Social Sciences
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The Social Sciences at Brill are central to our mission of publishing superior scholarship that addresses the complex needs and struggles of the ever-changing political and cultural landscape of a globalized world.
Anchored in well-established critical and comparative publications, the Social Sciences at Brill are experiencing dynamic expansion and diversification by reason of our three core principles for achieving enduring growth in ways that are uniquely relevant to the 21st century: 1) social responsiveness; 2) multi-/inter-/transdisciplinarity; and 3) innovation and revitalization.
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Sign upPodcast: 'In Chains' Episode 3
In the third episode of our new themed series In Chains, we speak with Dr. Alexis Aronowitz from University College Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, who is the author of the article, “Regulating business involvement in labor exploitation and human trafficking” published in Journal of Labor and Society.
Brill Publishes Two New Book Series in the Social Sciences
Brill is pleased to announce the addition of two new peer-reviewed book series to its Social Sciences publishing program: International Studies in Maritime Sociology and Studies in Political Economy of Global Labor and Work. The series will be published online and in print.
Brill adds Two New Journals to Its Social Sciences Publishing Program
Two journals, the Journal of Labor and Society (JLSO) and Protest, have been added to Brill’s expanding publishing program in the Social Sciences. Both journals will be published online and in print. Previous volumes of JLSO are already available on Brill’s website, the first issues of Protest are planned for publication in 2021.
Social Sciences
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Kunden, die die gedruckte Version des LGB2 bezogen haben, zahlen 1.866 Euro statt 3.732.
Die Zielsetzung des «Lexikons des gesamten Buchwesens» ist es, das gesamte Wissen vom Buch, verstanden als die graphische Materialisierung geistiger Inhalte mit dem Ziel ihrer Erhaltung, Überlieferung und Verbreitung in der Gesellschaft, in wissenschaftlich zuverlässiger und exakter Weise in einer alphabetisch-lexikalischen Ordnung darzubieten.
Erfasst werden alle Personen, Institutionen, Fakten, Faktoren und Verfahren, die bei der Vermittlung geistiger Inhalte zwischen Autor und Leser durch das Medium Buch eine Rolle spielen. Der inhaltliche Rahmen des Lexikons umfasst die Bereiche der Produktion, Distribution und Rezeption des Buches. Berücksichtigt werden ebenfalls Teilbereiche jener Disziplinen, die insbesondere für die mit dem Buch beruflich Verbundenen, das heißt Bibliographen, Bibliothekare, Buchhändler und Verleger, aber auch für Bibliophile und Büchersammler von Bedeutung sein könnten. Hierzu gehören beispielsweise Elemente der Archivistik, Diplomatik, Kartographie, Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft, des Zeitschriften und Pressewesens, sowie der Dokumentation und Information, der Datenverarbeitung und Medienkunde. Hierbei sind geographische Gesichtspunkte keine Selektionskriterien, jedoch liegen die Akzente auf dem europäischen, insbesondere dem deutschsprachigen Bereich.
Die einzelnen Artikel werden durch weiterführende Literaturangaben bereichert und durch Abbildungen, Tabellen und Karten ergänzt.
Die elektronische Fassung des Lexikons enthält rund 21.000 Eintragungen, verfasst von ca. 400 Autoren. Sie basiert auf der zweiten, völlig neu bearbeiteten Auflage des LGB (9 Bde; Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann, 1987-2016).
Special discount
Customers who have bought the print edition of LGB2 from Hiersemann Verlag pay 1.866 euro instead of 3.732 euro.
The aim of the Lexikons des gesamten Buchwesens (“Dictionary of the Book”) is to render the complete knowledge about the book in an academically reliable and exact manner, in alphabetical order. The book is understood as the graphical presentation of intellectual content with the aim of the preservation, transmission and dissemination of this content in society. All persons, institutions, facts, factors and procedures that play a role in the mediation of intellectual content between the author and the reader through the medium of the book are recorded. The dictionary covers everything from the production and distribution to the reception of the book. It also takes into account certain areas that are of particular importance to those working with books professionally, such as bibliographers, librarians, booksellers and publishers, but also for book collectors and bibliophiles. These include, for example, elements of archival studies, diplomacy, cartography, literature and linguistics, the press, epistemology, data processing and media studies. Geographical limitations do not play a role, yet the emphasis is on European, especially the German-speaking countries.
Each individual entry includes ends with a list of further reading and often includes illustrations, tables or maps.
The electronic edition contains about 21,000 entries, written by ca. 400 authors. It is based on the second, completely revised edition of the LGB (9 vols., Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann, 1987-2016).
This new edition of the African Studies Companion Online brings together a wide range of sources of information in the African studies field. It builds on four previous editions of the African Studies Companion, the award-winning publication initiated by Hans Zell. Published in print and online until 2006, this new edition is published electronically only.
The African Studies Companion Online is an invaluable tool for scholars in African Studies. It contains over 1800 entries covering guides and resources for African languages, Africa cartography and maps, African film, African studies journals, magazines and newsletters, media guides and news sources for Africa, the African press, African studies library collections worldwide, national archives in Africa, centers of African studies and African studies programs worldwide, awards and prizes in African studies, and a wealth of other subjects.
Many entries describe and evaluate resources, others are factual and provide practical information. With a few exceptions, all entries directly link to the internet.
Easy to search and navigate, African Studies Companion Online is the best starting point for students and professionals in African Studies.
Edited by Marie-José Wijntjes
The Africa Yearbook covers major domestic political developments, the foreign policy and socio-economic trends in sub-Sahara Africa – all related to developments in one calendar year. The Yearbook contains articles on all sub-Saharan states, each of the four sub-regions (West, Central, Eastern, Southern Africa) focusing on major cross-border developments and subregional organizations as well as one article on continental developments and one on European-African relations. While the articles have thorough academic quality, the Yearbook is mainly oriented to the requirements of a large range of target groups: students, politicians, diplomats, administrators, journalists, teachers, practitioners in the field of development aid as well as business people.
The Africa Yearbook Online offers access to all yearbooks and is automatically updated upon publication of the new yearbook.
The Africa Yearbook is an indispensable reference work for scholars, journalists, diplomats and (non)governmental organizations.
Features and Benefits
- Easy navigation through the different sub-region(s) by year
- Articles per country from the best scholars in the field
- Each article includes domestic politics, foreign affairs, socioeconomic developments
- Includes general articles about international relations
- Articles include the general facts and figures per country
- Direct links within the articles to country level
- Main keywords are represented in bold for easy navigation and reading
- Annual update upon publication of the new yearbook (Volume 1 of the Africa Yearbook was published in 2005)
- Annual update with African Studies Companion
The Africa Yearbook is also available in print, for more information visit Africa Yearbook.
Brill Dictionary of Religion Online is also available in print, visit for more information.
Features and Benefits: - Richly illustrated - More than 500 entries - Covers a wide range of theologies, religions and religious phenomena on a global scale - Unique combination of institutionalized religions and other religious phenomena