

in The Plantin Press Online

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Leading humanist of the Netherlands in the second half of the 16th century. Overijse (near Brussels), 18 October 1547 - Louvain, 23 March 1606. After studies at the University of Louvain he went to Italy, where he became secretary to Cardinal Granvelle (1568-1570). He returned to the Netherlands, but the reign of the Duke of Alva was not to his liking. He became professor at the University of Iena (1572-1574), lived for some months at Cologne, before coming back at the beginning of 1575 to his native country where soon afterwards he was appointed professor at the University of Louvain. The taking of the city by the Spanish army drove him to the North, where in April 1578 he became professor at the University of Leiden. After the consolidation of the situation in the South, he tried to return. This he could finally do in 1591 and was again appointed professor at the Louvain University in September 1592. He was a personal friend of Plantin and Jan Moretus, both bringing practically all his works in editio princeps on the market. From 1583 until 1590 Lipsius's editions were printed at the Officina Plantiniana at Leiden, but of all these publications copies were also marketed with an imprint showing Plantin's Antwerp address. Cf. Biographie Nationale [de Belgique], 12, 1892-93, Columns 239-289; Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek, 3, 1914, Columns 755-782; BB, III, pages 883-1125; L. van der Essen - H.F. Bouchery, Waarom Justus Lipsius gevierd?, Brussels, 1949 (Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België, XI, no. 8) (status questionis and bibliography up to 1949); A. Gerlo, H.D.L. Vervliet, and I. Vertessen, La correspondance de Juste Lipse conservée au Musée Plantin-Moretus. Introduction, commentaire, documents, bibliographie, Antwerp, 1966 (with a very interesting bibliography); A. Gerlo, M.A. Nauwelaerts, and H.D.L. Vervliet, Iusti Lipsi epistolae. Pars I: 1564-1583, Brussels, 1978 (with introduction and bibliographical references). Other bibliographical references in A. Gerlo - H.D.L. Vervliet, Bibliographie de l'humanisme des anciens Pays-Bas, 1972, pages 388-390. See also Tacitus. Edited also: Livius, 1579 (no. cp011028); Tacitus (nos. 2276-2281).

XI. Pronunciatione: De recta pronunciatione Latinae linguae dialogus.

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