Latin poet, 64 — 8 B.C. The editions of Horatius’s works printed by Plantin are detailed in a study of M. Sabbe, ‘Essai de bibliographie des éditions d’Horace publiées par Chr. Plantin et ses successeurs’ in De Gulden Passer, 14, 1936, pages 93-111, and in Etudes horatiennes. Recueil publié en l’honneur du bimillénaire d’Horace, Brussels, 1937 (Travaux de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres de l’Université de Bruxelles, t. VII), pages 201-219 (study quoted after the latter edition). Plantin’s Horatius’s publications edited by Jacobus Cruquius are also described and studied by M. Hoc in BB, III, pages 499-504.
Of some Horatius’s editions mentioned by the Bibliotheca Horatiana (Leipzig, 1775) and/or RDB as to have been printed by Plantin, the existence is very doubtful. As a possibility remains for the 1582 and 1587 editions, those have been noted below, sub no. 1386 and no.1388. Of two other publications it may be taken for granted that they do not exist: ‘Horatii opera per Raphelengium (ex offic. Plantin, Antv. in-12), 1558’ (Bibliotheca Horatiana, page 35; RDB, page 18 [1158, no. 12]: F. Raphelengius was in 1558 not yet 19 years old; he only did enter Plantin’s service as a proof-reader in 1564; very likely a confusion has been made with the 1594-edition, printed by Raphelengius at Leiden); ‘Horatii Flacci opera, cum indice Thomae Treteri, Antverpiae, ex off. Chr. Plantin, 1567; 1 vol. in-8º’ (RDB, page 69 [1567, no. 7]: the Index of T. Treterus has only been printed in 1575; a confusion must have been made with the Horatius edition of 1576 [cf. Sabbe, page 205]).
- cp011408: Ars poetica…et in earn paraphrasis, et παρεκβολαι sive commentariolum Ioannis Sambuci, 1564.
- cp011739: [Opera], [edited by Theodorus Pulmannus], 1564.
- cp010900: Opera, [edited by Theodorus Pulmannus], 1566.
- cp011622: Epodon liber, [edited by Joannes Cruquius], 1567.
- cp010250: Satyrarum seu potius eclogarum libri II, [edited by Jacobus Cruquius], 1573.
- cp011204: Poemata omnia, 1576.
- cp013146: [Opera], [edited by Theodorus Pulmannus], 1577.
- cp011888: [Opera], [edited by Jacobus Cruquius], 1578.
- cp011725: [Opera], [edited by Jacobus Cruquius], 1579.
- cp012786: Opera, 1582.
- cp010943: Opera omnia. [Leiden], 1586.
- cp013078: Opera, 1587.