
Catalogus imperatorum, regum ac principum qui astrologicam artem amarunt, ornarunt et exercuerunt…, [edited by Th. Sylvius], 1580

in The Plantin Press Online

(524 words)

Record ID cp013382
Voet reference number2123
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Title page transcriptionCATALOGVS ‖ IMPERATORVM, ‖ REGVM AC PRINCI- ‖ PVM QVI ASTROLOGICAM ‖ artem amarunt, ornarunt & exer- ‖ cuerunt: quibus additæ sunt ‖ Astrologicæ quædam prædictiones veræ ac mirabiles omnium ‖ temporum, desumptæ ex Iosepho, Suetonio, Tacito, Dione, Xi- ‖ philino, Cuspiniano, & aliis, ex quibus certitudo ac veritas ‖ harum disciplinarum colligi potest. ‖ ADIECTVS est præterea tractatus de annis Clima- ‖ ctericis, vnà cum variis exemplis illustrium viro- ‖ rum qui annis ijsdem & præsertim anno 49, 56. & ‖ 63. periere: versus insuper nonnulli de Planetis ac ‖ signis, mensiumq̓ue laboribus; quæ omnia tam le- ‖ ctu iucunda, quàm scitu necessaria videntur: ‖ Collecta ab HENRICO RANTZOVIO, ac edita ‖ à Theophile Siluio, anno M.D.LXXX. ‖ ⊕ 37 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXX.
Collation8⁰ [127]: A-G⁸; pages 1-109, [110-112]
Fingerprint158008 - # b1 A2 s,$te : # b2 G5 scit
Number of sheets7
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Blank 3: Quotation from Origenes (parts in italic type) 4: Quotation from Theodoretus, episcopus Cyri 5-18: Lectori signed by (Bredenberg, 1 February 1580; parts in italic type and greek type) 19-107: Text (italic type, parts in roman type and greek type) 107-108: Ad lectorem Theophilus Sylvius 108-109: Poems on H. Rantzovius and his family (italic type) 109: approbation (s. Waltherus vander Steeghen, Antwerp) [110-112]: Blank
Edition information
IllustrationsWoodcut, on page 96: circle (diam. 72) with astronomical figures and annotations (within a typographically printed text)
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus- A 418Heritage Library Hendrik Conscience AntwerpKBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeBritish Library LondonUNamur- R6A.0313
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, page 217 (1580, no. 14)Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 4101
Online bibliographical referencesSTCV c:stcv:12925777USTC 401852
Note 1Astrological treatise, with the enumeration of prominent men who practised astrology (pages 19-55); a chapter 'De annis climacteribus: Id est, scansililibus, qui ex numeris, velut per gradus scalarum ascendunt et colliguntur' (pages 56-66); followed by examples of people who died in well-defined periods ('Sequentes perierunt annis hebdomaticis sive climactericis': pages 66-94; followed on page 95 by a table, and on pages 96-98 by some astrological explanations); finally a series of poems: 'versus de planetis' (= poems on the planets) and 'mensium labores' (= poems on the different months) (pages 99-107).
Note 2On the title-page is stated that the treatise was written by H. Rantzovius and edited by Theophilus Sylvius. As can be deduced from the note to the reader, on pages 107-108, Sylvius was in fact also largely responsible for the historical research-work and the verification of the dates.
Note 3It may be assumed that Plantin had been approached either by Rantzovius or Sylvius to publish the work. Cf. the remarks in no. 2125.
Note 4Listed in M 296, folio 3r (Catalogus Imperatorum etc. qui Astrol. amarunt Hen. Rantzovii, 8⁰, f[euilles] 7, [price:] stuivers 2) and folio 16v (Rantzovii Catalogus Imperat. qui de Astrol., 1580, f[euilles] 7, [price:] stuivers 2½), M 164, folio 6v ([price:] stuivers 3), and M 321 ([price:] stuivers 2).
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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