
PETRI (PIETERS), Suffridus (Sjoerd)

in The Plantin Press Online

(127 words)

Frisian humanist and historian. Leeuwarden, 15 June 1527 - Cologne, 23 January 1597. Classical studies at the University of Louvain. Taught Greek and Latin at Leeuwarden (1553), Louvain (1556), Erfurt (1557). Librarian and secretary to Cardinal Granvelle in 1562. Until 1577, with some interruptions, at Louvain. From that date until his death professor at Cologne, where he taught law. Cf. Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek, 5, 1921, Columns 498-499; H. de Vocht, History of the Foundation and the Rise of the Collegium Trilingue Lovaniense, 1517-1550, IV, 1955, pages 351-366. Other bibliographical references in A. Gerlo - H.D.L. Vervliet, Bibliographie de l'humanisme des anciens Pays-Bas, 1972, page 424.

Edited also: Martinus Polonus, Chronicon expeditissimum, 1574 (no. cp011393).

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