Brabant Franciscan monk. Probably born in Antwerp (c. 1545 ?); became a Franciscan monk; died in Antwerp, 1588 (cf. Biographie Nationale [de Belgique], 4, 1873, Column 358). He is only known for compiling an Index (or Indices) Romani missalis, often found as an appendix in the missals published by Plantin. The first known are in the in 4⁰ edition of November 1573 (see no. cp011150) and the in folio edition of 1574 (see no. cp010654). These first Indices are presented as part of the Missale, starting with 'Index ordinum eorum omnium, quo Missale Romanum ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum, ac dispositum est; comprehens', and at the end a note to Plantin by Regius, dated 17 February 1573, and the approbatio, s. J. Molanus, 8 March 1573. In later editions the Index is sometimes presented as a separate publication with a title-page, showing a heading, the note to Plantin and the approbatio, both with the date of 1573, and an additional 4 lines poem by H. Berselius 'ad pium lectorem'.