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Brill's Digital Library of World War I x
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Great Britain The War For Great Britain, the war first began at sea. The Royal Navy established a blockade of the German North Sea coasts and harbors and thus practically confined the imperial fleet to the Baltic Sea. This measure was of decisive strategic importance due to the fact that it secured the British supply of food and other important goods by sea. Although the German fleet attempted to disrupt the British shipping routes during the further course of the war by launching


Armed Forces (Great Britain) The First World War was a highly unpleasant experience for the British. The perception of this war in public opinion was once summed up by the historian A.J.P. Taylor in the disparaging words “brave, helpless soldiers; blundering, obstinate generals; nothing achieved.” This negative view was primarily the consequence of the losses of human life, as the number of casualties among the soldiers was without precedent in the history of Great Britain. The majority of these losses had been


PDF Barkawi, Tarak - Army, Ethnicity and Society in British India Keywords: British Indian army British Indian army | colonial society colonial society | ethnicity


PDF Todman, Dan - The First World War in Contemporary British Popular Culture Keywords: British popular culture British popular culture | First World War First World War | Second World War


George V, King of Great Britain and Ireland (June 3, 1865, London – January 20, 1936, Sandringham), king of Great Britain and Ireland (from 1910; from 1921 “of Northern Ireland”; from 1911 also “Emperor of India”). Grandson of Queen Victoria; originally third in succession to the throne. He received military training in the Royal Navy before succeeding his father Edward VII on the throne in 1910. After the outbreak of the First World War, George won great popularity with several visits to the front (on one occasion


PDF Monger, David - Transcending the Nation: Domestic Propaganda and Supranational Patriotism in Britain, 1917–18 ISFWWS-Keywords: Britain Britain | Home fronts Home fronts | Politics


PDF Stibbe, Matthew - A Community at War: British Civilian Internees at the Ruhleben Camp in Germany, 1914–1918 Keywords: Home fronts Home fronts | Germany Germany | Britain

PDF Showalter, Dennis - ‘It All Goes Wrong!’: German, French, and British Approaches to Mastering the Western Front Keywords: Western Front Western Front | Military organisation of combat Military organisation of combat


PDF Terwey, Susanne - Stereotypical Bedfellows: The Combination of Anti-Semitism with Germanophobia in Great Britain, 1914–1918 Keywords: Home fronts Home fronts | Britain Britain | Religion


PDF Meyer, Jessica - ‘Gladder to be Going Out Than Afraid’: Shellshock and Heroic Masculinity in Britain, 1914–1919 Keywords: Britain Britain | Masculinity Masculinity | Experience of combat