First new volumes in Studies in Periodical Cultures series!


The series contributes to the burgeoning field of periodical studies, exploring magazines, newspapers, and other forms of serialized media in (trans)national contexts. The first volume is now available in Open Access!




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New journal: Journal of Literary Multilingualism

Explores texts written in non-native languages, in a mix of languages and alternating languages. It examines a wide range of literary practices from around the globe broadly defined by multilingual and multicultural situations. First volume available now!

NEW! Studies in World Cinema: A Critical Journal

This new Literature and Cultural Studies journal takes a pluralistic, polycentric and non-normative approach to the notion of ‘world cinema’ understood as a dynamic and all-inclusive concept. The journal also publishes themed special issues, for which contributions are invited from guest editors.

New journal: Journal of Avant-Garde Studies

Published twice annually this is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary forum for critical discussion of the experimental, the outrageous, and the unclassifiable in the arts and literature, from the heyday of modernism to today. The perspective is global, the theoretical approaches are diverse, and the eligible subjects range from the famous to the forgotten.


Acquisitions Editors



Brill | Fink

Andreas Knop

Henning Siekmann

V&R unipress

Julia Schwanke

Literature and Cultural Studies

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