
Biblia [in Latin], in 8⁰. Antwerp, J. Steelsius, 1559

in The Plantin Press Online

(366 words)

Record ID cp013508
Voet reference number679B
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3252889
Uniform title BIBLE: Editions in Latin
Title page transcriptionBIBLIA, ‖ Ad vetustissima exemplaria nunc ‖ recens castigata. ‖ In quibus præter ea quæ subsequens præfatio indicat, capi- ‖ ta singula ita versibus distincta sunt, vt numeri præ- ‖ fixi, Lectorem nec remorentur, & loca quæsita tan- ‖ quam digito demonstrent. ‖ ⊕ VH, Steelsius no. 3 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Apud Iohannem Steelsium. ‖ M.D.LIX. ‖ CVM PRIVILEGIO.
Collation8⁰ [149]: *⁸, A-Z⁸, Aa-Ff⁸, ii-Ff⁸, Gg-Zz⁸, Aaa-Ggg⁸, a-o⁸, **⁸, ¶⁸, ¶¶⁴; folios [1 recto-8 verso], 1 recto-424 verso, 1 recto-110 verso, [111 recto-132 verso] (Errors: in part 1: a not numbered quire [ii Ff⁸] added after folio 232, 171 for 271, 30? for 303, 389 for 385). All pages printed on two columns
Fingerprint155908 - # a1 *2 vni : # a2 *4 sq$ - # 1b1 A p : # 1b2 3G4 res&pr - # 2b1 a æ : # 2b2 o5 s$est - # 1c1 2* leu : # 1c2 2*4 b.$3$r - # 2c1 q $t : # 2c2 2q2 $adf
Number of sheets
Pages[1 recto]: Title [1 verso]: Privilege (to Plantin: Brussels, 20 January 1558, signed by Ph. de Lens) [2 recto-verso]: F. Iohannis Hentenii Mechliniensis in Biblia Lovanii Anno M.D.XLVII. excusa atque castigata, praefatio [3 recto-4 recto]: Index testimoniorum a Christo et Apostolis in Novo Testamento citatorum ex Veteri… 4 verso: Table [5 recto-8 verso]: Introduction by Hieronymus (= Prologus and Epistola) (words in greek type, marginals in roman type) 1 recto-424 verso: Text (Old Testament; marginals) 1 recto-110 recto: Text (New Testament; marginals) 110 recto: ANTVERPIAE, ‖ EXCVDEBAT CHRISTOPHORVS PLANTINVS, ‖ KALENDIS IVNII. ANNO M.D.LIX 110 verso-[131 verso]: Indices [132 recto-verso]: Blank
Edition information
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus - R 57.18: quire Gg and, in the second part, folios 19-22 missingFranciscan Convent, AntwerpBiblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, page 20 (1559, no. 3) Masch, III, pages 226-227 Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 2697 Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 5191
Online bibliographical referencesSTCV c:stcv:12918667
Note 1Joint edition by Plantin and J. Steelsius, printed by Plantin. For more details see cp010921.
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