
Carmina, 1579

in The Plantin Press Online

(306 words)

Record ID cp013375
Voet reference number1520
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Title page transcriptionIANI ‖ LERNVTII ‖ CARMINA. ‖ Quorum seriem pagina pro- ‖ xima indicabit. ‖ ⊕ 21 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXIX.
Collation8º [135]: A-D⁸, E⁴; pages 1-70, [71-72]
Fingerprint157908 - # b1 A2 $abdit : # b2 E3 tior$i^157908 - # b1 A2 $abdit : # b2 E3 nib
Number of sheets4.50
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Summarized table 3-35: Ocelli (italic type) [36]: Blank 37-54: Elegiae (italic type) 55-56: Oda (italic type) 57-70: Epigrammata (italic type) 70: Two lines poem signed F.N.J. (Franciscus Nansius) [71]: Errata; approbation (s. Waltherus vander Steeghen); Privilege (Antwerp, January 1579, signed by Boudewijns) [72]: Blank
Edition information
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus- A 1690City Archives AntwerpKBR Royal Library of BelgiumGhent University Library
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, page 202 (1579, no. 16) van Crombruggen, pages 29-33Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 1883
Online bibliographical referencesSTCV c:stcv:12918036
Note 1Contains what van Crombruggen calls the 'collected youth-work' of Lernutius: Ocelli (42 'carmina'; pages 3-35); Elegiae (4; pages 37-54; the first dedicated to Janus Douza, the second to Justus Lipsius, the third to Victor Giselinus, the fourth again to Justus Lipsius); Oda (1; pages 55-56; 'ad bonam valetudinem': to Justus Lipsius, probably written in 1577 after his sickness); Epigrammata (41 short pieces on various subjects; pages 57-70). Cf. van Crombruggen, page 30.
Note 2The work was much admired and three times reprinted (Liegnitz, 1603; Frankfurt and Leiden, 1614) and often imitated. Cf. van Crombruggen, pages 30-33.
Note 3Listed in M 296, folio 9v (Jani Lernutii Carmina, 8º, f[euilles] 4½, [price:] stuivers 1½, aº 1579) and 10v (Lernutii Jani Carmina, 8º, [price:] stuivers 1½, 1579).
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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