See also: Pamphlets, nos. cp013274, cp012014, cp013001, cp010037, cp010859, cp010680, cp011434, cp013334, cp010725, cp013486, cp011694.
N.B.: City Archives stands for City Archives, Antwerp.
I. Announcements (broadsides; with heading).
Broadsides, in Dutch, set in gothic type (when not otherwise stated), of varying sizes. With a heading, itself sometimes surmounted by a woodcut with the coat-of-arms of the city, occasionally the coat-of-arms of the sovereign. The printer is never stated, but type and initials point to the Officina Plantiniana.
- cp012618: 24 December 1586: Men condicht ende laet weten eenen yegelijcken…, s. D. Vander Neesen (payment of city-taxes)
- cp013254: 16 August 1588: ⊕ 131; Extract van diversche poincten ende articulen ghetrocken wt de Ordonnantie ghemaect op t'stuck vanden Lepel-rechte ons Ghenaedighs Heeren des Conincks binnen der stadt van Antwerpen…; collation: s. I. Boghe (extract of the royal decree on the levying of the so-called lepel-recht, literally: spoon-right, by which of each imported holster of grain a spoon was taken on behalf of the king) (on two columns; part in italic type)
- cp011979: ?: ⊕ 141: Copije uyt het assijs boeck der Stadt van Antwerpen, s. G. Kieffel (copy from [a part of] the accise-book of the city of Antwerp: act of 3 November 1564)
- cp010476: ?: Lyste om't Hout ende keerssen op de Wachten uyt te reycken, beginnende van Bamis, tot prima Maij, s. I. Kieffel (list for distributing wood and candles to the watch-sections [= militia] from 1 October till 1 May)
- cp010845: ?: ⊕ 142 ‖ Poincten ‖ daer naer hen hebben te ‖ reguleren die hen vinden in de ‖ Gaue oft Peste, ‖ s. H. de Moy (regulations to be followed by the people afflicted by the plague)
- cp010440: ?: ⊕ 141: Extract wt der Instructien vanden Ghecommitteerden totter visitatie vanden brieven vander erffelicker Renten opde stadt van Antwerpen…(communication that the people possessing rents to be paid by the city have to show the acts in due form)
II. Announcements (broadsides; without heading).
Broadsides, in Dutch, set in gothic type (when not otherwise stated), of varying sizes. No heading, but sometimes woodcut with the coat-of-arms of the city. The printer is never stated, but type and initials point to the Officina Plantiniana.
- cp011801: 28 April 1584 (interdiction by the military authorities to shoot with guns on Sundays outside the churches during the religious service) (two similar texts, with typographical differences, on one sheet)
- cp011587: 12 July 1585: s. G. Vrients (regulation of the watch by the military authorities)
- cp010221: 12 February 1586: ⊕ 140, s. H. de Moy (within border of typographical fleurons) (interdiction to walk in the churches) (in large gothic type: broadside probably intended to be posted in the Antwerp churches)
- cp011566: ? (the officials of the city charged with the sale of the estate of the former citadel announce their days of sitting) (two texts, with only the initial-letter different, on the same sheet)
- cp013459: ? (announcement of the days of sitting of the officials of the city charged with the rent of the estate of the former citadel) (two similar texts on one sheet)
- cp013496: ?: s. H. de Moy (payment of city-taxes)
III. Forms, receipts, convocations, communications (broadsides).
Broadsides, in Dutch, set in Civilité type (when not otherwise stated), of varying sizes. Generally without heading and with blanks for dates, amounts of money, names of persons, etc. The name of the printer is not stated but type and initials point to Plantin.
- cp010521: October 1579 (the collector of the tax of the 100th penny on houses orders the recalcitrants to pay)
- cp013304: [after 24 October 1579] (the addressed are notified to pay within 24 hours their quote-part in the forced loan)
- cp010242: November 1579 (receipt for the payment of the forced participation in the loan of 52,000 florins Carolus guilders a month)
- cp011341: 9 December 1579 (receipt of the sums paid by the City of Antwerp to the tax-collectors [of the States-General?] for the forced loan of 52,000 florins Carolus guilders)
- cp010685: 1579 (the representatives in charge of the fortifications of the city notify the military authorities that the bearer of the note, working with his horse on the fortifications, is exempted of the watch)
- cp011690: 1579 (the military authorities notify the addressed that he has to leave the city without delay)
- cp012256: 1 February 1580 (collection of the second term of the payment of the loan of 52,000 florins Carolus guilders)
- cp010899: 1 April 1580 (collection of the third term of the payment of the loan of 52,000 florins Carolus guilders)
- cp012834: 22 April 1580 (receipt for the third term of the forced participation in the loan of 52,000 florins Carolus guilders a month)
- cp011938: 1580 (receipt for the payment of the tax for the restauration of the dike of Oosterweel) (2 similar texts on one sheet)
- cp010302: 1581 (receipt for the payment of the 20th penny on the capital of real estate in a polder near Antwerp) (3 similar texts, but with typographical differences, on one sheet)
- cp010634: 1582 (receipt for the payment of the third 'fifth penny' to the benefit of the States of Brabant) (3 similar texts, but with typographical differences, on one sheet)
- cp013062: [end 1584] (receipt for the payment of the tax consented on 29 October to the benefit of the States of Brabant)
- cp010646: ? (receipt for the payment of the tax of ½ stuivers on each florins Carolus guilders per week)
- cp012936: ? (men who with waggon and horse make transports once a week for the fortifications of the city are exempted of the watch and other transports) (2 identical texts on one sheet)
- cp010384: ? (pass for goods, having paid the tax ordered by the States-General) (3 identical texts on one sheet)
- cp010924: ?: ⊕ 142: Formulier vande Certificatien die de persoonen heffende eenighe Lyf-renten op de stadt van Antwerpen oft haeren panden schuldich sullen zijn te exhiberen…(form which the persons having life-annuities on the city of Antwerp have to show) (in gothic type)
IV. Ordinances (in booklet).
- cp012709: Ordonnantien…der stadt van Antwerpen op het stuck van der wijnaccijsen, 1579
- cp010146: Ordinantie vande peste…, 1580
- cp010596: Nieuwe ordinantie vander wacht der stadt van Antwerpen…, 1580
- cp011239: Gheboden ende vuytgeroepen by…der stadt van Antwerpen op den 2den Maij XVcLXXXI, 1581
- cp010480: Ordonnantie…by…der stadt van Antwerpen nopende het vuyt ende invueren van alderhande ammonitien van oirloge binnen deser stadt…, 1581
- cp011736: Ordonnantie opten brande…, [1581]
- cp011222: Ordonnantie opten brande…, [1581]
- cp011014: Ordonnantie opt stuck vande bieren…, [1581]
- cp012264: Ordonnantie opt stuck vande bieren, bier-accijse ende t'gene des aengaet…, 1581
- cp011045: Ordonnantie vander wacht voor de inwoonders vande buyten - schanssen deser stadt van Antwerpen…, 1581
- cp011177: Ordonnantie ghemaect ende ghestatueert by…der stadt van Antwerpen opt stuck der wijnaccijsen…, [1582]
- cp012534: Ordonnantie ende verhael vanden stijl ende maniere van procederen voor amptman, borghemeester ende schepenen der stadt van Antwerpen, 1582
- cp010522: Ordonnantie teghen de oproerighe propoosten, quade roepen ende des daeraf dependeert…, 1583
- cp012337: Ordonnantie inhoudende hoe hen de borgers sullen reguleren in tijde van eenighe beroerte oft alarme…, 1583
- cp011604: Ordonnantie der stadt van Antwerpen, aengaende bedelers, ledichgangers, huyslieden…hoe sy hen voortaen reguleren sullen, 1584
- cp012593: Ordonnantie op de buydeldragers, 1585
- cp013086: Ordinantie vande peste, 1586
- cp011896: Ordinantie vande wacht gheboden end wtgheroepen by Heer Frederick de Granvelle - Perrenot, 1586
- cp012548: Ordonnantie opt stuck vande bieren, bier-accyse ende t'gene des aengaet ende daer af dependeert, gheboden ende wtgheroepen by Heer Frederick de Granvelle-Perrenot…, 1587
- cp011976: Ordonnantie opt stuck vander wacht, 1587
- cp011863: Nieuwe ordinantie op den crane…, 1587
- cp011031: Additie vande ordonnantie vander wacht vande ses gulden deser stadt [Antwerpen], 1588
- cp011094: Ordonnantie ende gheboden…by…der stadt van Antwerpen op de dach-hueren ende arbeyts loonen, 1588
- cp011399: Ordonnantie ende gheboden…by…der stadt van Antwerpen aengaende de specerye, 1589
V. Ordinances: Gheboden ende vuytgheroepen [= uitgeroepen] (broadsides).
Decrees 'ordered' (= gheboden) by and publicly 'cried' (= vuytgheroepen) on behalf of the authorities of the City of Antwerp, generally specified as being the schout (= judiciary official representing the central authorities; equivalent of the English sheriff), onderschout (= vice-schout), burgemeesters (= the two burgomasters or mayors), schepenen (aldermen) and the raad (= council) of the city; before 1576 and after the capitulation of August 1585 including also the gouverneur (governor), appointed by the Spanish government to control the city. Broadsides of varying sizes. Text in Dutch and set in Go. Heading: 1) In most cases: formula beginning with 'Gheboden ende vuytgheroepen' (or 'wtgheroepen'), followed by the names of the authorities and the date of the proclamation: first line in Go, the others in roman type; 2) Variant [indicated as 'var. b']: heading completely in Go; 3) Sometimes: formula begins with 'Anderwerf gheboden ende vuytgheroepen' (= anew ordered and cried), meaning a decree which is brought again to the attention of the citizens. Generally above the heading: woodcut with the coat-of-arms of the city (⊕ 140 to ⊕ 144). Underneath the text: name of the town-clerk who signed the decree (mostly in italic type). Only exceptionally is specified that the broadsides were printed by Plantin, but the woodcuts, initials and type used point to his officina.
- cp013097: 20 February 1573 [var. b]: s. H. de Moy (the names of the strangers lodged in the city are to be declared to the authorities)
- cp011885: 15 October 1574 [var. b]: s. H. de Moy (strangers to the city are to be closely controlled; no trade or craft may be exercised behind closed doors)
- cp012707: 21 October 1574 [var. b]: s. H. de Moy (two decrees on the same sheet, the first of 20 February 1573, the second of 21 October 1574: the names of the strangers lodged in the city are to be declared to the authorities)
- cp012079: 27 March 1575 [var. b]: Anderwerf gheboden…, s. H. de Moy (decree of 10 January 1564 on the grain-excise, published again on 27 March 1575)
- cp013204: 21 May 1575 [var. b]: s. H. de Moy (same decree as of 15 October 1574)
- cp010417: 21 May 1575 [var. b]: (registration of all persons selling arms and munitions)
- cp010392: 21 May 1575 [var. b]: s. H. de Moy (action against the beggars)
- cp011971: 12 April 1578: ⊕ 144, s. H. de Moy (soldiers are forbidden to be lodged by and with the citizens)
- cp013350: 18 December 1578: ⊕ 142, s. D. vander Neesen (interdiction to destroy the trees planted by the city on the fortifications)
- cp013212: 5 March 1579: ⊕ 140; Anderwerf gheboden…, s. Martiny (2 lines in civilité type) (regulation of the grain-excise)
- cp012546: 11 May 1579: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (order to all owners of draught-horses at Antwerp to work for some time each week on the fortifications)
- cp012832: 3 August 1579: ⊕ 141 (order to all newcomers to leave the city)
- cp010253: 5 August 1579: ⊕ 140, s. G. Kieffelt (commission installed to control the munitions of the city)
- cp012230: 26 August 1579: ⊕ 140, s. H. de Moy (levying of a city-tax)
- cp012023: 2 September 1579: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffelt (as those responsible for removing the city-garbage don't always clean the streets neatly, the inhabitants are allowed to do it themselves)
- cp012859: 15 September 1579: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (precautions against epidemic diseases)
- cp010519: 14 October 1579: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (payment of city-taxes)
- cp012517: 14 October 1579: ⊕ 141, s. Vander Neesen (regulation of the trade at the cattle-market)
- cp011244: 14 October 1579: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (collection of the tax on sewers and cellars)
- cp012693: 23 November 1579: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy; underneath: By Christoffel Plantyn / inden gulden Passer (regulation of the sale of meat)
- cp011978: 23 November 1579: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the sale of meat: same text as preceding no., but more compactly set)
- cp011257: 23 November 1579: ⊕ 142, s. Martiny; underneath: By Christoffel Plantyn / inden gulden Passer (action against the distribution of seditious and diffamatory libels)
- cp012787: 12 December 1578: s. Vander Nesen (about the refusal of some members in the last meeting - on 24 October - of the 'Brede Raad' [= 'Broad Council', representing the citizens of the city] to rise the new loan of 52,000 florins Carolus guilders)
- cp012329: 16 December 1579: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (new regulations about the sale of dead poultry)
- cp011771: 24 December 1579: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (possessions of the clergy of the city: instructions about the creditors and debitors)
- cp010127: 14 January 1580: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (action against recalcitrant tax-payers)
- cp012163: 30 January 1580: ⊕ 142, s. Martini (action against wanton youth)
- cp011172: 1 February 1580: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffelt (action against certain specified citizens, refusing to pay their quote-part in the big loan of 52,000 florins Carolus guilders)
- cp011660: 5 February 1580: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (action against citizens refusing to pay their quote-part in the big loan)
- cp011181: 6 February 1580 [var. b]: ⊕ 140; Anderwerf gheboden…, s. Vander Neesen (decree of 5 March 1579, on the grain-excise, published again on 6 February 1580; part in civilité type)
- cp012879: 27 February 1580: ⊕ 141 (payment of city-taxes)
- cp010424: 8 March 1580: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (against the sale and exchange of estate by the clergy)
- cp010882: 8 March 1580: ⊕ 140, s. G. Kieffel (order to all people newly settled in the city to register their names)
- cp010577: 8 March 1580: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (order to all peasants who fled to the city to leave within eight days)
- cp011413: 28 March 1580: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (about the sale of cattle)
- cp010276: 30 March 1580: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (addendum to the decree of 16 December 1579 about the sale of dead poultry)
- cp012910: 30 March 1580: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the sale of wood)
- cp012511: 30 April 1580: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (sale of the estates of the clergy submitted to the delegates of the city)
- cp011223: 30 April 1580: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (new tax on the sale of wheat consented by the 'Broad Council' on 23 April)
- cp010693: 3 May 1580: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (action against the citizens refusing to pay their quote-part in the big loan)
- cp012921: 8 May 1580: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (idem)
- cp012585: 13 May 1580: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (about the sale of the estates of the clergy)
- cp012905: 18 May 1580: ⊕ 142, s. Vander Neesen (all metal pillaged at Malines and bought by Antwerp citizens has to be declared to the officials)
- cp010113: 20 June 1580 [var. b]: ⊕ 140, s. Martiny (registration of the poulterers)
- cp012213: 23 June 1580 [var. b]: ⊕ 140, s. G. Kieffel (about the sale of the estates of the clergy)
- cp010659: 23 June 1580 [var. b]: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (similar text as previous no., but typographical differences)
- cp011929: 30 June 1580: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (no sale of wine or vinegar by beer-brewers)
- cp013273: 5 July 1580: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the hours of the Exchange)
- cp010925: 20 July 1580 [var. b]: ⊕ 140, s. Martiny (registration of the poulterers)
- cp011889: 28 July 1580: ⊕ 140, s. G. Kieffel (about persons and categories of persons not tolerated in the city)
- cp011159: 28 July 1580: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (inquiry about two men, searched as enemies of the city)
- cp011811: 2 September 1580: ⊕ 140, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the sale of peat)
- cp011827: 23 September 1580: ⊕ 142, s. Kiffelt (no wood to be piled against houses, walls, etc.)
- cp012892: 12 October 1580: ⊕ 142, s. Vander Neesen (regulation of the sale of cattle)
- cp011060: 21 October 1580: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (information asked about a conspiracy against the Prince of Orange)
- cp012080: 29 December 1580: ⊕ 143, s. G. Kieffel (action against the persons responsible for certain specified libels)
- cp010313: 14 February 1581: ⊕ 142, s. Vander Neesen (action against the beggars)
- cp011213: 18 February 1581: ⊕ 142, s. Martiny (regulation of the slaughter of cattle)
- cp012555: 2 March 1581: ⊕ 142 (payment of city-taxes)
- cp011551: 23 March 1581: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (regulation of the grinding of grain)
- cp013140: 2 May 1581: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (about the fortifications of the city)
- cp013497: 17 May 1581: ⊕ 141, s. G. Martiny (new date for the horse-market)
- cp011623: 17 June 1581: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to bath in the waters in and around the city)
- cp011087: 17 June 1581: ⊕ 140, s. G. Martini (where to pay the taxes on grain and meat)
- cp010036: 20 June 1581: ⊕ 142, s. G. Martini (information asked about an intercepted letter, pointing to an attack against the city)
- cp011065: 1 July 1581: ⊕ 141, s. Hoboken and G. Kieffel (interdiction of the exercise of the Catholic religion)
- cp012700: 13 July 1581: ⊕ 142, s. Vander Neesen (curfew ordered)
- cp012379: 18 July 1581: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (modification of the decree of 1 July, ordering certain categories of people to leave the city)
- cp012731: 21 July 1581: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (some applications of the curfew detailed)
- cp012826: 5 August 1581: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (national prayer-day on 9 August)
- cp013320: 5 August 1581: ⊕ 142, s. Joach. Gillis (complaint of the Lutherans about diffamation)
- cp012732: 5 August 1581: ⊕ 142, s. Joachim Gillis (idem)
- cp010033: 14 August 1581: ⊕ 142, s. D. Vander Neesen (action against the sale of cloth not having the exact weight)
- cp012448: 22 August 1581: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (action against the persons taking away the beer-barrels of the brewers)
- cp011950: 31 August 1581: ⊕ 141, s. D. vander Neesen (regulation of the baker's trade)
- cp011451: 5 September 1581: ⊕ 141, s. Joach. Gillis (information asked about a specified libel)
- cp013071: 13 September 1581: ⊕ 142, s. D. Vander Neesen (the exercise of chirurgy regulated)
- cp012587: 14 September 1581: ⊕ 141, s. D. Vander Neesen (to be quiet in the churches)
- cp012097: 22 September 1581: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (about the sale of the estates of the clergy)
- cp013197: 23 September 1581: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (where to pay the tax on meat). 30 September 1581: s. vander Neesen (taking of the oath by the butchers). Two decrees on the same broadside
- cp013457: 27 September 1581: ⊕ 142, s. Vander Neesen (regulation of the working hours of the tailors-journeymen)
- cp011905: 9 November 1581: ⊕ 142, s. Joach. Gillis (rents of property belonging to the clergy to be paid to the special officers of the city)
- cp010032: 19 January 1582: ⊕ 142, s. D. vander Neesen (payment of tax)
- cp010999: 24 January 1582: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (registration of the notaries)
- cp013490: 7 February 1582: ⊕ 142, s. Vander Neesen (lepers not tolerated in the city)
- cp011867: 7 February 1582: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (opening hours of the shops)
- cp013291: 18 February 1582: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kiffel (a number of regulations: declaration of non-residents; cleaning of the streets; precautions against fire, etc.)
- cp011903: 3 March 1582: ⊕ 142 (payment of city-taxes)
- cp013513: 12 March 1582: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (citizens obliged to lodge the persons specified by the special officers of the city)
- cp010394: 12 March 1582: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (idem)
- cp010785: 15 March 1582: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (to follow Catholic mass in St. Michael-church authorized on certain conditions)
- cp010606: 19 March 1582: ⊕ 142, s. Vander Neesen (information asked about eventual accomplices of J. Jaureguy, who tried to kill the Prince of Orange)
- cp011798: 19 March 1582: ⊕ 141, s. D. vander Neesen (prayer-day on 21 March for the convalescence of the Prince of Orange)
- cp011390: 28 March 1582: ⊕ 142, Uuytgheroepen by mijnen Heeren…, s. G. Kiffel (Gaspar de Anastro, master and supposed instigator of J. Jaureguy, requested to present himself to the Antwerp magistrate)
- cp011702: 2 April 1582: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (the merchants having goods in the house of Gaspar de Anastro may claim them from the Antwerp magistrate)
- cp011558: 2 April 1582: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (citizens having debts to claim of or to pay to Gaspar de Anastro have to present themselves to the Antwerp magistrate)
- cp011597: 11 April 1582: ⊕ 142, s. Joachim Gillis (Catholic mass in St. Michael-church: regulations enforced)
- cp011752: 28 April 1582: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (Gaspar de Anastro banished)
- cp012825: 30 April 1582: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (special prayer-day for the convalescence of the Prince of Orange)
- cp011017: 18 May 1582: ⊕ 142, s. Kieffel (a boatman of Breda, accused of having frauded the city-tax on the sale of wine, is requested to present himself to the Antwerp magistrate)
- cp012350: 23 May 1582: ⊕ 142, s. D. Vander Neesen (control on the unloading of goods)
- cp010054: 23 May 1582: ⊕ 142, s. D. Vander Neesen (idem; different text)
- cp013282: 13 June 1582: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (regulations on the transport in and out of the city of stone and other materials which could be used for the fortifications)
- cp011954: 13 June 1582: ⊕ 141, s. D. vander Neesen (dancing in the streets prohibited)
- cp011061: 13 June 1582: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (all people having not yet taken the oath of allegiance ordered to do so)
- cp011371: 13 June 1582: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (registration of the notaries)
- cp011321: 26 June 1582: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (action against the fraud of the taxes on the sale of wine)
- cp010104: 29 June 1582: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (idem)
- cp012109: 30 June 1582: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (defense of driving cattle on or along the city-fortifications)
- cp012554: 23 July 1582: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (levying of taxes)
- cp011198: 30 July 1582: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (trade with Portugal)
- cp010868: 4 August 1582: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (all houses, buildings, hedges, etc. within 500 paces from the outer side of the city-fortifications are to be pulled down)
- cp010760: 9 August 1582: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (security-measures at the gates and on the walls)
- cp011916: 11 August 1582: ⊕ 140, s. G. Kieffel (interdiction to land with ships at the quays at night)
- cp012274: 14 August 1582: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (levying of a tax)
- cp011508: 20 August 1582: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (confirmation of the decree of 4 August, ordering to destroy all houses, etc. within 500 paces from the outer side of the city-fortifications)
- cp011035: 23 August 1582: ⊕ 142, s. D. Vander Neesen (interdiction to park wheelbarrows in the street along the old weighing-house)
- cp012531: 1 September 1582: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (obligation for the waggoners to unload earth and gravel for the fortification of the dikes)
- cp013377: 3 September 1582: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (action against the beggars)
- cp010191: 6 September 1582: ⊕ 142, s. D. vander Neesen (regulation of the sale of cattle)
- cp010043: 7 September 1582: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (about merchandise picked up from the river)
- cp012917: 15 September 1582: ⊕ 150, s. D. Vander Neesen (on behalf of the Duke [of Anjou] regulation of the sojourn of his officers and soldiers in the city)
- cp013515: 29 September 1582: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (collection of the clothexcise)
- cp010604: 20 October 1582: ⊕ 142, s. Vander Neesen (control on the manufacture of silk)
- cp013550: 17 November 1582: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (regulation of the nightwatch)
- cp010375: 24 November 1582: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (national prayer-day on 28 November)
- cp011519: 24 November 1582: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (regulation of the nightwatch)
- cp012146: 27 November 1582: ⊕ 142, s. Joach. Gillis (regulation of the price of peat)
- cp012292: 7 December 1582: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (on behalf of the Duke [of Anjou] regulation of the sojourn of his officers and soldiers in the city)
- cp010626: 14 December 1582: ⊕ 142, s. D. vander Neesen (payment of the tax for the grounds of the citadel)
- cp011104: 8 January 1583: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (against wanton youth)
- cp012063: 19 January 1583: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (illegitimate imprisonment of French soldiers and citizens)
- cp013392: 25 January 1583: ⊕ 141, s. D. vander Neesen (about the Frenchmen taken prisoner by the citizens)
- cp010881: 25 January 1583: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (about disorders in the 'great church')
- cp011853: 3 February 1583: ⊕ 140, s. G. Kieffel (about the Frenchmen taken prisoner by the citizens)
- cp011100: 3 February 1583: ⊕ 140, s. G. Kieffel (about the estates of the clergy)
- cp012799: 3 February 1583: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (about the gifts bequeathed by testament to the poor)
- cp010515: 10 February 1583: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (all French merchants and merchandises released)
- cp011185: 21 February 1583: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (interdiction to build new houses in the suburbs outside the fortifications)
- cp012663: 5 March 1583: ⊕ 142, V. on either side (payment of city-tax)
- cp012228: 12 March 1583: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (permission to transport ooze and dirt outside the city)
- cp012544: 8 April 1583: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (sale of peat)
- cp012402: 18 April 1583: ⊕ 141, s. D. vander Neesen (prayer-day next Wednesday)
- cp011683: 18 April 1583: ⊕ 141, s. G. Hoboken (idem)
- cp013090: 18 April 1583: ⊕ 142, Anderwerf gheboden…, s. D. Vander Neesen (grain-excise)
- cp011671: 21 April 1583: ⊕ 141, s. Joach. Gillis (all officers and soldiers under arms have to leave the city)
- cp011200: 23 April 1583: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (sale of peat)
- cp012436: 23 April 1583: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to keep pigs)
- cp012298: 30 April 1583: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (appointment of an official charged to kill the dogs)
- cp011708: 30 April 1583: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (interdiction to plant trees)
- cp010774: 5 May 1583: ⊕ 142, s. Joach. Gillis (levying of a tax by the States of Brabant)
- cp013385: 11 May 1583: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (regulation of the ship-traffic)
- cp012301: 12 May 1583: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (cleaning of the cesspools)
- cp013029: 17 May 1583: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (regulation of the sale of bricks)
- cp013088: 17 May 1583: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (the manure-heaps within the limits of the former citadel have to be removed)
- cp012129: 25 May 1583: ⊕ 142, s. Joach. Gillis (no incrimination allowed against the authorities)
- cp011526: 1 June 1583: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the watch)
- cp012725: 10 June 1583: ⊕ 141, s. D. vander Neesen (control on the unloading of goods)
- cp010209: 9 July 1583: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (interdiction to bring the harvest in places held by the enemy)
- cp012954: 27 July 1583: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (opening-hours of the shops)
- cp011746: 12 August 1583: ⊕ 140, s. G. Kieffel (no citizen of Brabant bringing into the city grain, wood, etc. may be arrested for debts or overdue taxes)
- cp012157: 19 August 1583: ⊕ 142, s. D. vander Neesen (prayer-day on 24 August)
- cp010013: 23 August 1583: ⊕ 142, s. D. Vander Neesen (interdiction to park wheelbarrows in the street along the old weighing-house)
- cp010738: 6 September 1583: ⊕ 142, s. D. vander Neesen (regulation of the trade of cattle)
- cp012479: 7 September 1583: ⊕ 142, s. D. vander Neesen (regulation of the slaughter of cattle)
- cp010523: 7 September 1583: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (regulation of the transport and stock-piling of wood)
- cp010617: 3 October 1583: ⊕ 142, s. Joach. Gillis (interdiction to keep pigs in the city)
- cp011724: 3 October 1583: ⊕ 141, s. Joach. Gilis (permission to clean the cesspools)
- cp010463: 30 October 1583: ⊕ 142, s. D. vander Neesen (regulation of the price of salt)
- cp011674: 14 November 1583: ⊕ 141, s. Joach. Gillis (against wanton youth)
- cp010589: 19 November 1583: ⊕ 142, s. Joach. Gielis (regulation of the night-watch)
- cp010625: 25 November 1583: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (collection of a city-tax)
- cp012637: 27 November 1583; ⊕ 142, s. Joach. Gilis (banished persons may not return; people banished by other cities may not be received)
- cp011285: 13 January 1584: ⊕ 142, s. Joach. Gielis (prayer-day on 17 January)
- cp010382: 18 January 1584: ⊕ 142, s. Joach. Gielis (cleaning of the cesspools before April)
- cp011296: 26 January 1584: ⊕ 142, s. Joach. Gilis (payment of a tax for the States of Brabant)
- cp010905: 27 January 1584: ⊕ 142, s. Joach. Gillis (payment of a tax for the States of Brabant)
- cp013465: 31 January 1584: ⊕ 142, s. Joach. Gillis (feeding the men working at the North-citadel)
- cp012816: 25 February 1584: ⊕ 142, with two V.'s on either side; s. Joach. Gillis (payment of a city-tax)
- cp011516: 27 February 1584: ⊕ 141, s. M. Zuerius (payment of a tax)
- cp010406: 27 February 1584: ⊕ 142, s. M. Zuerius (regulation of the slaughter of cattle)
- cp012994: 6 March 1584: ⊕ 141, s. Joach. Gillis (cleaning of the cesspools before April)
- cp012460: 8 March 1584: ⊕ 142, s. M. Zuerius (on two columns) (regulation of the burials)
- cp012316: 29 March 1584: ⊕ 140, s. M. Zuerius (excises on beer)
- cp011733: 4 April 1584: ⊕ 142, s. Joach. Gillis (against wanton youth)
- cp010325: 9 April 1584: ⊕ 142, s. M. Suerius (cleaning of the cesspools)
- cp013079: 14 April 1584: ⊕ 142, s. M. Suerius (prayer-day on 18 April)
- cp010141: 14 April 1584: ⊕ 142, s. M. Suerius (a prisoner, sentenced to death, escaped after a fight with his friends)
- cp011404: 19 April 1584: ⊕ 142, s. B. de Corput (regulation of the sale of cattle)
- cp010314: 21 April 1584: ⊕ 142, s. B. de Corput (interdiction to walk and climb on the fortifications)
- cp010239: 25 April 1584: ⊕ 141, s. Joach. Gillis (the names of foreign residents have to be declared)
- cp011436: 26 April 1584: ⊕ 142, s. M. Zuerius (limitation of the number of guests on feasts and weddings)
- cp010199: 26 April 1584: ⊕ 142, s. M. Zuerius (polder of Oosterweel)
- cp013412: 1 May 1584: ⊕ 142, s. Ioach. Gillis (interdiction to destroy propriety outside the city beyond the limits fixed by the authorities)
- cp010306: 1 May 1584: ⊕ 142 (same text as preceding no., but without s. of Ioach. Gillis)
- cp012347: 9 May 1584: ⊕ 142, s. B. de Corput (interdiction to let pigs loose in the streets)
- cp010864: 9 May 1584: ⊕ 141, s. B. de Corput (interdiction of the sale of rabbits, pigeons and similar animals on Sundays and feastdays)
- cp010938: 30 May 1584: ⊕ 141, s. Joach. Gillis (interdiction to pollute the water of the fortifications)
- cp011969: 2 June 1584: ⊕ 142, s. Joach. Gillis (control of the licentes of the goods brought in by ship)
- cp011363: 12 June 1584: ⊕ 142, s. Joach. Gillis (registration of all citizens)
- cp010908: 11 July 1584: ⊕ 142, s. M. Suerius (fixing the prices of some goods)
- cp010399: 17 July 1584: ⊕ 142, s. M. Suerius (interdiction to leave the city)
- cp011677: 21 July 1584: ⊕ 141, s. B. de Corput (payment of taxes)
- cp010525: 21 July 1584: ⊕ 142, s. B. de Corput (prayer-day on 25 July)
- cp012353: 27 July 1584: ⊕ 142, s. M. Zuerius (requisition of transport for the fortifications of the city)
- cp012418: 1 August 1584: ⊕ 142, s. Berlicom (interdiction to speak about making peace)
- cp010849: 21 August 1584: ⊕ 142, s. B. Berlicom (interdiction to sail without passports from the military authorities)
- cp011768: 21 August 1584: ⊕ 141, s. B. Berlicom (payment of a 5% tax on imported goods)
- cp012809: 22 August 1584: ⊕ 142, s. B. Berlicom (interdiction to travel on the river without passport)
- cp012857: 23 August 1584: ⊕ 141, s. M. Zuerius (transport of gravel and earth for the fortifications)
- cp012798: 29 August 1584: ⊕ 141, s. M. Zuerius (interdiction to fish in the submerged polders)
- cp010734: 3 September 1584: ⊕ 141, s. B. de Corput (interdiction to transport people in boats along the quays)
- cp012841: 12 September 1584: ⊕ 142, s. B. de Corput (payment of taxes)
- cp013314: 22 September 1584: ⊕ 142, s. M. Zuerius (regulation of the sale of cattle)
- cp012273: 26 September 1584: ⊕ 141, s. M. Zuerius (payment of overdue taxes)
- cp012900: 26 September 1584: ⊕ 142, s. M. Zuerius (part in civilité type) (list of persons, whose goods have been confiscated)
- cp012762: 1 October 1584: ⊕ 141, s. M. Zuerius (permission to clean the cesspools)
- cp013418: 23 October 1584: ⊕ 141, s. B. de Corput (part in civilité type) (fixation of the price of certain victuals)
- cp011542: 27 October 1584: ⊕ 141, s. B. de Corput (prayer-day on 31 October)
- cp010379: 30 October 1584: ⊕ 141, s. Joach. Gillis (against disorderly conduct in the streets)
- cp013003: 3 November 1584: ⊕ 142, s. B. de Corput (interdiction to destroy and loot propriety outside the city beyond the limits fixed by the authorities)
- cp013400: 8 November 1584: ⊕ 142, s. M. Zuerius (the names of soldiers and sailors staying in the city are to be declared to the authorities)
- cp010526: 15 November 1584: ⊕ 142, s. M. Zuerius (new prison for civil cases)
- cp012599: 16 November 1584: ⊕ 142, s. M. Zuerius (payment of a tax)
- cp012679: 14 December 1584: ⊕ 141, s. M. Zuerius (interdiction to communicate and to do business with the enemy)
- cp012699: 14 December 1584: ⊕ 142, s. M. Zuerius (the ships are not to be loaded on the quays anymore but on the canals in the city)
- cp011731: 15 December 1584: ⊕ 141, s. M. Zuerius (regulation of the night-watch)
- cp010065: 24 December 1584: ⊕ 141, s. Joach. Gillis (payment of a tax)
- cp011797: 29 December 1584: ⊕ 142, s. B. de Corput (part in civilité type) (list of persons who left the city without consent)
- cp010291: 31 December 1584: ⊕ 141, s. Joach. Gillis (interdiction to communicate and to do business with the enemy)
- cp010441: 3 January 1585: ⊕ 142, s. Joach. Gillis (payment of a tax to clean the streets)
- cp011510: 4 January 1585: ⊕ 141, s. B. de Corput (payment of a tax)
- cp010194: 19 January 1585: ⊕ 141, s. B. de Corput (national prayer-day on 23 January)
- cp012545: 26 January 1585: ⊕ 142, s. M. Zuerius (interdiction to export grain and other victuals without passports)
- cp013270: 26 January 1585: ⊕ 141, s. Joach. Gillis (regulation of the sale of fish)
- cp010425: 30 January 1585: ⊕ 141, s. M. Zuerius (interdiction to skate on the ice)
- cp011354: 4 February 1585: ⊕ 142, s. B. de Corput (payment of a tax)
- cp011809: 15 February 1585: ⊕ 142, s. M. Zuerius (regulation of the ship-traffic on the river)
- cp010992: 19 February 1585: ⊕ 142, s. M. Zuerius (payment of a tax)
- cp012888: 27 February 1585: ⊕ 141, s. B. de Corput (non authorized beggars are to be driven out of the city)
- cp011124: 27 February 1585: ⊕ 142, s. B. de Corput (part in civilité type) (fixation of the price of grains and other victuals)
- cp011447: 7 March 1585: ⊕ 142, s. B. de Corput (purchase of beer)
- cp012899: 9 March 1585: ⊕ 142, s. B. de Corput (payment of a city-tax)
- cp012968: 20 March 1585: ⊕ 142, s. Joach. Gillis (the ships have to be moored in the canals of the city)
- cp011280: 23 March 1585: ⊕ 142, s. Joach. Gillis (all gravel and earth have to be transported to a certain part of the fortifications)
- cp011168: 1 April 1585: ⊕ 142, s. B. de Corput (curfew; measure against fire; tax on beer)
- cp010507: 18 April 1585: ⊕ 142, s. Joach. Gillis (interdiction to go outside the city with instruments making it possible to cut trees and hedges)
- cp013121: 20 April 1585: ⊕ 142, s. M. Zuerius (general prayer-day on 24 April)
- cp012445: 27 April 1585: ⊕ 140, s. M. Zuerius (payment of a new tax)
- cp013265: 11 May 1585: ⊕ 142, s. B. de Corput (regulation of the sale of bread)
- cp010056: 16 May 1585: ⊕ 142, s. B. de Corput (regulation of the sale of victuals)
- cp012636: 11 June 1585: ⊕ 140, s. B. de Corput (words in civilité type) (certain named persons, involved in seditious public meetings, are ordered to present themselves to the authorities)
- cp012341: 15 June 1585: ⊕ 141, s. B. de Corput (order to bring back the equipment stolen from the ships made ready to break through the Spanish blockade)
- cp011559: 17 June 1585: ⊕ 141, s. B. de Corput (general prayer-day on 19 June)
- cp010437: 21 June 1585: ⊕ 141, s. B. de Corput (against the beggars)
- cp011570: 26 June 1585: ⊕ 142, s. M. Zuerius (nobody may leave the city without passport)
- cp011473: 27 June 1585: ⊕ 142, s. B. de Corput (payment of a tax)
- cp010050: 2 July 1585: ⊕ 142, s. M. Zuerius (fixing the price of the wines)
- cp011330: 15 July 1585: ⊕ 142, s. B. de Corput (nobody may refuse the new coins)
- cp010433: 18 July 1585: ⊕ 142, s. B. Berlicom (interdiction of seditious words and libels against the authorities)
- cp012452: 20 July 1585: ⊕ 140, s. M. Zuerius (a man imprisoned for seditious words but who escaped, and one of his accomplices, are ordered to present themselves to the authorities)
- cp011231: 26 July 1585: ⊕ 140, s. M. Zuerius (payment of overdue taxes)
- cp010499: 8 August 1585: ⊕ 140, s. M. Zuerius (the bakers are obliged to make and sell bread)
- cp011800: 17 August 1585: ⊕ 142, s. B. de Corput (levying of a new tax)
- cp012324: 21 August 1585: ⊕ 142, s. B. de Corput (all soldiers have to leave the town; all tar-barrels have to be declared; the citizens are obliged to do watch-duties)
- cp012684: 22 August 1585: ⊕ 141, s. B. de Corput (obligation for the citizens to show their premises for the eventual lodging of soldiers)
- cp012547: 26 August 1585: ⊕ 141, s. Joach. Gillis (interdiction to export salt)
- cp012030: 28 August 1585: ⊕ 141, s. D. vander Neesen (measures for the regular sale of imported goods; against taking away earth from a certain part of the fortifications)
- cp011848: 31 August 1585: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (interdiction to refuse certain coins)
- cp011735: 31 August 1585: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (interdiction to raise the value of gold and silver coins)
- cp010095: 2 September 1585: ⊕ 141, s. D. vander Neesen (interdiction to fell trees outside the city)
- cp012771: 2 September 1585: ⊕ 142, s. D. vander Neesen (action against a former clerk of the late amman)
- cp012480: 11 September 1585: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (all goods of clerics and monasteries have to be brought to the town-hall)
- cp011842: 12 September 1585: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to export arms and munitions)
- cp013098: 14 September 1585: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (registration of all the merchants and craftsmen selling arms and munitions)
- cp011520: 14 September 1585: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (all guests in hotels and boarding-houses are to be declared to the authorities)
- cp013476: 14 September 1585: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (measures for the regular sale of imported goods)
- cp010820: 19 September 1585: 2 142, s. D. vander Neesen (interdiction to cut trees, to take fruit and to demolish buildings outside the city)
- cp010981: 26 September 1585: ⊕ 142, s. D. vander Neesen (on two columns) (taxes on cattle and meat)
- cp013453: 26 September 1585: ⊕ 141, s. D. Vander Neesen (regulation of the sale of grains and bread)
- cp012385: 26 September 1585: ⊕ 142, s. D. Vander Neesen (excise on grain)
- cp011646: 26 September 1585: ⊕ 142, s. D. vander Neesen (excise on soap)
- cp010833: 26 September 1585: ⊕ 141, s. D. vander Neesen (excise on fish and salt)
- cp012961: 28 September 1585: ⊕ 141, s. D. Vander Neesen (great procession on 29 September)
- cp011838: 1 October 1585: ⊕ 142, s. D. vander Neesen (registration and control of foreigners)
- cp013439: 1 October 1585: ⊕ 142, s. D. vander Neesen (registration of foreign residents)
- cp013290: 8 October 1585: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (all merchants, not spezialized in the trade of arms and munitions, have to declare their stocks of weapons)
- cp011237: 9 October 1585: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to work on Sun- and feastdays)
- cp013371: 16 October 1585: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to wear masks)
- cp011873: 16 October 1585: ⊕ 140, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to go out at night without light)
- cp012257: 16 October 1585: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (interdiction of gamblinghouses)
- cp012993: 16 October 1585: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to wear masks in the streets and to go out with arms at night)
- cp010835: 23 October 1585: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to export arms and munitions)
- cp011913: 4 November 1585: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (fixation of a place for the old-cloth-market)
- cp012568: 7 November 1585: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (special churchyard for the Protestants)
- cp010639: 12 November 1585: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to sell weapons for all merchants not specialized in the trade)
- cp010147: 12 November 1585: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (payment of taxes)
- cp013347: 12 November 1585: ⊕ 140, s. G. Kieffel (regulation for the keeping of schools)
- cp013255: 27 November 1585: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (information asked about the authors of a seditious pamphlet)
- cp011000: 11 December 1585: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to walk in the churches)
- cp011537: 12 December 1585: ⊕ 140, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to go out at night without light)
- cp012969: 17 December 1585: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (measures to fix the grain prices)
- cp012249: 17 December 1585: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (unloading of wine regulated)
- cp012775: 24 December 1585: ⊕ 140, s. H. de Moy (obligation to declare any move in the city)
- cp013169: 7 January 1586: ⊕ 140, s. H. de Moy (payment of a tax)
- cp012941: 15 January 1586: ⊕ 140, s. G. Kieffel (a procession ordered)
- cp010644: 6 February 1586: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to fell trees and hedges outside the city)
- cp013521: 8 February 1586: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the watch)
- cp013458: 18 February 1586: ⊕ 140, s. H. de Moy (no sale of meat during the Lent)
- cp012349: 21 February 1586: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (tax on grains)
- cp012270: 21 February 1586: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (payment of a tax)
- cp012262: 11 March 1586: ⊕ 142, s. D. Vander Neesen (sale of beer)
- cp010062: 15 March 1586: ⊕ 142, s. J. Boghe (payment of a tax)
- cp010549: 1 April 1586: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the sale of grain)
- cp012043: 2 April 1586: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the sale of meat)
- cp012578: 11 April 1586: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (payment of a tax)
- cp011193: 11 April 1586: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (measures against eventual seditions)
- cp011756: 11 April 1586: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the sale of poultry)
- cp011602: 12 April 1586: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to sail through and near the still broken dikes)
- cp011609: 17 April 1586: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the sale of beer)
- cp010497: 24 April 1586: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (on gifts made by will to the poor)
- cp010994: 24 April 1586: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (action against the beggars)
- cp012461: 29 April 1586: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (against wanton youth)
- cp012881: 17 May 1586: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (soldiers not allowed to be lodged in the city)
- cp010494: 20 May 1586: ⊕ 142, s. D. Vander Neesen (regulation of the sale of grain and bread)
- cp012842: 24 May 1586: ⊕ 142, s. Boghe (soldiers not allowed to be lodged in the city)
- cp011715: 24 May 1586: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (interdiction of gamblinghouses)
- cp010321: 28 May 1586: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to export bread and to make pastry)
- cp011439: 30 May 1586: ⊕ 142, s. D. Vander Neesen (regulation of the sale of grain and bread; measures against speculation on grain)
- cp011925: 7 June 1586: ⊕ 142, s. D. Vander Neesen (fixation of the hours of the Exchange)
- cp012912: 7 June 1586: ⊕ 142, s. D. Vander Neesen (correct attitude asked for the procession on 8 June)
- cp013120: 14 June 1586: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (the man charged with killing dogs may not be molested)
- cp011459: 25 June 1586: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (payment of overdue taxes). On verso: form (trice repeated, civilité type) permitting the circulation of the goods for which the tax was paid
- cp011836: 19 July 1586: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (against fraud of the wine-and beer-excises)
- cp011921: 13 August 1586: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to sell weapons for all not authorized merchants)
- cp012289: 13 August 1586: ⊕ 140, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to dance, bowl, etc. on Sunday-mornings)
- cp010987: 13 August 1586: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (about midwives)
- cp011206: 19 August 1586: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (all boats within the inundated region in the polders to the North of Antwerp have to be brought to the city each evening)
- cp010724: 25 August 1586: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the sale of grain)
- cp010729: 3 September 1586: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (excise on wine: regulation of the payment)
- cp011249: 3 September 1586: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to export furniture from the city)
- cp011183: 6 September 1586: ⊕ 141, s. J. Boghe (all copies of a specified book have to be brought to the authorities)
- cp012240: 25 September 1586: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the sale of meat)
- cp013002: 1 October 1586: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (interdiction to export furniture from the city)
- cp013527: 7 October 1586: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (digging of the ditches of the citadel)
- cp010216: 31 October 1586: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the sale of grain)
- cp010555: 19 November 1586: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (action against the fraud of the wine-excises)
- cp012210: 26 November 1586: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (inquiry about the men who set the Franciscan monastery on fire)
- cp010108: 9 December 1586: ⊕ 142, s. D. Vander Neesen (interdiction to fell trees, hedges, old houses, etc. outside the city)
- cp011536: 10 December 1586: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the grainmarket)
- cp013498: 10 December 1586: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the sale of salt)
- cp010343: 21 January 1587: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (regulating the places of the different fish-markets)
- cp010657: 21 January 1587: ⊕ ? [cut away], s. H. de Moy (regulation of the sale of grain)
- cp012091: 28 January 1587: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the graintrade)
- cp010156: 11 February 1587: ⊕ 142, s. D. Vander Neesen (interdiction to sell meat during the Lent)
- cp011937: 28 February 1587: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (interdiction to buy arms, metals, wood, etc. from the soldiers of the garrison)
- cp013040: 13 March 1587: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (tax on imported wood and coal)
- cp012633: 17 March 1587: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to keep pigs in the city)
- cp012223: 17 March 1587: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the transport of bread-yeast)
- cp011639: 11 April 1587: ⊕ 142, s. J. Boghe (regulating the place of the old-cloth-market and the modalities of the sale of the goods)
- cp010007: 21 April 1587: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (against frauding spices)
- cp012381: 9 June 1587: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the sale of meat)
- cp010342: 30 June 1587: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (regulation of the sale of bread)
- cp012241: 30 June 1587: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (action against those who cut trees on the walls and in the public places)
- cp011153: 6 July 1587: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (inquiry about an agent of the enemy)
- cp012037: 11 July 1587: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (export of grain and bread forbidden)
- cp012769: 16 July 1587: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the sale of grain)
- cp012114: 28 July 1587: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to buy from the soldiers of the citadel)
- cp012096: 9 August 1587: ⊕ 142, s. D. Vander Neesen (regulation of the brothels)
- cp011749: 11 August 1587: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to import and sell prunes)
- cp010570: 29 August 1587: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (Sunday-schools re-established)
- cp010468: 31 August 1587: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the graintrade)
- cp010702: 4 September 1587: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (regulation of the excise on horses)
- cp012012: 5 September 1587: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to export arms and munitions)
- cp010576: 14 September 1587: ⊕ 142, s. D. Vander Neesen (price of beer forced down)
- cp010593: 22 September 1587: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to dance in the streets)
- cp012570: 5 October 1587: ⊕ 142, s. D. Vander Neesen (regulation of the baking of bread)
- cp011511: 14 October 1587: ⊕ 142, s. D. Vander Neesen (superfluous earth or gravel has to be poured in a specified street in order to heighten its level)
- cp012400: 27 October 1587: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the sale of bread)
- cp013280: 5 November 1587: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (levying of a tax)
- cp012300: 21 November 1587: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the transport of beer)
- cp011584: 21 November 1587: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (action against the pollution of the streets)
- cp010838: 9 December 1587: ⊕ 140, s. G. Kieffel (regulation of the pigmarket)
- cp011339: 19 December 1587: ⊕ 142, s. D. Vander Neesen (action against the mariners having not presented themselves, as ordered, for the service of His Majesty)
- cp012765: 23 December 1587: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to work on Sun- and feastdays)
- cp010348: 7 January 1588: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (against frauding the grinding-excise)
- cp010154: 7 January 1588: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (against frauding the grinding-excise; text slightly different from previous no.)
- cp011173: 6 February 1588: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (payment of a tax)
- cp010214: 10 February 1588: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (order to brew stronger beer; regulation of the prices of beer)
- cp011887: 29 February 1588: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to sell meat during the Lent)
- cp011541: 1 March 1588: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (authorization for the citizens to stock a certain brand of beer)
- cp013253: 4 March 1588: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (against fraud in making bread)
- cp010167: 5 March 1588: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (against fraud in paying custom-dues)
- cp010669: 19 March 1588: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (payment of taxes)
- cp013537: 29 April 1588: ⊕ 141, s. D. vander Neesen (regulation of the sale of fish)
- cp010853: 13 May 1588: ⊕ 141, s. G. Kieffel (sale of herring)
- cp012441: 13 May 1588: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (interdiction to dance in the streets)
- cp011638: 10 June 1588: ⊕ 141, s. D. vander Neesen (regulation of the hours of the Exchange)
- cp010471: 18 July 1588: ⊕ 140, s. H. de Moy (information asked about a man who has disappeared)
- cp010220: 9 August 1588: ⊕ 140, s. D. vander Neesen (interdiction to dance and play on Sundays during the hours of mass)
- cp010350: 9 August 1588: ⊕ 142, s. D. vander Neesen (regulation of the midwives)
- cp013431: 9 August 1588: ⊕ 141, s. D. vander Neesen (interdiction to work on Sun- and feastdays)
- cp010991: 13 August 1588: ⊕ 140, s. H. de Moy (obligation to carry a light at night)
- cp011068: 10 September 1588: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to leave the city without paying the 'issue-tax')
- cp012123: 10 September 1588: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (price of beer forced down)
- cp010171: 12 September 1588: ⊕ 141, s. D. vander Neesen (interdiction to hide waggons and horses when requisitioned for the service of His Majesty)
- cp010478: 15 September 1588: ⊕ 140, s. D. vander Neesen (regulation of the prices for renting horses)
- cp011966: 15 September 1588: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (cassation of the craft of the poulterers; regulation of the poultry-market)
- cp012250: 21 September 1588: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (facilities granted to everyone wishing to provision the royal army)
- cp012876: 11 October 1588: ⊕ 142, s. G. Kieffel (part in civilité type) (regulation of the prices of certain goods)
- cp013201: 11 October 1588: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the wine-excise and the wine-prices)
- cp010349: 11 October 1588: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (part in civilité type) (tariffs of the wine-excise)
- cp013409: 19 October 1588: ⊕ 142, s. D. vander Neesen (part in civilité type) (regulation of the price of certain goods)
- cp011350: 16 November 1588: ⊕ 140, s. G. Kieffel (inquiry about luggage lost by the Prince of Parma)
- cp011894: 28 November 1588: ⊕ 140, s. D. vander Neesen (about the removal of earth and dirt)
- cp011635: 31 December 1588: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the sale of beerdregs)
- cp012313: 9 January 1589: ⊕ 141, s. D. vander Neesen (man brutally assaulted: information asked about the culprit)
- cp013216: 9 January 1589: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (against frauding the wine- and beer-excises)
- cp010594: 18 January 1589: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the sale of meat)
- cp010937: 31 January 1589: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (regulation of the sale of soap)
- cp012906: 11 February 1589: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to sell meat during the Lent)
- cp012573: 22 February 1589: ⊕ 141, s. D. vander Neesen (regulation about the inspection of the soldiers of the King)
- cp012719: 1 March 1589: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (permission to stock a certain brand of beer)
- cp010572: 1 March 1589: ⊕ 141, s. D. vander Neesen (regulation of the sale of wood)
- cp010003: 2 March 1589: ⊕ 141, s. J. Boghe (regulation of the sale of beer)
- cp011845: 2 March 1589: ⊕ 142, s. J. Boghe (action against the men who molested a Spanish soldier)
- cp010170: 4 March 1589: ⊕ 140, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to move furniture out of the city)
- cp010909: 4 March 1589: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (payment of a city-tax)
- cp011535: 18 March 1589: ⊕ 140, s. J. Boghe (information asked about enemy spies and agents in the city)
- cp011298: 29 March 1589: ⊕ 140, s. H. de Moy (possibilities for the citizens to stock beer: prolongation)
- cp012780: 26 April 1589: ⊕ 141, s. J. Boghe (interdiction to fell trees or to plunder gardens outside the city)
- cp013032: 2 May 1589: ⊕ 142, s. H. de Moy (interdiction for guardians of pupils to leave the city without a complete liquidation and verification of their accounts)
- cp012047: 25 May 1589: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (interdiction to cut grass in private properties)
- cp012911: 1 July 1589: ⊕ 141, s. H. de Moy (the removal of dirt has been given in lease)
VI. Ordinances (variant of V; broadsides).
Broadsides, in Dutch (when not otherwise stated), set in gothic type (when not otherwise stated), of varying sizes. Decrees like the 'Gheboden ende vuytgheroepen' but printed with another heading (partly reproduced). Only occasionally is the name of the printer mentioned, but the type and initials point to Plantin.
- cp010707: [March 1580]: ⊕ 141; Gheboden van weghen des Borghemeesters, Schepenen ende Colonellen deser Stadt van Antwerpen (ordered by the burgomasters, aldermen and the military authorities: action against damaging and pillaging military property)
- cp010196: [s. d.: 1580?]: ⊕ 141; Gheboden van weghen des Borghemeesters, Schepenen ende Colonellen deser Stadt van Antwerpen (ordered by the burgomasters, aldermen and the military authorities: action against damaging and pillaging military property)
- cp011263: 10 February 1583: ⊕ 141; Commandé et publié de par Messeigneurs…; s. G. Kieffel (French translation of the Dutch decree of 10 February 1583 - see: Gheboden ende vuytgheroepen - stating that all action against French merchants has come to an end)
- cp013468: 25 October 1584: Copie vanden Eedt ghearresteert by den Magistraet deser stadt…(text of the oath to be taken by the citizens to continue the fight against the King of Spain)
- cp010018: 16 June 1586: Ghepubliceert ende wtgheroepen, s. van Werchter (all men and women without work are ordered to work at the citadel)
- cp013303: 6 July 1587: ⊕ 141; Ordonnantie ghemaeckt by mijnen Heeren Schouteth, Borghermeesteren, Schepenen ende Raedt der stadt van Antwerpen op den Maendachschen Raedt…Nopende den Impost vande zeepe binnen Antwerpen; s. H. de Moy (tax on soap)
- cp010252: ?: ⊕ 144; Instructie ghetrocken uyt eenige Ordonnantien der Stadt van Antwerpen, waer naer alle persoonen hen binnen de voorseyde Stadt vindende, bevanghen met de Gave oft Peste, sullen schuldigh zijn te reguleren; s. A. Roose (hygienic measures against the plague)
- cp013026: ?: Declaratie ende Vernieuwinghe van t'statuyt ghemaect ter Ordonnantie van Borgemeesteren ende Schepenen deser stadt van Antwerpen int halen vanden Savel, Eerde ende Leem, midtsgaders tvervueren van t'Gruys ende Eerde; s. I. van Lanen (on bringing sandy clay, earth and clay, and transporting gravel and earth for the fortifications of the city)
- cp011147: ?: Instructie voorde Capiteynenen ten eynde sy sekerlijcxste ende met minste bedroch inrolleren de Borgerije deser stadt (organization of the militia), s. (on behalf of the military authorities) Baccart, s. (seen and approved by burgomasters and aldermen) van Uffele; By Christoffel Plantyn / inden gulden Passer
VII. Ordinances (variant of V; broadsides).
Broadsides, in Dutch, set in gothic type (when not otherwise stated), of varying sizes. Decrees like the 'Gheboden ende vuytgheroepen', but printed without a heading, and sometimes without the signature of the clerk. The printer is not stated, but the type and initials point to Plantin.
- cp013050: 3 March 1580: s. Hoboken (payment of a convoy-tax on the passenger-traffic by ship between Antwerp and Willebroek)
- cp011327: 3 February 1581: ⊕ 141, s. Martiny (exemption of the watch for the people who do transport-services for the fortifications)
- cp012697: 22 May 1581: (the tax for the fortifications is to be paid without delay)
- cp010362: 22 May 1581: ⊕ 141 (similar text as previous no.)
- cp011071: ?: ⊕ 144, s. A. Roose (registration of all citizens) (Go and roman type)