International Law
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International Law
Secondary Sources Zining Jin, “Precaution: China’s Authorization of Genetically Modified Crops,” in Advancing the Method and Practice of Transnational Law (Julie Chaisse & Oana Stefan eds, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2023), 287-302. Ancui Liu, Regulating Genetically Modified Crops in View of Environmental Risks: China’s Implementation of International Obligations (Singapore, Springer, 2022). Wenting Cheng, The Protection of Genetic Resources in Chinese Patent Law (Minnesota, US: Thomson Reuters, 2021). Xiaofu Li, “Legislative Review on Gene Editing in China,” China Legal Science 9 (2021): 38. Cong Cao, “China’s Evolving Biosafety/Biosecurity Legislation,” Journal of Law and Biosciences 8 (2021): 1. Leifan Wang, Fangzhong Wang & Weiwen Zhang, “Bioethics in China’s Biosecurity Law: Forms, Effects, and Unsettled Issues,” Journal of Law and the Biosciences 8 (2021): 1. 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[Seed Law of the People’s Republic of China] 中华人民共和国种子法 | Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Zongzi Fa, Order of the President No. 105/2021, promulgated 24 Dec 2021, effective 01 Mar 2022. 中国生态环境部国家法律法规数据库. NPCSC Official Gazette (01/2022: 79-91). Modifies: -- [Seed Law of the People’s Republic of China] 中华人民共和国种子法 | Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Zongzi Fa, Order of the President No. 35/2015, promulgated 04 Nov 2015, effective 01 Jan 2016. 中国人大网. -- [Seed Law of the People’s Republic of China] 中华人民共和国种子法 | Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Zongzi Fa, Order of the President No. 5/2013, promulgated 29 Jun 2013, effective immediately. Affected by: -- [Decision of the State Council on Abolishing or Delegating Certain Administrative Licenses (2014)] 国务院关于取消和下放一批行政审批项目的决定 (2014) | Guofa (2014) 5, promulgated 28 Jan 2014, effective immediately. -- [Decision of the State Council on Abolishing or Delegating Certain Administrative Licenses (2013)] 国务院关于取消和下放一批行政审批项目的决定 (2013) | Guofa (2013) 44, promulgated 08 Nov 2013, effective immediately. Modifies: -- [Seed Law of the People’s Republic of China] 中华人民共和国种子法 | Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Zongzi Fa, Order of the President No. 25/2004, promulgated 28 Aug 2004, effective immediately. Translated: -- AsianLII (2004). English. Modifies: -- [Seed Law of the People’s Republic of China] 中华人民共和国种子法 | Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Zongzi Fa, Order of the President No. 34/2000, promulgated 28 Jul 2000, effective immediately. SC Official Gazette (25/2000: 5-12). [Regulations on Administration of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms Safety] 农业转基因生物安全管理条例 | Nongye Zhuanjiyin Shengwu Anquan Guanli Tiaoli, Order of the State Council No. 687/2017, promulgated 07 Oct 2017, effective immediately. 农业部. Modifies: -- [ [Regulations on Administration of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms Safety] 农业转基因生物安全管理条例 | Nongye Zhuanjiyin Shengwu Anquan Guanli Tiaoli, Order of the State Council No. 588/2011, promulgated 8 Jan 2011, effective immediately. Modifies: -- [Regulations on Administration of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms Safety] 农业转基因生物安全管理条例 | Nongye Zhuanjiyin Shengwu Anquan Guanli Tiaoli, Order of the State Council No. 304/2001, promulgated 23 May 2001, effective immediately. 中国政府网. SC Official Gazette (22/2001: 6-11). Translated: -- Lawinfochina (2013). English. [Regulation of the People’s Republic of China on Protection of New Varieties of Plants] 中华人民共和国植物新品种保护条例 | Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Zhiwu Xinpinzhong Baohu Tiaoli, Order of the State Council No. 635/2013, promulgated 31 Jan 2013, effective immediately. Modified by: -- [Decision of the State Council on Amending Some Administrative Regulations] 国务院关于修改部分行政法规的决定 | Guowuyuan Guanyu Xiugai Bufen Xingzheng Fagui de Jueding, Order of the State Council No. 653/2014, promulgated 29 Jul 2014, effective immediately. Modifies: -- [Regulation of the People’s Republic of China on Protection of New Varieties of Plants] 中华人民共和国植物新品种保护条例 | Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Zhiwu Xinpinzhong Baohu Tiaoli, Order of the State Council No. 213/1997, promulgated 20 Mar 1997, effective 01 Oct 1997. SC Official Gazette (12/1997: 550-557). Translated: -- AsianLII (1997). English.
Secondary Sources Japan Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Plant Variety Protection. Tetsuya Ishii, “Regulation of Genome Editing in Plant Biotechnology: Japan,” in Regulation of Genome Editing in Plant Biotechnology: A Comparative Analysis of Regulatory Frameworks of Selected Countries and the EU (Cham: Springer, 2019). Chapter 6. Law Library of Congress, Selected Issues in Biotechnology Regulation: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, England, European Union, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan (Washington, D.C.: The Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Directorate, 2023). Subject Searches: Genetic engineering--Law and legislation--Japan.Human cloning--Law and legislation--Japan.Biotechnology--Law and legislation--Japan. Primary Sources [Act on regulation of human cloning techniques] ヒトに関するクローン技術等の規制に関する法律 | Hito ni kansuru kurōn gijutsu tō no kisei ni kansuru hōritsu, Act no. 146/2000, 06 Dec 2000. Hōrei DB. Translated: -- JLT (2021). English. -- AsianLII (2006). English. [Act on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity through regulations on the use of living modified organisms] 遺伝子組換え生物等の使用等の規制による生物の多様性の確保に関する法律 | Idenshi kumikae seibutsu tō no shiyō tō no kisei ni yoru seibutsu no taiyōsei no kakuho ni kansuru hōritsu, Act no. 97/2003, 18 Jun 2003. Hōrei DB. Translated: -- JLT (2018). English. -- AsianLII (2007). English. [Basic act on biodiversity] 生物多様性基本法 | Seibutsu tayōsei kihonhō, Act no. 58/2008, 6 Jun 2008. Hōrei DB. This law affects but does not repeal 97/2003, 18 Jun 2003, above. Translated:JLT (2021). English. [Act on the Promotion of activities for the conservation of biological diversity through cooperation of various entities in the region] 地域における多様な主体の連携による生物の多様性の保全のための活動の促進等に関する法律 | Chiiki ni okeru tayōna shutai no renkei ni yoru seibutsu no tayōsei no hozen no tame no katsudō no sokushin tō ni kansuru hōritsu, Act no. 72/ 2010, 10 Dec 2010. Hōrei DB. [Plant variety protection and seed act] 種苗法 | Shubyōhō, Act no. 83/1998, 29 May 1998. Hōrei DB. Translated: -- JLT (2021). English. -- AsianLII (2006). English. -- WIPO Lex (2007). English. -- Japan MAFF (2007). English. [Intellectual property basic act] 知的財産基本法 | Chiteki zaisan kihonhō, Act no. 122/2002, 04 Dec 2002. Hōrei DB. This is a framework law on industrial property, only tangentially affecting copyright law. It concentrates on setting forth principles for modernization of laws governing “patents, utility model rights, plant variety rights, design rights, copyrights, trademarks and other right regulated by law.” Translated: -- JLT (2021). English. -- AsianLII (2006). English. [Act on the prevention of adverse ecological impacts caused by designated invasive alien species] 特定外来生物による生態系等に係る被害の防止に関する法律 | Tokutei gairai seibutsu ni yoru seitaikei tō ni itaru higai no bōshi ni kansuru hōritsu, Act no. 78/2004, 02 Jun 2004. Hōrei DB. Translated: -- JLT (2018). English. -- AsianLII (2004). English. Under English title: Invasive alien species act. -- Environment Ministry. Under English title: Invasive alien species act.