
Synonymia geographica, 1578

in The Plantin Press Online

(892 words)

Record ID cp013466
Voet reference number 1835
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1082487
Author Abraham ORTELIUS (ORTELS)
Title page transcription ABRAHAMI ORTELII ‖ ANTVERPIANI ‖ SYNONYMIA ‖ GEOGRAPHICA, ‖ SIVE, ‖ POPVLORVM, REGIONVM, INSVLARVM, ‖ Vrbium, Opidorum, Montium, Promontoriorum, Silva- ‖ rum, Pontium, Marium, Sinuum, Lacuum, Paludum, Flu- ‖ viorum, Fontium, &c. variæ, pro Auctorum traditionibus, ‖ sæculorum intervallis, Gentiu̓mque idiomatis & migra- ‖ tionibus, appellationes & nomica. ‖ Opus non tantùm Geographis, sed etiam Historiæ & ‖ poëseos studiosis vtile ac necessarium. ‖ ⊕ 21 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXVIII.
Collation 4⁰ [192]: †⁴, A-Z⁴, a-z⁴, AA-EE⁴, FF⁶; pages [1-8], [1-48], 49-417, [418-420] (Errors: 86 for 186)
Fingerprint 157804 - # a1 +2 ban : # a2 +3 o - # b1 A ò$ : # b2 2F4 iectur
Number of sheets 53.50
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-4]: Ad DD. Christophorum Plantinum et Arnoldum Mylium, typographos et bibliopolas…Abrahami Ortelii in suam Synonymiam praefatio (Antwerp, 1 August 1578) [5-7]: Auctores in hac Synonymia citati (on three columns) [8]: Errata (on two columns; in roman type capitals and italic type, Greek word) [1] -354: Text (on two columns; parts in roman type capitals and greek type) 355-417: Elenchus vocabulorum recentium et barbarorum (on two columns; parts in italic type and roman type capitals) 417: approbation (Antwerp, 26 June 1576, signed by Henricus Zibertus à Dunghen) [418]: Privilege (Vienna, 21 February 1565, s. Haller; Brussels, 10 August 1576, s. Iac. Blyleven) [419]: ANTVERPIÆ EXCVDEBAT CHRISTO- ‖ PHORVS PLANTINVS, ARCHITYPO- ‖ GRAPHVS REGIVS, ANNO DOMINI ‖ M.D.LXXVIII. PRID. KAL. AVGVSTL [420]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 16City Archives AntwerpKBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgePublic Library of Inguimbertine - Carpentras (France, dép. Vaucluse)Municipal Library Chartres - Chartres (France, dép. Eure-et-Loir)Royal Library of San Lorenzo de El EscorialGhent University LibraryBritish Library LondonBiblioteca Nacional de EspañaBibliothèque nationale de FranceMazarine, ParisUtrecht University LibraryVatican Apolstolic Library.
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 185 (1578, no. 11) Denucé, II, pages 104-106Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 2294
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12922685USTC 401762
Note 1 List of Latin geographical names, each with a short explanation. The enumeration of authors from whom the list (and the explanations) was compiled (pages [5-7]) comprises no less than some 430 names.
Note 2 A similar Synonymia was included in Ortelius's Theatrum up to 1579. In the Theatrum of that year it was deleted and replaced by the Nomenclator Ptolemaicus. In the foreword to the Nomenclator in the Theatrum, Ortelius explains that, as he had compiled an additional 1,000 place-names, he finally preferred to have the Synonymia published separately. In the foreword to the Synonymia-edition itself, dedicated to Plantin and his Cologne colleague, Arnoldus Mylius, the author gives further valuable information on his work, and how he had proceeded.
Note 3 According to the colophon the printing was finished on 31 July 1578.
Note 4 In a letter, written years later to his nephew Emmanuel van Meteren, regarding the fees an author might receive from his publisher, Ortelius tells that Plantin, when the Synonymia had been printed, had forwarded him 25 copies '[and] I thanked him [= Plantin] very much' (Denucé, II, pages 68-69; Suppl. Corr., no. 199). The gift of the 25 copies is noted in Plantin's ledger (see immediately below).
Note 5 The expenses of the edition were shared by Plantin and his Cologne colleague Arnoldus Mylius. At an unspecified date Plantin notes in his 'Livre des Ouvriers' (Arch. 32, folio 299r): 'Accordé avec le Sigr. Arnoldus Mylius que imprimeray Synonymia Abrahami Ortelii in 4to selon l'espreuve que ie luy en ay monstré sur papier grand carré de la vefke Nys [= la veuve Nys: a paper-dealer], à 3 florins Carolus guilders 3 stuivers la rame et en faut imprimer 1250 exemplaires'. A. Mylius had to pay 210 florins Carolus guilders 13 stuivers for his part, as is entered in Plantin's ledger in 1578 (Arch. 18, folio 258; entry by Martina Plantin, wife of Jan Moretus, who wrote a more phonetic than correct French): the Cologne publisher had been given 150 copies at an unspecified date and 475 copies on 25 September 1578 'pour parfaire le nombre de p[ieces] 625 lesquels ledit Mylius doibt avoir pour la moitié de l'impression net et ne luy sont de ce à rien comptés les 25 exemplaires que nous avons baillés à l'autheur et pour les deffects ains[i] (?) avons livre son notre entier, par quoy debvra de ce nos en faire bon, ce que est raysonnable: Les Synonimnes contiennent f[euilles] 53½ en laditte livraison des p[ieces] 625 synonymia, avons compté 12 exemplaires des 25 donnés à l'autheur et les 13 à nostre compte: Lesdits p[ieces] 625 montent rames 66 et 17 mains et ½, à rayson de florins Carolus guilders 3 stuivers 3 rame, papier et façon: 210 florins Carolus guilders 13 stuivers'. Mylius paid Plantin an advanced sum of 40 florins Carolus guilders on 10 August 1577; the remaining 170 florins Carolus guilders 13 stuivers were paid on 31 October 1578.
Note 6 Listed in M 296, folio 1r (Abrahami Ortelii Synonimia geographica, f[euilles] -, [price:] stuivers 18, 1578) and folio 17v (Synonimia geographica Ortelii, 4⁰, 1578, [price:] stuivers 18), and M 164, folio 1v.
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