
De vitis philosophorum et sophistarum, [edited by et translated by Hadrianus Junius], 1568

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,055 words)

Record ID cp013480
Voet reference number1142
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:519450
Title page transcriptionEVNAPIVS ‖ SARDIANVS, ‖ DE VITIS PHILOSOPHORVM ‖ ET SOPHISTARVM: ‖ Nunc primum Græcè & Latinè editus, ‖ interprete Hadriano Junio Hornano. ‖ Cum indice & Græci exemplaris ‖ castigatione. ‖ ⊕ 20 ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D.LXVIII.
Collation8⁰ [123]: A-M⁸, N⁴; pages 1-194, [195-200] (Errors: 21 for 31, 117 for 119)
Fingerprint156808 - # 1b1 A2 $adm : # 1b2 N3 Rhen - # 2b1 Α2 σεβο : # 2b2 Ξ3 mpl^156808 - # 1b1 A2 $adm : # 1b2 N3 Rhen - # 2b1 Α2 σεβο : # 2b2 Ξ3 mple
Number of sheets26
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, 16 March 1568, signed by I. de Witte) 3-11: Ad serenissimam potentissimamque Elizabetham, Angliae, Franciae, Hiberniaeque reginam (Haarlem, 1 March 1568, signed by Hadrianus Junius Hornanus) 12-13: Ad eandem reginam acrostichis auctoris (italic type) 14-15: Ad candidum lectorem interpres (italic type) 16: 8-lines Greek poem on the edition by Gerardus Falkenburgius 17-20: Eunapii vita… 21-194: Text (italic type, parts and marginals in roman type) 194: Errata [195-200]: Index
Edition information
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus - A 412Heritage Library Hendrik Conscience AntwerpKBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeMunicipal Library FlorenceBiblioteca Nacional de PortugalBritish Library LondonMunicipal Library LyonsBibliothèque nationale de FranceUtrecht University LibraryVatican Apolstolic LibraryKU Leuven- Maurits Sabbe Library, 193.093UNamur- R4Z.0163- R4Z.0164
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, page 79 (1568, no. 8). Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica, 1074
Online bibliographical referencesSTCV c:stcv:7072195
Note 1Contains the Latin translation by Hadrianus Junius of Eunapius's Vitae sophistarum (pages 21-194). The Greek text-edition itself, also by Hadrianus Junius, is formally presented as a separate edition (see cp011323), but both the Latin translation and the Greek text-edition were in fact considered to form but one volume. First edition.
Note 2In the note to the reader following the Greek text-edition, pages 199-200, H. Junius explains that some years ago ('anti biennium') he had received a copy of Eunapius's text from the Hungarian humanist Joannus Sambucus to have it published and translated. This copy, originally made for Cardinal Farnese (or a copy of this copy?), was, however, very corrupt, which made Junius's task in editing and translating very difficult.
Note 3The publication is mentioned in a number of letters to and by Plantin. Junius was already working on the Eunapius translation as early as 1565: in his letter of 12 January 1566 Plantin tells Sambucus that he did not have received yet the promised translation 'nonobstant que ie limportune [i.e. Junius] souvent par mes lectres et que ia plusieurs fois il m'ayt promis l'expédier' (Supplément Correspondance de C. Plantin, no. 13). One and a half year later the job was not yet finished. As Junius explains to Plantin in a letter of 9 August 1567 he hopes to finish the work soon, but the task has been difficult in the extreme, owing to the corrupt text and the fact that he could not lay hands on a publication printed at Florence, Sententiae in vita Porphyrii (which must have contained, or which Junius supposed to contain, 'sentences' from Eunapius; in the note to the reader, referred to above sub 2, Junius also states explicitly to have been unable to consult this edition: 'Quod si Fiorentini exemplaris [quod ex una Porphyrii vita ibidem impressa, correctius locupletiusque iudico] copia nobis fieret…'). In his letter to Plantin, Junius continues: he almost knows for certain that an Eunapius-manuscript must be preserved in the library of Cardinal Granvelle, and he invokes Plantin's help to approach the Cardinal's librarian, Stephanus Winandus Pighius (Correspondance de C. Plantin, III, no. 343). Plantin did this in a letter to Pighius of 22 August 1567 (Correspondance de C. Plantin, III, no. 344). Some months later, he asks the Cardinal personally to grant the permission, in an interesting letter, giving useful information about the genesis of the publication (29 November 1567 [Supplément Correspondance de C. Plantin, no. 47]: 'Ils sont ia passés 3 ans que le Sigr. Sambucus m'envoya un livre de semblable argument audict Laertius dont l'aucteur est nommé Eunapius, lequel deslors ie delivray au Sigr. Had. Junius pour le traduire en Latin, afin qu'il fust aussi entendu de ceux qui nentendent le grec et depuis ledict Signeur Junius, en partie occupé à son Nonius Marcellus, en partie a faire son Nomenclator omnium rerum et quelques emblesmes et a la recognition de Juvenal, Perse et Martial (lesquels i'ay tous imprimés), ie n'ay sceu retirer de ses mains ni le grec, ni la version iusques a maintenant que par ses derniers il me promect de m'envoyer l'un et l'autre dedans 8 iours, mais qu'il a trouvé la copie tant incorrecte que grande difficulte il en est pour venir a bout, et que mesmes il desireroit grandement pouvoir recouvrer un autre exemplaire grec, pour s'aider a l'emendation des passages depravés et les imprimer a la fin du livre, adiouxtant qu'il estime que V.I.S. ait un exemplaire dudict Eunapius en sa tant bien instruicte bibliotheque a Bruxelles, lequel il desireroit pouvoir impetrer d'icelle pour quelques iours, ou bien quil luy fust loisible de pouvoir conferer les passages desquels il doubte'). Very likely Junius was misinformed; in any case nothing more is heard about an eventual Eunapius-manuscript in Granvelle's library. However, the Cardinal's interest in the publication must have been aroused: in his letter of 29 January 1568 to Granvelle Plantin joins 'quelques feilles imprimées du livre d'Eunapius en grec, et quelques feilles aussi de la traduction d'iceluy faicte par le Sigr. Had. Junius…' (Correspondance de C. Plantin, I, no. 102).
Note 4The printing, according to the colophon in the Greek text-edition, was actually finished on 18 January 1568.
Note 5A copy, worth 6 stuivers, of 'Eunapius graece et latine' was mailed, with a number of other books, to Camerarius on 12 April 1568 (Supplément Correspondance de C. Plantin, no. 58).
Note 6Listed in M 296, folio 5 verso (Eunapius de vitis Philosophorum G[re] colat[inum], 8⁰, f[euilles] 26½, [price:] stuivers 6), and M 164, folio 10 verso.
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