N.B.: 'City Archives' stands for City Archives, Antwerp.
I. Announcements (broadsides).
Broadsides of varying sizes. A number with heading; others without heading. Set in Go (when not otherwise stated). The name of the printer is not given, but type and initials point to Plantin. Notes: 1) The not dated pieces belong very likely to the period 1582-1584; 2) The names of the villages around Antwerp are transcribed literally from the documents; the actual names are often somewhat different.
- cp010072: 1580 (collection of the goods confiscated on the enemies, s. by the receiver of the confiscated goods in the sector of Antwerp) (in Ci)
- cp011952: 1580 (convocation for a meeting in Herentals) (in Ci)
- cp013548: 1581 (circular letter about the modalities of the levying of a new tax) (in Ci)
- cp010930: 23 August 1582: Copie (text of decree of the States of Brabant on the payment of the 5th penny; Antwerp, 19 August 1582, s. Meganck; followed by the request of the collector of the tax to pay the due amount) (in civilité type, words in gothic type)
- cp013215: 1582 (announcement of the sale of real estate of the clergy in Contwyck)
- cp011540: 8 March 1583 (circular letter for the requisition of waggons with horses for a military transport; the payment will be deducted from the tax of the 5th penny) (in Ci)
- cp012646: 15 April 1583, Antwerp (circular letter - probably intended for the magistrates of the villages around Antwerp - about modifications in the payment of the taxes) (in Ci)
- cp011757: 31 May 1583: s. Meganc (tax in victuals for the soldiers in Roosendaele, to be paid by the surrounding villages) (in Ci)
- cp010827: 13 July 1583, Antwerp (circular letter - probably intended for the magistrate of the villages around Antwerp - about the payment of the beer-tax) (in Ci)
- cp012539: 29 November 1583: Men sal van weghen den Staten van Brabant binnen Antwerpen…vercoopen…(announcement of the sale of real estate in the neighbourhood of Antwerp)
- cp012696: November 1583: Men sal van weghen den Staten van Brabandt binnen Antwerpen ten huyse van Lambrecht Buycx…in Borgerhoudt vercoopen…(announcement of the sale of real estate in Borgerhout)
- cp011383: 24 January 1584: Men sal van weghen den Staten van Brabant openbaerlijck…vercoopen (announcement of the sale of real estate in the neighbourhood of Antwerp: Wilrijck, Contick, Reeth, Scelle, Nile, Waerloos, Hemmessen) (on two columns)
- cp013018: 7 February 1584: Idem (Deurne, Borsbeeck, Hemexen, Reeth, Waerloos, Contick, Ranst, Oorderen) (on two columns)
- cp011099: 20 March 1584, Antwerp (circular letter about the payment of overdue taxes, s. by the collector of the said taxes in the 'quarter of Antwerp') (Go, part in civilité type)
- cp012032: 15 April 1584, Antwerp (circular letter about the payment of overdue taxes, s. by the collector of the said taxes in the 'quarter of Antwerp') (in Ci)
- cp011123: 2 August 1586: ⊕ 133, s. J. Sittart (declaration by J. Sittart, process-server of the Council of Brabant, that, according to an act of the said Council of 9 June 1586, he had summoned publicly from the steps of the city-hall a number of persons listed by their name to pay their quote-part in the loan of 300,000 florins Carolus guilders) (Go, part in civilité type)
- cp013264: ?: Men doet condt ende laet weten eenen ieghelijck…(announcement of the sale of confiscated real estate near Antwerp)
- cp013337: ?: Men doet condt ende laet weten eenen ieghelijck…(announcement of the sale of confiscated real estate of the clergy in the neighbourhood of Antwerp)
- cp011454: ?: Men laet weten eenen yegelijcken…(announcement of the farming of certain taxes of the States of Brabant)
- cp010327: ?: Men condicht ende laet weten…(announcement of the sale of confiscated real estate at Borgerhout)
- cp010627: ?: Men laet weten eenen yegelijcken…(announcement of the sale of real estate in the neighbourhood of Antwerp: Hoboken, Beirschot, Wilryck) (on two columns)
- cp012898: ?: De Ghecommitteerde vande Staten van Brabant totte vercoopinghe…(announcement of the sale of confiscated real estate of the clergy in the neighbourhood of Antwerp: Vrempde, Loenhout, Moirtsel, Ranst, Milleghem) (on two columns; two sheets)
- cp013074: ?: Idem (Bouchout, Contick, Santvliet, Aertselaer, Broechem) (on two columns; two sheets)
- cp010488: ?: Idem (Sant-vliet, Doerne, Harincrode, Scelle, Berchem) (on two columns; two sheets)
- cp012837: ?: Idem (Santhoven, Voerschooten, Halle, Nijle, Massenhoven, Eeckeren) (on two columns; two sheets)
- cp013248: ?: Idem (Wilmarsdonck, Oirderen) (on two columns; two sheets)
- cp010176: ?: Idem (Wommelghem, Schooten, Berendrecht) (on two columns; two sheets)
- cp011301: ?: Idem (Outstruweel, Wilmersdonck) (on two columns; two sheets)
- cp012471: ?: Idem (Outstruweel) (on two columns; two sheets)
- cp010377: ?: Idem (Hoboken, Beirschot, Wilrijck) (on two columns; two sheets)
- cp010464: ? (announcement of the sale of real estate of the clergy) (two different texts on one sheet)
- cp011283: ? (announcement of the sale of real estate of the clergy in Borgerhout) (two similar texts, with typographical differences, on one sheet)
- cp010681: ? (everyone wishing to buy or rent real estate of the clergy within the duchy of Brabant is invited to visit the officials seating in the city-hall of Antwerp) (two similar texts on one sheet)
- cp010661: ? (announcement of the farming of new taxes) (two similar texts on one sheet)
- cp012714: ? (announcement of the farming of taxes in Antwerp and some villages around the city)
II. Ordinances (in form of booklet).
- cp012932: Ordinantie, instructie ende conventien daerop die Staten van Brabant zullen verpachten…d'imposten op verscheyden sorten van eetelijcke ende drinckelijcke waren binnen…Brabant…, 1580
- cp010186: Ordonnantie, instructie ende conditien daerop van weghen der Staten van Brabant, men sal verpachten…, ende collecteren d'imposten op verscheyden soorten van eetelijcke, drinckelijcke ende andere waren binnen…Brabant…, 1581
- cp010166: Ordonnantie, instructie ende conditien daerop van weghen der Staten van Brabant, men sal verpachten…, ende collecteren d'imposten op verscheyden soorten van eetelijcke, drinckelijcke ende andere waren binnen…Brabant…, 1581
- cp013470: Instructie opt heffen vanden impost vande drye stuyvers op elcke ame biers by den Staten van Brabandt gheconsenteert…, 1581
- cp010204: Ordonnantie, instructie ende conditien daer op van weghen der Staten van Brabant men sal verpachten,…ende collecteren d'imposten op verscheyden soorten van etelycke, drinckelijcke ende andere waren binnen…Brabant…, 1581
- cp013160: Ordonnantie van weghen der Staten…van Brabant ghemaeckt op tstuck vander collectatie, opheve ende lichtinghe vanden vijfden penninck vande onroerende goeden…, 1581
- cp011282: Ordonnantie, instructie ende conditien daerop van weghen sijne Hoocheyt ende der Staten van Brabant, men sal verpachten,…ende collecteren d'imposten op verscheyden soorten van eetelijcke, drinckelijcke ende andere waren binnen…Brabant…, 1582
- cp010931: Instructie opt heffen vanden impost vande vier stuyvers op elcke ame biers byden Staten van Brabandt gheconsenteert…, 1582
- cp012929: Ordonnantie, instructie ende conditien daer op men van weghen den Staten van Brabant sal verpachten…den impost vanden twee stuyvers op elcke ame biers…, 1582
- cp011129: Ordonnantie, instructie ende conditien daer op vanweghen sijne Hoocheyt ende der Staten van Brabant, men sal verpachten,…ende collecteren d'imposten op verscheyden soorten van etelijcke, drinckelijcke ende andere waren, binnen…Brabant…, 1583
- cp013136: Instructie opt heffen vanden impost vande vier stuyvers op elcke ame biers by den Staten van Brabant…, 1583
- cp012494: Ordonnantie, instructie ende conditien daer op men van weghen de Staten van Brabant sal verpachten…den impost vanden twee stuvers op elcke ame biers…, 1583
- cp012099: Ordonnantie…vanden Staten van Brabant opde bevrydinghe ende veylinghe vande riviere ende navigatie, 1584
- cp011987: Ordonnantie, instructie ende conditien daer op van wegen de Staten van Brabant…men sal verpachten,…ende collecteren d'imposten op verscheyden soorten van etelijcke, drinckelijcke ende andere waren binnen…Brabant…, 1584
- cp013147: Ordonnantie ende instructie daer op men van weghen der drye Staeten des landts ende hertochdoms van Brabant collecteren, verpachten ende innen sal respective den impost op de bieren ghestelt om eensdeels te vervallen d'oncosten vander dijckagie inden quartiere van Antwerpen…, 1587
III. Ordinances (broadsides; with heading).
Broadsides of varying sizes; with heading, eventually surmounted by a woodcut with the coat-of-arms of Brabant (⊕ 150); in Go. The name of the printer is not stated, but type and initials point to Plantin.
- cp010597: 30 January 1581: Ordonnantie vanden Raede der Staten van Brabandt aengaende de t'achterheyt vande rentieren die eenighe renten syn heffende opde domeynen, beden, thollen, oft andere innecomen vanden hertochdom ende Landen van Brabandt (decree regarding the non-payment of rents on the domains, taxes, tolls and other revenues of the Duchy of Brabant), s. Adrian van Schutteput; underneath the s. of van Schutteput a statement that the ordinance was published the same day at Antwerp
- cp012948: 23 March 1584, Antwerp: ⊕ 150; Ordonnantie van mijne Heeren de Ghedeputeerde vanden Staten van Brabant, op de bevrydinghe ende veylinghe vande Riviere ende navigatie: Gepubliceert t'Antwerpen den XXIIII. Meerte 1584; s. Meganc (measures to assure the security on the river Scheldt against the raids by the enemy)
IV. Ordinances (broadsides; without heading).
Broadsides of varying sizes. Generally with a woodcut with the coat-of-arms of Brabant (⊕ 150), but without heading; set in Go (sometimes parts in roman type) when not otherwise stated. The name of the printer is not noted, but type and initials point to Plantin.
- cp013047: 3 October 1581, Antwerp: ⊕ 150, s. And. Hesselz (taxes on the real estate of the clergy in Brabant)
- cp011970: 18 November 1581, Antwerp: ⊕ 150, s. And. Hesselz (interdiction to transport goods to the places held by the enemy)
- cp013333: 31 July 1582, Antwerp: ⊕ 150, s. Meganck (levying of the tax of the 5th penny on real estate)
- cp012776: 11 September 1584, Antwerp: ⊕ 150, s. Meganc (interdiction to send or receive letters except through the postmaster-general); underneath the s. of Meganc: statement that the decree was publicly cried from the city-hall of Antwerp, 15 September 1584, s. A. de Wreede
- cp010758: 12 December 1584, Antwerp: ⊕ 150, s. Meganc (regulation of the ship-traffic on the Scheldt in view of the raids by the enemy); underneath the s. of Meganc: statement that the decree was publicly cried from the city-hall of Antwerp, 15 December 1584, s. A. de Wreede (part in civilité type)