

in The Plantin Press Online

(9,860 words)

See also: Pamphlets, nos. cp013274, cp012014, cp013001, cp010037, cp010859, cp010680, cp011434, cp013334, cp010725, cp013486, cp011694.

N.B.: City Archives stands for City Archives, Antwerp.

I. Announcements (broadsides; with heading).

Broadsides, in Dutch, set in gothic type (when not otherwise stated), of varying sizes. With a heading, itself sometimes surmounted by a woodcut with the coat-of-arms of the city, occasionally the coat-of-arms of the sovereign. The printer is never stated, but type and initials point to the Officina Plantiniana.

III. Forms, receipts, convocations, communications (broadsides).

Broadsides, in Dutch, set in Civilité type (when not otherwise stated), of varying sizes. Generally without heading and with blanks for dates, amounts of money, names of persons, etc. The name of the printer is not stated but type and initials point to Plantin.

IV. Ordinances (in booklet).

V. Ordinances: Gheboden ende vuytgheroepen [= uitgeroepen] (broadsides).

Decrees 'ordered' (= gheboden) by and publicly 'cried' (= vuytgheroepen) on behalf of the authorities of the City of Antwerp, generally specified as being the schout (= judiciary official representing the central authorities; equivalent of the English sheriff), onderschout (= vice-schout), burgemeesters (= the two burgomasters or mayors), schepenen (aldermen) and the raad (= council) of the city; before 1576 and after the capitulation of August 1585 including also the gouverneur (governor), appointed by the Spanish government to control the city. Broadsides of varying sizes. Text in Dutch and set in Go. Heading: 1) In most cases: formula beginning with 'Gheboden ende vuytgheroepen' (or 'wtgheroepen'), followed by the names of the authorities and the date of the proclamation: first line in Go, the others in roman type; 2) Variant [indicated as 'var. b']: heading completely in Go; 3) Sometimes: formula begins with 'Anderwerf gheboden ende vuytgheroepen' (= anew ordered and cried), meaning a decree which is brought again to the attention of the citizens. Generally above the heading: woodcut with the coat-of-arms of the city (⊕ 140 to ⊕ 144). Underneath the text: name of the town-clerk who signed the decree (mostly in italic type). Only exceptionally is specified that the broadsides were printed by Plantin, but the woodcuts, initials and type used point to his officina.

VI. Ordinances (variant of V; broadsides).

Broadsides, in Dutch (when not otherwise stated), set in gothic type (when not otherwise stated), of varying sizes. Decrees like the 'Gheboden ende vuytgheroepen' but printed with another heading (partly reproduced). Only occasionally is the name of the printer mentioned, but the type and initials point to Plantin.

VII. Ordinances (variant of V; broadsides).

Broadsides, in Dutch, set in gothic type (when not otherwise stated), of varying sizes. Decrees like the 'Gheboden ende vuytgheroepen', but printed without a heading, and sometimes without the signature of the clerk. The printer is not stated, but the type and initials point to Plantin.

The Plantin Press Online

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