

in The Plantin Press Online

(138 words)

Unitarian theologian and schoolmaster, originary from the Altmark, near Magdeburg. Rector of the College at Emden (in 1576), he assumed the same functions at the Calvinist College in Antwerp, from August 1581 till about 1583. He went to Leiden, where he is mentioned in September 1583, but already in the beginning of 1584 he left Holland for Cracow in Poland to settle down finally in Klausenburg in Transsylvania (mentioned until 1595). Cf. Biographie Nationale [de Belgique], 10, 1888-1889, Columns 501-504; Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek, 1,1911, Columns 1226-1227; H.L.V. de Groote, 'De zestiende-eeuwse Antwerpse schoolmeesters' in Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis inzonderheid van het oud hertogdom Brabant, 50, 1967, page 275, and 51, 1968, page 23.

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