
Conciones de tempore, 1577-1579

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,148 words)


Record ID cp013438
Voet reference number1594
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1099104, c:lvd:3244359
Title page transcriptionPRIMVS TOMVS ‖ CONCIONVM ‖ DE TEMPORE, ‖ QVÆ à prima Dominica Aduentus vsque ad Qua- ‖ dragesimæ initium in Ecclesia haberi solent. ‖ ADIECTÆ sunt in fine quinque de Pœnitentia ‖ conciones, quæ diebus Dominicis in Quadra- ‖ gesima post meridiem habitæ sunt. ‖ Authore R.P.F. Ludouico Granaten̄. ‖ sacræ Theologiæ professore, monacho ‖ Dominicano. ‖ ⊕ 29 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Apud Christophorum Plantinum, ‖ Architypographum Regium; ‖ M.D.LXXVII.
Collation8º [131]: *-**⁸, ***⁴, A-Z⁸, AA-RR⁸, SS⁴; pages [1-40], 1-646, [647-648] (Errors: 15 for 115, 172 for 217, 396 for 399, 576? for 579, 389 for 589)
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, 20 May 1576, signed by Iac. Blyleven) [3-7]: Privilege (Madrid, 16 November 1574, s. Pedro de Marmol; Madrid, 20 January 1575, s. Iuan Vazquez; Madrid, 24 September 1572, s. Philip II; Madrid, 24 January 1575, s. Pedro del Marmol; all in Spanish) [7-8]: Approbationes (Lisbon, 24 June 1575, s. F. Hieronymus Correa; Lisbon, 24 November 1575, s. F. Antonius de sancto Dominico and F. Bartholomaeus Ferreira; Alcala, s. Alfonsus a Montoia; Lisbon, Facultas Ordinarii) [9-11]: Serenissimo principi Henrico, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinale, F. Ludovicus Granatensis…felicitatem (italic type, words in roman type) [12-40]: Prologus (italic type, words in roman type, marginals in italic type) 1-646: Text (parts and marginals in italic type) [647]: approbation (Antwerp, 30 April 1575, s. Silvester Pardo) [648]: Blank
Edition information
CopiesUNamur- R6A.0471
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Further reading


Title page transcriptionSECVNDVS TOMVS ‖ CONCIONVM ‖ DE TEMPORE, ‖ QVÆ Quartis, & Sextis feriis, & diebus Domini- ‖ cis Quadragesimæ in Ecclesia haberi solent. ‖ Authore R.P.F. Ludovico Granaten̄. ‖ sacræ Theologiæ professore, monacho ‖ Dominicano. ‖ Matthæi v. ‖ Qui fecerit, & docuerit, hic magnus vocabitur in ‖ regno cælorum. ‖ ⊕ 29 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Apud Christophorum Plantinum, ‖ Architypographum Regium; ‖ M.D.LXXVII.
Collation8º [136]: *⁴, a-z⁸, aa-zz⁸, aaa-nnn⁸; pages [1-8], 1-943, [944] (Errors: 12 for 129, 298? for 198, 626? for 226, 636 for 366, 308 for 380, 691 for 661, 765 for 795, 284 for 884; N.B.: errors difficult to check)
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2-6]: Privilege (Madrid, 16 November 1574, signed by Pedro de Marmol; Madrid, 20 January 1575, s. Juan Vazquez; Madrid, 24 September 1572, s. Philip II; Madrid, 24 January 1575, s. Pedro del Marmol; all in Spanish) [7]: Approbationes (Lisbon, 24 June 1575, s. F. Hieronymus Correa; Lisbon, 24 November 1575, s. F. Antonius de sancto Dominico and F. Bartholomaeus Ferreira; Alcala, s. Alfonsus a Montoia; Lisbon, Facultas Ordinarii) [7-8]: Reverendissimo…Bernardo Fresnedae, episcopo Corduben[si]…F. Ludovicus Granaten[sis] sempiternam felicitatem (Lisbon, 1 February 1575; parts in italic type) 1-912: Text (parts and marginals in italic type) 932-933: Ad lectorem 933-943: Latin poems on the Passion (italic type) 943: approbation (Antwerp, 30 April 1575, s. Silvester Pardo) [944]: Blank
Edition information
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Further reading


Title page transcriptionTERTIVS TOMVS ‖ CONCIONVM ‖ DE TEMPORE, ‖ QVÆ A PASCHA DOMINICÆ ‖ resurrectionis ad festum vsque sacratissimi ‖ corporis Christi habentur, nunc primum ‖ in lucem editus: ‖ Autore R.P.F. LVDOVICO GRA- ‖ NATENS. sacræ Theologiæ professore, ‖ monacho Dominicano. ‖ Qui ad iustitiam erudiunt multos, quasi ‖ stellæ in perpetuas æternitates. ‖ Danielis 12. ‖ ⊕ 29 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex Officina Christophori Plantini ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXIX.
Collation8º [136]: A-Z⁸, a-s⁸; pages 1-653, [654-656] (Errors: 110-111 for 210-211, 115 for 215, 346 for 436, 561 for 516)
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Approbationes (Lisbon, 1573, signed by F. Antonius de sancto Dominico and F. Bartholomeaus Ferreira; Lisbon, Facultas Ordinarii) 3-5: Carolo ampliss. cardinali Borromaeo, archiepiscopo Mediolanensi, F. Ludovicus Granatens. perpetuam in Christo felicitatem [6-8]: Ad lectorem: introducing a poem of Lactantius (italic type, part and marginals in roman type) 9-653: Text (parts and marginals in italic type) [654-655]: Expostulatio Iesu cum homine suapte culpa pereunte (Latin poem in italic type) [656]: Blank
Edition information
CopiesAllard Pierson- 969 F 10University Library FreiburgGöttingen State and University LibraryFranciscan Convent, 's HertogenboschMaastricht City LibraryBibliothèques de l'UMONS- 2nd vol.Staatsbibliothek, MunichBodleian LibrariesAustrian National Library
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, page 179 (1577, no. 4: only 1st vol.) Palau y Dulcet, 6, page 366, no. 107778 Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3611
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Series of homilies for the different days of the year. In 3 volumes, the first two issued in 1577, the third in 1579. To the 2nd volume was coupled the Quinque de poenitentia conciones (which, however, had already been published in 1576: see no. cp010513). The three volumes could and very likely were normally sold separately.
Note 2The different volumes had been published in Lisbon by Joannes Barrerius, 1573-75 (Palau y Dulcet, 6, page 366, nos. 107769-107773) and in Salamanca by Mathias Gast, 1577 (Palau y Dulcet, no. 107777). Very likely Plantin followed the Lisbon-edition.
Note 3Listed in M 296, folio 3r (Conciones Lod. de Granada ab adventu usque ad Quad. in 8º, 1577, [price:] stuivers 12, f[euilles] 43. Tomus 3 us, f[euilles] 41, [price:] stuivers 12. Quadragesimale et de Penitentia eiusdem, 8º, f[euilles] 66, [price:] stuivers 18) and folio 15v (Quadragesimale L. de Granada, f[euilles] 66, [price:] stuivers 18, aº 1577). 'Quadragesimale' or 'Quadragesimale et de Penitentia' stands for the 2nd volume (= 59½ sheets) coupled with the Quinque de poenitentia conciones (= 6½ sheets) (= together 66 sheets).
Note 4On 3 October 1578 Michel Sonnius, the Parisian bookseller, was expecting, together with other Plantin editions, 4 'Oeuvres de Grenade'; he wanted them quickly (letter of M. Sonnius to Plantin: Corr., VI, no. 811). In a letter to Buyssetius, 10 December 1579, Plantin enumerates among the works he printed during the last two years 'Concionum Granatensis de tempore tomi secundus et tertius semel' (Corr., VI, no. 851, page 114; cf. also to Buyssetius, 14 March 1579: Corr., VI, no. 825: Plantin has printed 'Conciones Granatensis'). In a letter to de Çayas, September-October 1579 (Corr., VI, no. 840, page 89) the printer details as having printed or having still on his presses (the text is not very clear) 'Conciones de tempore et de sanctis fr. Lud. de Granada 5 tomis' (meaning probably the 3 volumes of the Conciones de tempore, and the 2 volumes of the Concionum quae de praecipuis sanctorum festis in ecclesia habentur [Conciones de sanctis], 1580).
Note 5The formula of the imprint ('Apud Christophorum Plantinum') let it be understood that the first two volumes issued in 1577 were in fact printed for Plantin by another typographer. The 3rd volume, published in 1579, must have been realized in the Plantin Press itself.
Further reading
The Plantin Press Online

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