
Een catholijcke wederroepinge van vele leelicke ketterijen, 1569

in The Plantin Press Online

(267 words)

Record ID cp013542
Voet reference number1272
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3245427
Author Joannes Matthaeus GRYLLUS (GRILLO)
Title page transcriptionEen ‖ Catholijcke vvederroepinge ‖ van vele leelicke Ketterijen. ‖ Van Sor Jan Mattheo Grillo/edelman van Sa= ‖ lerne / openbaerlick ‖ ende vrij= willens gedaen / ‖ ten by=zijn van den alder=doorluchtichstē my= ‖ nen heere dē Cardinael van Armignac / mynen ‖ alder=eerweerdichstē heere den Eerts=bisschop ‖ van Auignon / ende van vele andere Prelaten ‖ ende heeren beyde gheestelick ende weerlick. ‖ Met noch eenen brief vanden seluen Sor Grillo / inhou= ‖ dende de saken die hem hebben doen keeren ‖ totten H. Christen ghelooue. ‖ Versch ouergheset wt den Italiaensche ‖ in Duytsche. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ Ghedruct by Christoffel Plantin / ‖ int iaer ons Heeren ‖ M.D.LXIX.
Collation8º (c. 180 × c. 100): A⁸, B⁴; pages 1-24
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title 2: Hoe dese wederroepinghe is toeghegaen (introductory explanation; gothic type) 3-24: Text (gothic type) 24: Privilege (Brussels, 14 February 1568 old style, signed by Bourgeois)
Edition information
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus- Arch. 1230, folios 399-401: in loose sheets- Arch. 1228, folio 137r: only title-page
Bibliographical referencesNot in Ruelens-de Backer
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Dutch translation; 'from Italian' is stated on the title-page, but more likely from the Latin edition published the same year by Plantin (cf. preceding nos.).
Note 2The note about the Dillingen publication, given in the Latin edition, has not been reproduced, whilst the 'abiuratio' by Gryllus is dated 23 July 1568 (instead of 24 July as in the Latin edition).
Note 3Not listed in M 296 and M 164.
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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