

in The Plantin Press Online

(496 words)

Bibliography of missals: J. Weale - H. Bohatta, Catalogus Missalium ritus Latini, 1928.

The edition of missals by the Plantin Press started only after the reformation of this service book by the Council of Trente. Plantin obtained on 28 July 1570 the papal privilege giving him the sole rights for printing and publishing the new missal for the Netherlands, Hungary and parts of the German Empire. He could, moreover, interest Philip II, who granted on 1 February 1571 Plantin the virtual monopoly of the sales of missals (and breviaries) in Spain and its oversea's territories. From 1571 until 1576 Plantin's almost complete output of missals was intended for the Spanish market with Philip II himself acting as sale's agent (cf. L. Voet, The Golden Compasses, I, pages 66 ff.). Plantin received many detailed instructions from the Spanish authorities and answered in lengthy memoranda, some, but not all of them (and anyway only the first ones) reproduced in Corr. (e.g. III, no. 193 [= for 393]: instructions to Plantin, 30 June 1572; no. 406: Plantin's answer, 25 July 1572; no. 407: instruction to Plantin, July 1572; no. 412: Plantin's answer, 7-22 August 1572; no. 441: Plantin's answer, 2 December 1572; cf. Corr., IV, page 2, n. 1). It is not easy, when the format is not explicitly given, to identify with any certainty the publications mentioned in these documents and in Plantin's Correspondance. Plantin, when working for Spain, had often to reprint sheets or insert additional parts. These changes, deletions and additions got often mixed up or confused: of the missals issued from 1572-1576 many copies must have differed from each other. Very often editions were issued with identical text, but part of the edition received copper engraving-illustrations, the other (and generally larger) part woodcut-illustrations (cf. the study by L. Voet mentioned in the introductory note to the Breviarium).

The Plantin Press Online

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