
(299 words)

The 'Great Lottery' of 1578 was organized by Gerard Gramaye, treasurer of the city of Antwerp. It was on his account that Plantin placed the costs for the several announcements he printed (28 June 1578: Arch. 56, folio 82v): 1) 'Les loteries en francois et en flam[eng] imprimés en placais': 2 sheets per copy; paper: 4 reams 4 'mains' [= meaning thus 1,100 copies printed]; price: at 5½ florins Carolus guilders per ream, 23 florins Carolus guilders 2 stuivers; 2) 'Item pour les loteries en francois et en flam[eng] imprimés in 8º': 2 sheets per copy; paper: 16 reams 16 'mains [= meaning thus 4, 400 copies printed; half in Dutch, half in French]; price: at 3½ florins Carolus guilders per ream, 58 florins Carolus guilders 6 stuivers; 3) 'Item pour l'impression de la 2e edition en francois et flam[eng] en livre 16': paper: 10 reams (5 for the Dutch and 5 for the French edition); price: at 2 florins Carolus guilders 5 stuivers per ream, 22 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers; 4) 'Item pour papier et impression des loteries en placais en fr[ancois] et en flam[eng] ': paper: 8 reams 4 'mains' (half for the Dutch and half for the French edition); price: at 5½ florins Carolus guilders per ream, 45 florins Carolus guilders 2 stuivers This means thus that Plantin printed in Dutch and French for the 'Lottery': 1. An edition in 8º; 2. A reprint in 16mo; 3. A broadside on 2 sheets; 4. A reprint of this broadside. Of these publications only a Dutch and French copy of the in 8º edition are known.

The Plantin Press Online

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