Book History and Cartography

Highlighted Book Series: Library of the Written World


“One of the most outstanding series in the field of European book history.” - Mart van Duijn, Leiden University Libraries, in Quaerendo.




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New series in Cartography: Mapping the Past

The series editors stimulate to explore the potential of maps for the study of the past, and accordingly the series aims at cross-fertilizing the history of cartography with disciplines such as history, landscape studies, geography, art history, digital humanities, urban planning and heritage studies. The first volume is in production.

Featured Bibliography: Book History Online

Is the international bibliography in the field of book and library history. It provides a comprehensive survey of all scholarly publications written from a historical perspective.


Acquisitions Editors

Arjan van Dijk

Early Modern Studies: Reformation and Renaissance, Book History, Intellectual History and Jesuit Studies

Alessandra Giliberto

Modern History, Cultural History, Economic and Social History, Legal History, History of Cartography

Book History and Cartography

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