
Bucolica Latina, 1568

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,224 words)

Record ID cp013523
Voet reference number1236
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1079777
Title page transcriptionBVCOLICA ‖ LATINA, AD IMITA- ‖ TIONEM PRINCIPVM POETA- ‖ RVM, THEOCRITI, GRÆCI, ET P. ‖ VIRGILII MARONIS LATINI, ‖ CONSCRIPTA. ‖ IN QVIBVS PRÆTER ALIA ‖ plurima, quæ ad religionis Christianæ contro- ‖ uersias pertinent, necessaria, vtilia, & scitu ‖ dignissima continentur. ‖ Auctore ‖ HANNARDO GAMERIO MO- ‖ SAEO, COMITE PALATINO, POETA ‖ LAVREATO, ET IN ACADEMIA ‖ INGOLSTADIENSI, GRAE- ‖ CARVM LITTERARVM ‖ PROFESSORE OR- ‖ DINARIO. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ M.D. LXVIII.
Collation8º [120]: A-O⁸, P⁴; pages [1-16], 1-211, [212-216] (Errors: 49 for 33, 52-53 for 36-37, 56-57 for 40-41, 60-61 for 44-45, 48-63 omitted but 80-65-66-67-68-69-70-71-72-73-74-75-76-77-78-79-80-81, 200 for 210)
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-10]: Sereniss.…principi ac domino, D. Alberto comiti Palatino Rheni, et utriusque Bavariae duci, etc. (Antwerp, 1 March 1568, signed by Ch. Plantinus; italic type) [11-14]: Ad serenissimum…Albertum, comitem Palatinum Rheni…(Ingolstadt, 1 April 1565, s. Hannardus Gamerius; italic type, parts in roman type) [15]: Blank [16]: Liber (four lines Latin poem; italic type) [1]-211: Text (italic type, parts in roman type) [212]: Note on the orthodoxy of the author [213-214]: Ad…iuvenes Viglium et Ioannem ab Hoeldingen fratres, domini Hannardi Gamerii discipulos…(s. M. Georgius Vaigelius, ludirector ad D. Petrum, Monachii; italic type, part in roman type) [215-216]: Blank
Edition information
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus- A 145KBR Royal Library of BelgiumRoyal Library of San Lorenzo de El EscorialKU Leuven- Maurits Sabbe Library, P940.224.1 GAME Buco
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, pages 80-81 (1568, nos. 15 and 16)
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Latin poems by Gamerius, including: 11 eclogae ([1]-74); Are (75); Oratio de laudibus Graecae linguae (held by Gamerius at the University of Ingolstadt, at the beginning of his professorate, 12 December 1564: 76-80, 65-73; with dedicatory, 76-77: 'Nobili…Erasmo Fendio illustrissimi principis Alberti, utriusque Bavariae ducis, consiliario et secretano…, 1 January 1565); Elegia scripta a Philippo Menzelio Sandsehensi: de bucolicis Gamerii (in the form of a dedicatory: Ad reverendum D. Martinum Eisengrenium, SS. theologiae licentiatum, protonotarium apostolicum, gymnasii Ingolstadiensis magnificum rectorem et Mospurgensis ecclesiae et Oetingensis praepositum, 12 March 1564; 74-77); Ecclesiae catholicae: hoc est, reipublicae christianae querimonia, contra Lutheranos, Calvinios, et Anabaptistas, carmine descripta (78-90; 78: title [with quotation from Jeremias I]; 79-81: dedicatory: Reverendo…D. Ioanni Bredelio, monasterii Vranii, id est Hemeratensis, ad fluvium Salmanin, religioso et vere venerando abbati…, 10 June 1565); Ideae (90-97; starting with a dedicatory, 90-91: Venerando…D. Adamo Bartholomaeo, SS. theologiae licentiato, Monaci apud divam Virginem decano…, 1 April); Elegiae (98-106, with Greek sentences at the end; starting with a notice that the first is dedicated to 'R.D. Ioannis Bredelii, abbatis in monasterio Vranio, reliquorumque doctissimorum ibidem fratrum, D. Petri Elleri prioris, D. Georgii Simonidae cellarii, D. Reichardi quaestoris', the second to 'D. Danieli Mauchio'); Argumenta in Bucolica (107-124; starting with: Hannardus Gamerius candido lectori S.D.P., 107; De bucolicis et eorum appellatone, item de orthographia vocis [eclogae], 108); Psalmi (125-128; one dedicated: Olim R. domino meo et patrono D. Danieli Mauchio, v.i. doctori, ecclesiae cathedralis canonico et scholastico apud Vuormatienses; the other: D. Caroli a Vuiltperg cathedralis ecclesiae Vuormatiensis canonici, et ad sanctam Gertrudem Augustae praepositi); De merito Christo (129-152; with title, 129; dedicatory to: D. Henrico Silvio patricio Amsterodamo…, Ingolstadt, 8 December 1565, 130-135; Epitaph in Greek by Gamerius with Latin translation by Paulus Welserus, patricius Augustanus, 135); In obitum…virorum M. Gerardi Pharmacopolae soceri…[died 8 July 1563, in the age of 77 years] et M. Andreae Nerdeni generi [died 25 June 1565 in the age of 74 years] (153-154; dedicatory to: Henrico Silvio, et ceteris haeredibus); Pornius tragoedia vere sacra (155-211; title: 155, with the mention 'Acta est cum summo omnium applausu, anno M.D. LXVI. uno die Amsterodami in Hollandia, et Landishutae in Bavaria; Auctor ad librum, Idem ad lectorem de fabularum materia, 156; dedicatory: Venerando…D. Gasparo Phrasio abbati in Weichenstephen…, 157-164; Praefatio de utilitate tragoediae, 165-170).
Note 2This series of Latin poems was made by Gamerius in 1564-1565. According to the Biographie Nationale [de Belgique] (probably following F. Sweertius, Athenae Belgicae), they were first published at Ingolstadt in 1565. Foppens, Bibliotheca Belgica, I, page 431 (following probably V. Andreas, Bibliotheca Belgica), is not so affirmative: he believes Gamerius's Viam Regiam ad Musas to have been published at Munich in 1567 and considers the Bucolica as having first been printed by Plantin in 1568. The last version is probably the correct one. Anyway, the many introductory pieces, including Plantin's own dedicatory to the Duke of Bavaria, suggest that the publication was not a reprint but a first edition. Very likely Sweertius and the Biographie Nationale [de Belgique] have been induced into error by the fact that a great number of the dedicatories and other pieces are dated Ingolstadt, 1565. It may be surmised that on his return to the Netherlands, in the first half of 1568, Gamerius contacted Plantin to publish the poetry he made in 1564-65 whilst in Ingolstadt. It looks as if Plantin's acceptance was partly motivated by the desire to oblige the Duke of Bavaria.
Note 3In an undated letter to Gamerius Plantin affirms that he will soon start printing the 'poemata' (Corr., I, no. 111; cf. also the letter of Plantin to Erasmus Vendius, 1 May 1568: Corr., I, no. 122).
Note 4In Arch. 16, folio 31, are entered to the debit of Gamerius, at the date of 21 July 1568, 13 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers for 90 copies (at 3 stuivers per copy), sent to Louvain at the request of the author; he had already received previously an unspecified number of author's copies ('pour 90 Bucolica des sienes lesquelles luy ont esté envoyez suivant sa lettre à Louvain oultre les aultres qu'il a eu pardevant dono pour sa copie etc. et les tire au prix des libraires à 3 [stuivers] la pièce'). Under the date of 6 July is noted the shipment of 25 additional copies, which, at 4 stuivers per copy, came to 5 florins Carolus guilders Plantin charged Gamerius also the port of a number of letters and packages mailed to the Duke of Bavaria (from 6 July 1568 till 7 April 1569), bringing the overall sum noted on Gamerius's debit to 27 florins Carolus guilders 14½ stuivers To pay his bill Gamerius sent 10 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers from Louvain on 8 October 1568, and paid cash 'estant présent en Anvers' 12 florins Carolus guilders 4½ stuivers on 17 May 1569. As he claimed that he did not receive the 25 copies sent on 6 July 1568, Plantin remitted him the 5 florins Carolus guilders due for this shipment.
Note 5Listed in M 296, folio 2r (twice entered; first entry: Bucolica lat.a Hanardi Gamerii, 8º, f[euilles] 14½, [price:] stuivers 3; some lines below: Bucolica Hanardi Gamerii, in 8º, 1568, f[euilles] 14½, [price:] stuivers 3), and M 164, folio 3v.
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