Flemish mathematician. Bruges, 1548 - The Hague, 1620. One of the most outstanding mathematicians of his time, among the founders of mechanics, inventor, and an ardent promoter of the Dutch language, Stevin was an all-round genius, but surprisingly few details are known of his life. He has been an accountant in Antwerp and later a financial agent of the city of Bruges. In 1571 he left the Southern Netherlands, and must have travelled in Germany, Poland, Sweden and Norway. In 1581 he appears in Leiden, where in 1583 he is registered at the university among the students in letters, but where he must also have taught mathematics. In 1590 he went to Delft and before 1600 to The Hague. He became a protégé of prince Maurits of Nassau, was in 1592 appointed inspector of the Dutch water-system and in 1593 quartermaster of the army of the States-General. Cf. Biographie Nationale [de Belgique], 23, 1921-24, Columns 887-938; Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek, 5, 1921, Columns 815-818; BB, V, pages 214-244; P.G.A. de Waal, De leer van het boekhouden in de Nederlanden tijdens de zestiende eeuw, Roermond, 1927, pages 259-277. Other bibliographical references in A. Gerlo - H.D.L. Vervliet, Bibliographie de l 'humanisme des anciens Pays-Bas, 1972, pages 457-458.
- cp012724: Tafelen van interest, midtsgaders de constructie der selver, 1582.
- cp012156: L'arithmetique. Leiden, 1585.
- cp010292: La pratique d'arithmetique. Leiden, 1585.
- cp011818: De thiende. Leiden, 1585.
- cp010511: Dialectike ofte bewysconst leerende van allen saecken recht ende constelick oirdeelen. Leiden, 1585.