Record ID | cp091375 |
Voet reference number | 2056 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | |
Title page transcription | PINDARI ‖ OLYMPIA, PYTHIA, ‖ NEMEA, ISTHMIA. ‖ Cæterorum octo Lyricorum carmina, ‖ ALCAEI, ANACREONTIS, ‖ SAPPHVS, BACCHYLIDIS, ‖ STESICHORI, SIMONIDIS, ‖ IBYCI, ALCMANIS, ‖ Nonnulla etiam aliorum. ‖ Omnia Græcè & Latinè. ‖ Pindari interpretatio noua est, eaqq̓́ue ad verbum: cæteri ‖ partim ad verbum, partim carmine sunt redditi. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ ANNO CIƆ.IƆ.LXVII. |
Collation | 16mo [90]: a-r⁸; pages 1-270, [271-272] (Errors: 2 for [3], 13 in wrong corner, 16 for 161) |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank 2 (= for [3]) -[4]: Henricus Stephanus P.M. S.P.D. (Paris, 1 April) [5]: Horatii Ode II. lib. IIII. Carm [6]: Poems on Pindarus (greek type) 7-256: Text (on two columns: one with the Latin, the other with the Greek text) 257-261: Pindari vita, scholiis Graecis praefixa (on two columns: one in Latin, the other in Greek) 261-262: Aliter, ex Suida (on two columns: one in Latin, the other in Greek) 263-265: De strophis, antistrophis et epodis (on two columns: one in Latin, the other in Greek) 266-270: Pindari vita ex Lilii Greg. Gyraldi Dialogo IX. De poetarum historia (words in greek type) [271-272]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | KU Leuven- Maurits Sabbe Library, PN00856UNamur- R16A0059, R4Z.0246 |
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Further reading |
Title page transcription | CARMINVM ‖ POETARVM NOVEM, ‖ lyricae poëseωs principum, ‖ fragmenta. ‖ ALCAEI, ANACREONTIS, ‖ SAPPHVS, BACCHYLIDIS, ‖ STESICHORI, SIMONIDIS, ‖ IBYCI, ALCMANIS. ‖ PINDARI. ‖ Nonnulla etiam aliorum. ‖ Cum Latina interpretatione, partim soluta ‖ oratione, partim carmine. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ M.D.LXVII. |
Collation | 16mo [90]: A-M⁸, N⁴; pages 1-196, [197-200] |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2-3]: Illustribus viris Marco et Ioanni Fuggero, Hen. Stephanus (on two columns; italic type) 4-196: Text (on two columns: one with the Latin text [parts in italic type], the other with the Greek text; the poems of each author, until Alcman, page 154, preceded by his biography in Latin, and eventually other introductory pieces [italic type, parts in roman type, words in greek type]) [197-199]: Henricus Stephanus poetices studiosis lectoribus, S.D. (italic type, parts in greek type) [199-200]: Castigationes Henrici Stephani in Anacreontis odae (on two columns; italic type, parts in roman type and greek type) |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 1113- A 737- B 2253KBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeGhent University LibraryBritish Library LondonBibliothèque nationale de France |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, page 67 (1567, no. 4) |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | Edition in two volumes, but each presented as a separate publication, of some Greek poets, in Greek with Latin translation. Edited and translated by Henricus Stephanus: I. The works of Pindarus: Olympia (7-76), Pythia (76-173), Nemea (164-222), Isthmia (223-256); followed by some additional parts, also in Greek, with Latin translation; II. The works of Alcaeus (4-15), Sappho (17-34), Stesichorus (35-42), Ibycus (43-48), Anacreon (49-113; including, in Latin, 'Sequuntur aliquot Anacreontis ode ex Eliae Andree interpretatione, quas supra ab Henrico Stephano interpretatas habuisti', 104-113), Bacchylides (114-121), Simonides (122-153), Alcman (154-158), Pindarus (159-173), Archilochus (173-179), Melanippides (180), Telestes (181; only in Greek), Pratinas (182; only in Greek), Scholia diversorum (183-185), Erinna (185-186), Alpheus (187), Anacreon (188), Julianus Aegyptius (189), Theocritus (189-192), small poems by Alcaeus, Sappho, Ibycus, Anacreon, Bacchylides, Simonides, Alcman, and Archilochus (193-196; only in Greek). |
Note 2 | Reprint of the edition published in Paris by Henri Estienne II in 1560 and 1566 (Renouard, Annales de l'imprimerie des Estienne, 1843, pages 118 and 126). |
Note 3 | In a letter to Pierre Porret at Paris, July 1567, Plantin affirms to be willing to print an additional sheet with what Monsr. Chrestian (further in the text: Christien; unknown personality) should present him on the subject of Pindarus ('Si Monsr. Chrestian me donne quelque chose mesme sur Pindare, je feray devoir encores de l'imprimer en une feille à part': Corr., I, no. 53). 'Monsr. Chrestian' does not seem to have forwarded his remarks. In any case, they do not have been reproduced in the publication. |
Note 4 | The cost-accounting note in Arch. 4, folio 110, gives the following details about 'Pindarus Graece et Latine, 16⁰': the composing and printing started on 25 October 1566 (A-G); they went on with rather long intervals: the wages are further noted on 23 November 1566 and 19 January 1567 (= final parts of first volume), and again on 1 March 1567 (second volume); they amount to 61 florins Carolus guilders 7 stuivers As the two volumes contain together 14¾ sheets and as 1,250 copies were printed, 39 reams of paper (including the 'imperfections') were used, which, at 1 florins Carolus guilders 12 stuivers per ream, came to 62 florins Carolus guilders 8 stuivers, bringing the overall costs to 123 florins Carolus guilders 15 stuivers 'Qui est la pièce 2 stuivers un peu moins'. |
Note 5 | Listed in M 296, folio 14v (Pindarus grȩcolat. In 16⁰, etc. A⁰ -, f[euilles] 15, [price:] stuivers 6). |
Further reading |