

in The Plantin Press Online

(210 words)

French Calvinist minister. Beaugency-sur-Loire, c. 1530 - Castres, 11 November 1595. Studied law at Paris, Orléans and Bourges. He became a Calvinist in 1560 and went to Geneva. He returned to France in 1561, becoming minister at Gien. After the massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve (August 1572) he fled to Geneva. He went to Leiden in March 1581, where he was appointed professor, whilst at the same time acting as minister of the Walloon church of the city. Frictions, however, arose, and he left Leiden in May 1582. Whilst passing through Ghent, he was persuaded to become in the Flemish city minister of the Walloon congregation and professor at the newly erected Athenaeum. But there too he did not feel at home, leaving in May 1583 definitely the Netherlands for France (in Orthez, from end 1583 till 1591; in 1591 to Lescar; in 1593 to Castres). Cf. Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek, 1, 1911, Columns 685-688: Dictionnaire des lettres françaises publié sous la direction de Mgr. G. Grente. Le seizième siècle, 1951, page 213; A. Cioranesco, Bibliographie de la littérature française du seizième siècle, 1959, pages 230-233.

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