
La ioyeuse et magnifique entrée de Monseigneur Françoys…en sa tres-renommée ville d'Anvers, 1582

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,180 words)

Record ID cp013388
Voet reference number 1211
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Duke of Anjou and Alenҫon FRANCIS
Title page transcription [Engraved title; typographical texts within cut-out medallions:] † LA IOYEVSE □ & magnifique ‖ ENTRE'E ‖ de Monseigneur ‖ FRANÇOYS, ‖ FILS DE FRANCE, ‖ ET FRERE VNICQVE DV, ‖ Roy, par la grace de Dieu, ‖ DVC DE BRABANT, ‖ d'Anjou, Alençon, Berri, &c. ‖ en sa tresrenommée ville ‖ D'ANVERS. ‡ A ANVERS, ‖ De l'Imprimerie de Christophle Plantin. ‖ M.D. LXXXII.
Collation Folio [250]: *⁲, A-F⁴; pages [1-4], 1-46, [47-48] (Errors: 8 for 6)
Fingerprint 158202 - # a1=a2 *2 rinc - # b1 A u : # b2 F3 m^158202 - # a1=a2 *2 rinc - # b1 A u : # b2 F3 em^158202 - # a1=a2 *2 rin - # b1 A u : # b2 F3 em
Number of sheets 13
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-4]: Preface (italic type) 1-10: Le partement d'Angleterre de Monseigneur le duc d'Aniou et sa reception en Zeelande 11-46: L'entree magnifique en la ville d'Anvers (parts in italic type; roman type numerals in marginals referring to the illustrations.) [47]: Privilege (Antwerp, 17 April 1582, signed by I. van Asseliers) [48]: Blank
Edition information
Variants 1) To correct a disturbing typographical error, one sheet (quire B: pages 9-10, 15-16) was reprinted, but, before it replaced the faulty one, a number of copies with the incriminated sheet had been distributed. However, in most of these copies a crude correction has been made. The two sheets present also smaller typographical differences; 2) It is in fact not impossible that the whole edition has been reprinted. There are indeed differences between variants A and B in another sheet as well (quire D, pages 25-32; more specifically page 25: see below). We do not have checked if such discrepancies occur throughout the edition A (copy: British Library London, C 22. c 12) (cf. also RDB, page 245) - page 10, last sentence: 'Le lendemain, qui fut Lundi dixneufiesme de Mars, partit son Altèze…'. This was in fact an error for 19 February: a printed paper with the corrected text 'Le lendemain, qui fut Lundi dixneufiesme de Feburier, partit son Altèze' was pasted over this part of the sentence B (copy: Museum Plantin-Moretus, R 44.13) - page 10: has the correct text 'Le lendemain, qui fut Lundi dixneufiesme de Feburier…'. Smaller differences between A and B, e.g.: A. page 25: - line 11: SON ALTEZE - 3rd and 2nd last lines: entrāt tresheureusement, ses très-deuots, ‖… B. page 25: - line 11: SON ALTESE - 3rd and 2nd last lines: entrant tresheureusement, ses tres- ‖ deuots,…
Illustrations Copper engravings: 1) Title-page, 270 × 185, with cut-out parts 2) 21 illustrations, on loose sheets, numbered I-XXI (on top, to the right), of varying sizes, representing scenes of the visit of Duke Francis to Antwerp: no. 1 (290 × 395): arrival of the Duke at the outskirts of Antwerp; no. 2 (265 × 225): coronation of the Duke; no. 3 (220 × 350): entry of the Duke into the city through one of the city-gates; no. 5 (243 × 260): the Duke on horse under a canopy; no. 19 (233 × 202): entrance of the Abbey of St. Michael (where the duke was residing); no. 21 (290 × 385): feast on the Great Market before the city hall; nos. 4 (210 × 275), 8 (260 × 240), 11 (235 × 230), 13 (185 × 233), 15 (197 × 275), 20 (208 × 337): decorated waggons shown in the pageant in honour of the Duke; nos. 6 (280 × 215), 7 (267 × 225), 9 (297 × 220), 12 (294 × 340), 18 (240 × 220): theatrical stages with allegorical personages; nos. 10 (238 × 220), 14 (284 × 264), 16 (230 × 210), 17 (150 × 242): decorative arches
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- R 44.13: hand-coloured illustrationsHeritage Library Hendrik Conscience AntwerpKBR Royal Library of BelgiumGhent University LibraryKB National Library of the NetherlandsLeiden University LibrariesBritish Library London- 4 copies- C 22. c. 12: hand-coloured illustrationsBibliothèque nationale de France. Facsimile-reprint: Amsterdam, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1971. In L. Voet, De gouden eeuw van Antwerpen, 1973 (also in English translation: Antwerp, the Golden Age, 1973), reproduction in colour of plates 4, 8, 11, 13, 15, 20, 21
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 245 (1582, no. 37) I. von Roeder-Baumbach, Versieringen bij Blijde Inkomsten gebruikt in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden gedurende de 16e en 17e eeuw, 1943, no. 12 J. Landwehr, Splendid ceremonies, State Entries and Royal Funerals in the Low Countries, 1515-1791 A bibliography, 1971, no. 38.Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 1656 Landwehr, J. Splendid ceremonies 38
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12921291USTC 7579
Note 1 Description by an unknown author of the voyage of Duke Francis to Antwerp and his inauguration as Duke of Brabant, starting with the Duke's departure from Dover and his visit to Zeeland (Flushing and Middelburg) (pages 1-11), and continuing with his 'Joyous Entry' in Antwerp and the festivities which accompanied it (19 February 1582).
Note 2 The designer and engraver of the illustrations are not known with certainty. The title-page, with Pomona and Neptunus, had already been used for Plantin's edition of L. Guicciardini, Descrittione di tutti i Paesi Bassi, 1581 (see no. cp012170). This Guicciardini-edition has four frontispieces, of which one shows the monograms of the designer Crispin van den Broeck and the engraver Abraham de Bruyn. It has been assumed that the three other frontispieces - including the one used in the Entry - were executed by the same artists (cf. A.J.J. Delen, Histoire de la gravure dans les anciens Pays-Bas et dans les provinces belges. XVIe siècle. Les graveurs-illustrateurs, 1934, page 160). It also has been supposed that likewise the 21 illustrations in the Entry were engraved by Abraham de Bruyn after drawings of Crispin van den Broeck (Delen, op. cit., pages 160-161).
Note 3 Anyway, Abraham de Bruyn was commissioned by Plantin to colour the illustrations of a number of copies. On 3 May 1582 he was paid 20 florins Carolus guilders 'pour compte de peintures des entrees de 4 formes (?; the reading of '4 formes' is not sure and its meaning uncertain) (Arch. 60, folio 73v), and again on 16 May 1582 4 florins Carolus guilders 8 stuivers 'pour la painture de deux Entrées f⁰' (Arch. 60, folio 80r) (cf. Delen, op. Cit., page 161). Other specialists were also asked to colour illustrations: on 9 June 1582 Abraham Verhoeven was paid 7 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers 'pour paincture' of a copy of Guicciardini's Descrittione and of '4 figures de Joyeuse Entrée' (Arch. 60, folio 97r).
Note 4 Editions in 4⁰, with the same text in French or Dutch, but without the illustrations, were also published by Plantin (see nos. cp013041 and cp012975).
Note 5 Listed in M 296, folio 6r (Entrée du duc d'Alencon en Anvers, a⁰ 82, f⁰, fig[ures] cuivre 22, [price:] stuivers 30), M 164, folio 11v, and M 321.
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