Janus (or Joannes) van der Does, lord of Noordwijk, Langeveld, and Kattendijke. Dutch humanist. Noordwijk, 6 December 1545 - The Hague, 8 October 1604. After grammar school at Lier, he studied at the Universities of Louvain, Douai, and Paris (1561-1566). Member of the States of Holland, residing at Leiden since 1571, he adhered to the rebellion of the province in 1572 and played a prominent part in the defence of beleaguered Leiden (1574). He became the first curator of the newly erected university (1576) and played as such an important role in the cultural life of the Northern Netherlands. He continued also to be active in the politics of his country. Cf. Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek, 6, 1924, Columns 425-429; B.A. Vermaseren, 'De werkzaamheid van Janus Dousa Sr († 1604) als geschiedschrijver van Holland' in Bijdragen en Mededelingen van het Historisch Genootschap van Utrecht, 69, 1954, pages 49-107.
- cp013011: In novam Q. Horatii Flacci editionem commentariolus, 1580.
- cp010412: Ad superiorem commentariolum suum septem capitum succidanea pro novissima Horatii editione adpendix, 1582.
- cp010587: Epodon ex puris iambis libri II. Leiden, 1584.
- cp011946: Epodon ex puris iambis libri II. Antwerp, 1584.
- cp012650: Ad C. Sallustii Crispi historiarum libros notae, 1580.
- cp011315: Praecidanea pro Q. Valerio Catullo, 1581.
- cp013126: Praecidanea pro Q. Valerio Catullo, 1582.
- cp010137: Praecidanea pro Albio Tibullo, 1582.
- cp012251: Schediasma succidaneum nuperis ad Tibullum praecidaneis addendum, 1582.