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Brill's Digital Library of World War I x
  • All: science x
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PDF Mizuno, Hiromi - The Science Room as an Archive: Taisho Japan and WWI ISFWWS-Keywords: Asia Asia | Science Science | Society Society

PDF Ginsburger, Nicolas - An American Geographer between Science and Diplomacy: The Mission of Douglas W. Johnson in Europe, May–November 1918 Keywords: The United States of America The United States of America | Intellectuals and the War

Society | Science, Technology, and Medicine Science, Technology, and Medicine Bürgschwentner Joachim Egger Matthias


PDF Otsubo, Sumiko - Fighting on Two Fronts: Japan’s Involvement in the Siberian Intervention and the Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918 ISFWWS-Keywords: Asia Asia | Science, Technology, and Medicine Science

PDF Chung, Yuehtsen Juliette - Sovereignty and Imperial Hygiene: Japan and the 1919 Cholera Epidemic in East Asia ISFWWS-Keywords: Asia Asia | Science, Technology, and Medicine Science, Technology, and Medicine


PDF Lim, Chaisung - Railroad Workers and World War I: Labor Hygiene and the Policies of Japanese National Railways ISFWWS-Keywords: Asia Asia | Science, Technology, and Medicine Science, Technology, and Medicine


fronts | Society Society | Science, Technology, and Medicine Science, Technology, and Medicine | Economy Economy | Politics Politics


PDF Deriu, Davide - Between Veiling and Unveiling: Modern Camouflage and the City as a Theater of War Keywords: Aviation Aviation | Science, Technology, and Medicine Science, Technology, and Medicine

PDF Paddock, Troy R.E. - Introduction ISFWWS-Keywords: Society Society | Science Science | Technology Technology | Medicine


French society during the war | Germany Germany | Society Society | Portugal Portugal | Austria-Hungary Austria-Hungary | Science, Technology, and Medicine Science, Technology, and