Record ID | cp013405 |
Voet reference number | 900 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:3252572 |
Author | Petrus CANISIUS |
Title page transcription | SVMMA ‖ DOCTRINÆ ‖ CHRISTIANÆ, ‖ EX ‖ POSTREMA RECOGNI- ‖ tione Doctoris PETRI CANISII, ‖ SOCIETATIS IESV Theologi. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex Officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Typographi Regij. ‖ M.D. LXXI. |
Collation | 16mo [90]: A-Z⁸, a-c⁸; pages [1-29], 30-392, [393-416] (Errors: 671 for 171, 135 for 235, 266 for 366, 267 for 367) |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, 11 May 1566, signed by I de Witte) [3-7]: Philippo II. Hispaniarum regi catholico…(Antwerp, 12 June 1566, s. Christophorus Plantinus) [8-12]: Ad senatum populumque Coloniensem Petri Canisii theol. praefatio (Cologne, 6 January 1566) [13-17]: Exemplum edicti Caesarei, simul operis editi, et nunc postremo recogniti rationem complectens (Vienna, 10 December 1560; italic type) [17-19]: Exemplum edicti regis Philippi de hoc unico legendo catechismo (Brussels, 16 December 1557, s. D'overlope) [20-26]: Catalogus patrum et conciliorum qui in hoc libello citantur, secundum aetatum ordinem distributus [27-28]: Table (parts in italic type) [29]: Exhortation to read the book 30-360: Text (parts in italic type, marginals in roman type) 361-362: Table (parts in italic type) 363-364: Ad christianum lectorem operis totius summa (italic type, part in roman type) 365-392: Appendix de hominis lapsu et iustificatione secundum sententiam et doctrinam Concilii Tridentini (parts in italic type, marginals in roman type) [393-396]: Auctoris confessio [397-415]: Index (on two columns; italic type) [416]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Illustrations | Woodcut, 55 × 55, on page 226, representing Christ on the Cross, with Maria and Joannes. Monogram of the woodcutter Gerard Janssen van Kampen. Same illustration as in the preceding editions |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 465Bibliothèques de l'UMONS |
Bibliographical references | Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3317 Not in Ruelens-de Backer and Backer-Sommervogel [S.J.]. |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | Revised edition, with the addition of the 'Auctoris confessio' (pages [393-396]). |
Note 2 | According to the title-page the changes and additions were made by Canisius himself. They may have been realized either at the initiative of the author or at the demand of the publisher, but no references on the problem are found in the Correspondance. |
Note 3 | Not listed in M 296. |
Further reading |