Online. Julián Peña & Federico Rossi, “Competition Law in Argentina,” in Competition Law in Latin America: A Practical Guide (Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International, 2016). Chapter 11. “Argentina,” in Cartels & Leniency (Global Legal Group Ltd., frequently updated). “Argentina,” in Competion Law: Overview (Practical Law, frequently updated). Available on Westlaw. Lexology Panoramic, Cartel Regulation, Argentina (London: Law Business Research, frequently updated). Available on Lexology and Bloomberg Law. Subject Searches: Antitrust law--Argentina.Competition --Argentina.Monopolies --Argentina. Primary Sources [Antitrust Law] Ley de Defensa de la Competencia, Ley 27.442, Boletín Oficial (15 May 2018). Compiled statutory text. Spanish.  [Civil and Commercial Code] Codigo Civil y Commercial. Compiled statutory text. Spanish. Translated:Civil and Commercial Code of Argentina, translated into English with an introduction and index by Julio Romañach, Jr. (Baton Rouge, LA: Lawrence Publishing Company, 2015).  [Antitrust and Anticompetitive Behavior] Ley de Defensa de la Competencia, Ley 25.156, Boletín Oficial (20 Sep 1999). Compiled statutory text. Spanish.  [Fair Trade Law] Ley de Lealtad Comercial, Ley 22.802, Boletín Oficial (11 May 1983). Compiled statutory text. Spanish.  [Dumping, Subsidies and Countervailing Duties] Argentina Adhiere a los Acuerdos Alcanzados en la Ronda Uruguay del GATT, se Introdujeron Nuevos Textos Referidos al Dumping, las Subvenciones y los Derechos Compensatorios, Ley 24.425, Boletín Oficial (05 Jan 1995). Compiled statutory text. Spanish. Translated: SICE, Law No. 24.245. English. Note: the law number listed on this website is incorrect, it should be 24.425.