
Opera, [edited by Marianus Victorius], in 8 vols., 1579

in The Plantin Press Online

(3,690 words)


Record ID cp013348
Voet reference number 1333
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1132917
Title page transcription [Engraved title-page, within cut-out medallion a typographically printed text:] OPERA ‖ DIVI ‖ HIERONYMI ‖ STRIDONIENSIS, ‖ ECCLESIÆ ‖ DOCTORIS: ‖ PER ‖ MARIANVM VICTORIVM REATINVM ‖ ex manuscriptis codicibus multo ‖ labore emendata, & ab innumeris ‖ erroribus vindicata. ‖ Cum Indice copiosissimo. ‖ M.D.LXXIX. [At the bottom, in the copperplate, the engraved address:] ANTVERPIAE ‖ EX OFFICINA ‖ CHRISTOPHORI PLANTINI ‖ ARCHITYPO GRAPHI REGII, ‖ LABORE ET CONSTANTIA.
Collation Folio [303]: [*⁴], †⁸, ††⁶, aa-bb⁸, A-Z⁸, Aa-Rr⁸, Ss⁴; pages [1-68], 1-637 (= for 639), [640] (Errors: 108 for 180, 483 for 183, 129 for 229, 144 for 244, 465-466 omitted, meaning that from page 467 onwards pagination too low by 2 units, 491-492 for 487-488)
Fingerprint 1# 157902 - # a1 +2 qua,$ : # a2 2+4 ,$carit - # b1 A n : # b2 2S3 ris.$ - # c1 2a $P : # c2 2b5 isco^2# 157802 - # a1 *2 t.$Id : # a2 *3 du - # b1 A co : # b2 2K6 $eiectu^3# 157902 - # b1 A s : # b2 S5 serun^4# 157802 - # a1=a2 *2 is$re - # b1 A v : # b2
Number of sheets 719
Pages [1]: French title: DIVI ‖ HIERONYMI ‖ STRIDONIENSIS ‖ OPERA [2]: Frontispiece [3]: Title [4]: approbation (18 November 1577, signed by Joh. Molanus); Privilege (Brussels, 20 January 1578, s. Iac. Blyleven) [5-7]: Ad…principem Matthiam archiducem Austriae…(1 January 1579, s. Christophorus Plantinus) [8]: Blank [9]: TOMI I. II ET III. ‖ D. HIERONYMI, ‖ STRIDONIENSIS, ‖ CONTINENTES EIVS EPISTOLAS, ‖ ET LIBROS CONTRA HÆRETICOS; ‖ Ex antiquissimis exemplaribus, opera ac studio Maria- ‖ ni Victorij Reatini emendati, argumen- ‖ tis & Scholiis illustrati. ‖ ⊕ 31 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXVIII [10]: Privilege (Brussels, 20 January 1578, s. Iac. Blyleven) [11-12]: Pio Quarto pontifici maximo Marianus Victorius Reatinus (italic type, words in roman type) [13-33]: Vita divi Hieronymi Stridonensis, per Marianum Victorium Reatinum ex eius scriptis vere edita, et amplissimo cardinale Carolo Borromaeo dicata (words in greek type, marginals in italic type) [34-36]: Table (on two columns; italic type) [37-63]: Index of the first three books (on three columns; words in greek type and Hebrew) [63-67]: Loca Sacrae Scripturae a S. Hieronymo his tribus epistolarum tomis explicata (on two columns) [67]: ANTVERPIÆ EXCVDEBAT CHRISTOPHORVS ‖ PLANTINVS, ARCHITYPOGRAPHVS REGIVS, ‖ ANNO M.D.LXXVIII. KALEND. FEBR [68]: Blank 1-534 (= for 536): Text (on two columns, words in greek type and Hebrew, marginals in roman type and italic type) 535-637 (= for 537-639): Mariani Victorii Reatini…scholia (on two columns; italic type, parts in roman type, greek type and Hebrew, marginals in italic type) 637 (= for 639): approbation (s. Ioh. Molanus) [638] (= for 640): Blank
Edition information
Bibliographical references Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 1452
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12926067USTC 407801
Further reading


Title page transcription TOMVS IIII. ‖ OPERVM ‖ D. HIERONYMI, ‖ A MARIANO VICTORIO ‖ REATINO, canonico, ‖ ET SACRÆ THEOLOGIÆ ‖ PROFESSORE; ‖ Ad fidem vetustissimorum exemplarium, octingentis & am- ‖ pliùs sublatis erroribus, emendatus, ‖ Continens Commentaria in Quatuor Prophetas maiores. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij ‖ M.D.LXXVIII.
Collation Folio [296]: *⁴, A-Z⁸, Aa-Ii⁸, Kkⁱº; pages [1-8], 1-530, [531-532] (Errors: 20 ? for 28, 33 ? for 336, 396 for 369, 171 ? for 471, 598 ? for 498)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-6]: Pio V…Marianus Victorias Reatinus [7-8]: D. Hieronymi presbyteri…proemium (italic type, marginals in roman type) 1-530: Text (in centre: text; around: scholia; both on two columns; parts in greek type and Hebrew, marginals in roman type, greek type and Hebrew) [531-532]: Blank
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Title page transcription TOMVS V. ‖ OPERVM ‖ D. HIERONYMI, ‖ A MARIANO VICTORIO ‖ REATINO, CANONICO, ‖ ET SACRÆ THEOLOGIÆ ‖ PROFESSORE; ‖ Ad fidem antiquissimorum exemplarium, trecentis & ‖ amplius sublatis erroribus, emendatus; ‖ Continens Ecclesiasten, & duodecim Prophetas Minores. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXIX.
Collation Folio [300]: [*ⁱ], A-S⁸; pages [1-2], 1-287, [288] (Errors: 29 for 49, 276 for 274)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank 1-287: Text (in centre: text; around: scholia; both on two columns; parts in greek type and Hebrew, marginals in roman type, greek type and Hebrew) [288]: Blank
Edition information
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Title page transcription TOMVS VI. ‖ OPERVM ‖ D. HIERONYMI, ‖ A MARIANO VICTORIO ‖ REATINO, CANONICO, ‖ ET SACRÆ THEOLOGIÆ ‖ PROFESSORE; ‖ Ad fidem vetustissimorum exemplarium, ducentis cir- ‖ citer sublatis erroribus, emendatus; ‖ Continens Commentaria in Matthæum, & Epistolas Pauli ad Galatas, ‖ ad Ephesios, ad Titum, & Philemonem, & librum Didymi ‖ de spiritu sancto à Hieronymo versum. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXVIII.
Collation Folio [301]: *⁶, A⁶, B-P⁸, Aaa-Ccc⁸, Ddd⁶; pages [1-12], 1-234, [235-236], 1-59, [60] (Errors: 88 ? for 89, 18 ? for 183)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-4]: Hieronymi in Quatuor Evangelia ad Damasum praefatio (italic type) [5-10]: Canon-tables [11-12]: D. Hieronymi presbyteri in commentarios super Matthaeum ad Eusebium Cremonensem, prooemium (italic type, marginals in roman type) 1-234: Text (in centre: text; around: scholia; both on two columns; parts in greek type and Hebrew, marginals in roman type, greek type and Hebrew) [235-236]: Blank [1]: [Heading:] Mariani Victorii Reatini Canonici, Iureconsulti, et sacrae theologiae professoris, In commentarios omnes D. Hieronymi pro locis à se emendatis. Annotationes… [1]-59: Text (on two columns; parts in italic type, greek type and Hebrew) [60]: Blank
Edition information
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Further reading


Title page transcription TOMVS VII. ‖ COMMENTARIORVM ‖ D. HIERONYMI, SVPER PSALMOS; ‖ Quibus accessit Psalterium ipsum ex Hebraico ab ‖ ipso Hieronymo Latinitate donatum. ‖ Omnia, opera ac studio Mariani Victorij Reatini, EpiscopiAmerini, multis in locis aucta, & emendata. ‖ Operis autem Censuram, qua commentarios hos D. Hieronymi ‖ esse probatur, inuenies statim post sequentem Epistolam. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXVIII.
Collation Folio (376 × 242 [c. 302]): *⁴, A-O⁸; pages [1-8], 1-222, [223-224] (Errors: 27 for 23, 22 for 26, 26 ?, 136 for 132)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3]: Gregorio XIII. pont. max. Marianus Victorius Reatinus, espiscopus Amerinus (italic type, words in roman type) [4-8]: Mariani Victorii Reatini episcopi Amerini censura in septimum tomum horum commentariorum super Psalmos (words in greek type) 1-222: Text (in centre: text; around: scholia; both on two columns; words in greek type, marginals in roman type and Hebrew) [223-224]: Blank
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Title page transcription TOMVS VIII. ‖ COMMENTARIORVM ‖ D. HIERONYMO ‖ ADSCRIPTORVM, ‖ In quo hæc continent: ‖ Commentarij in Iob. ‖ Commentarij in Prouerbia Salomonis. ‖ Homiliæ quatuor Origenis in Canticum canticorum. ‖ Commentarij in omnes Pauli Apostoli Epistolas. ‖ Quæ omnia ad fidem vetustissimorum exemplarium multis mendis ‖ sublatis correcta sunt, opera ac diligentia ‖ MARIANI VICTORII REATINI ‖ EPISCOPI AMERINI. ‖ Qui autem horum Commentariorum auctores credantur, ‖ sequenti Censura apparebit. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXVIII.
Collation Folio [300]: [*⁲], A-S⁸; pages [1-4], 1-288 (Errors: 155? for 115, 145 for 257, 160 for 272, 185 for 285)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-4]: Mariani Victorii Reatini episcopi Amerini, censura commentariorum qui praesenti volumine continentur (parts in italic type) 1-288: Text (in centre: text; around: scholia; both on two columns; words in greek type, marginals in roman type, greek type and Hebrew)
Edition information
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Title page transcription TOMVS IX. ‖ EPISTOLARVM ‖ D. HIERONYMO ‖ FALSO ADSCRIPTARVM: ‖ In cuius prima parte locatæ sunt Epistolæ doctæ quidem, & ‖ eruditæ, quarum tamen ignorantur auctores: ‖ In secunda, posita sunt ea quæ suis titulis proprios testantur auctores. ‖ In tertia, quæ suos auctores ipsa etiam prae se ferant: verùm non ita docta, & eru- ‖ dita sunt, vt ilia quæ in prima, & secunda classe continentur. ‖ Omnia diligentius recognita, & ad fidem vetustissimorum exemplarium multis erroribus expurgata, ‖ Opera & labore ‖ MARIANI VICTORII REATINI ‖ EPISCOPI AMERINI. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXIX.
Collation Folio [297]: *⁲, A-T⁸, V⁶; pages [1-4], 1-314, [315-316] (Errors: 139 for 129, 140 for 130, 139 for 239)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Table (on two columns; italic type) [3]: Mariani Victorii Reatini…in nonum volumen censura [4]: Epistola synodi Milevitanae in qua D. Augustinus interfuit, ad Innocentium primum papam (italic type, word in roman type); Ex concilio Gelasii papae Romae cum LXX episcopis celebrato…(italic type) 1-314: Text (on two columns, marginals in roman type) [315-316]: Blank
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Title page transcription INDEX ‖ LOCVPLETISSIMVS ‖ IN OMNES TOMOS OPERVM ‖ D. HIERONYMI, QVAMMAXIMA ‖ DILIGENTIA COLLECTVS. ‖ Accessit Index locorum Sacræ Scripturæ, qui sunt in his ‖ Tomis à Diuo Hieronymo explicati. ‖ Quæ verò singulis Tomis continentur, versa pagina indicabit. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXIX.
Collation Folio [307]: [*ⁱ], A⁸, B-O⁶, P⁸; pages [1-190]
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Table (italic type) [3-187]: Index (on three columns, parts in italic type, greek type and Hebrew) [188]: Registrum omnium operum divi Hieronymi (= note for the bookbinder); ANTVERPIÆ EXCVDEBAT CHRISTOPHORVS ‖ PLANTINVS, ARCHITYPOGRAPHVS REGIVS, ‖ ANNO DOMINI M.D. LXXIX [189-190]: Blank
Edition information
Variants A. As described here (Museum Plantin-Moretus, A 275; Ruusbroec Institute Library, 3106 A 44) B. In vol. I: only [*2] instead of [*4], meaning that the dedicatory to Mathias of Austria (pages [5-7]) and page [8] (blank) have been omitted (KBR Royal Library of Belgium, VB 1165 C). See also no. cp010643.
Illustrations Two copper engravings: 1) On page [2] of the first volume: Portrait of St. Hieronymus, within a richly wrought arch, 323 × 205; with the names of the designer ('Crispianus inuentor': Crispijn van den Broeck) and the engraver ('Johannes Saedeler faciebat') and the date 1576 2) On page [3] of the first volume: title-page, 339 × 195, with religious themes and a cut-out medallion for the typographically composed title
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 275: variant ARuusbroec Institute Library- 3106 A 44: variant AKBR Royal Library of Belgium- VB 1165 C: variant BNot checked which variant: Heritage Library Hendrik Conscience AntwerpCambridgeUtrecht University Library
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, pages 196-198 (1579, no. 1) Rooses, M. Musée Plantin-Moretus, page 218
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Edition of the complete works of St. Hieronymus (9 books and Index) in 8 volumes. Reprint of the edition by Marianus Victorius, published in Rome, 1565-1572, in 9 volumes in folio With some corrections and changes (e.g. the epithets against Erasmus made by Marianus Victorius in his Annotationes have been deleted: cf. RDB, page 198).
Note 2 This edition was considered by Plantin to be a continuation of the publication of the complete works of that other great church-father, St. Augustinus (cf. no. cp011052). He thought about it as early as 1575 (cf. his letters to Sirlet, 9 April 1575 [Corr., IV, no. 615, page 259: '…mox Hieronymum subiungere cogitamus', asking moreover to procure him 'si quae habes in huius Doctoris scripta emendationes, sive alia ejusdem quae nondum hactenus in lucem prodierunt monumenta, ne tanto nos beneflcio privaveris'], and to Arias Montanus, 3-14 June 1575 [Corr., IV, no. 633, page 289]). In other letters to Arias Montanus, Plantin told his friend that he had the intention to publish the complete works of St. Hieronymus jointly with the Cologne publisher Arnoldus Mylius, and that he had asked to mail him from Rome a copy of the original edition (Corr., V, no. 662, 15 October 1575, and no. 664, page 46, 29 October 1575). On 17-27 December 1575 Plantin, in a new letter to Arias Montanus, could add that two months ago Mylius had received a copy of the Roman edition, which he forwarded to Plantin, who in his turn sent it to Louvain where it was examined by the theologians of the University and judged 'dignissimum' to be reprinted; before Easter [1576] printing will start on three presses (Corr., V, no. 687). The contract between Plantin and Mylius for the joint edition was signed on 16 January 1576 (Corr., V, no. 697; for more details see further in text). In the following months Plantin had still good hope to start soon with the project. On 11 February 1576 he wrote to Arias Montanus 'In operibus Hieronymi imprimiendis et omnibus aliis tuum consilium libenter sequemur atque propterea quae mones addenda avidissime expectabo', and further in the same letter 'Scripsi superioribus diebus nos habere Hieronymi opera impressa Romae et tamen libenter alterum exemplar nos habituros per oportunitatem. Interim vero cuperemus mirum in modum ut D. Ciaconius prima oportunitate ea vellet nobis mittere per veredarium quae in eisdem Operibus observat signatis tomis et paginis ejusdem Romanae editionis ad quas referri debent atque ita pergeret ad finem usque' (Corr., V, no. 702, pages 126 and 129). In a letter of 9 June 1576 to Petrus Ciaconius (Chacon) Plantin asked explicitly the Spanish priest to send him his observations and notes, in order to insert them under Ciaconius's name in his forthcoming edition of the Opera S. Hieronymi 'quae jam praelis subponimus' (Corr., V, no. 729). Ciaconius, however, does not seem to have replied. The printing must have started in those months (by Servatius Sassenus at Louvain; see further in text), but in November 1576, owing to the troubled times, Mylius insisted to have the production stopped (letter of Jan Moretus to Mylius: Corr., V, no. 747). This was done, but Plantin started printing the Index on his own presses on 18 January 1577 (Arch. 32, folio 230). Soon afterwards he too must have stopped. On 3 May 1577 he had to tell Arias Montanus that Hieronymus was 'resting' (Corr., V, no. 757, page 236). At the end of 1577 he began again, this time with the Annotationes (probably the last part of the first volume). The work continued, with interruptions, until the end of 1578. At the end of 1578 the Index must also have been finished (Arch. 32, folios 230, 239, 250, 253, 267, 281, 296). For his part Servatius Sassenus also started anew in full earnest in 1578 with the bulk of the publication. Plantin must have written to de Çayas that the work was progressing again, as on 13 June 1578 the secretary of Philip II affirms that the Hieronymus would be welcomed in Spain as had been the St. Augustinus (Corr., V, no. 796). In September 1578 Plantin told de Çayas 'Nunc autem spero me infra unicum mensem me absoluturum [= a Breviarium in 16mo] et eodem fere tempore Indicem operum S. Hieronymi, nos siquidem folia quae Lovanii impressa uti significaveram desiderabamus tandem nudiustertia Colonia recepimus' (Corr., VI, no. 809, page 21). The project was finally completely finished in the first months of 1579. On 14 March 1579 Plantin could write to J. Buyssetius: 'Absolvimus opera Hieronymi ad castigationem Reatini pro usu harum regionum in quibus Romana exemplaria cariora forent' (Corr., VI, no. 825). This long printing history explains why the title-pages of some of the books bear the date 1578 (2nd title of the first volume [books 1-3] and the titles of books 4, 6, 7, 8), others the date 1579 (the 1st title of the first volume [books 1-3], being the general title of the whole publication, and the titles of books 5 and 9 and the Index).
Note 3 With the exception of the Index, the Annotationes, and the introductory pages of the different books (see also further in text), the printing was commissioned by Plantin and Mylius to the Louvain printer Servatius Sassenus. The latter could dispose (against payment) of Plantin's type to print the St. Hieronymus. As noted in Arch. 17, folio 377, Servatius Sassenus was charged on 11 May 1576 'pour la fonte de la lectre laquelle est à C. Plantin pour imprimer les oeuvres de St. Hierosme, et sera rendue la lectre audit Plantin estant lesd[ictes] oeuvres achevées d'imprimer'. Were supplied to Sassenus: 2 'fontes' of an Augustin 'dicte petite', weighing 671 pounds, charged 'pour la façon' 7 stuivers per 1000 [pieces], montent avec les mandes, maculat[ures] etc.' to 54 florins Carolus guilders 16 stuivers; and a 'mediane', weighing 220 pounds, charged 21 florins Carolus guilders 18 stuivers The note closes with 'Item encores p[our] la fonte de…', but this entry was not filled in (cf. also Corr., V, page 217, n. 2).
Note 4 The contract between Plantin and Arnold Mylius, signed on 16 January 1576 (Corr., V, no. 697), specified that the printing was commissioned to Sassenus and that the costs would be divided 'au pro rata du nombre ou quantité que chaicun de nous en retient pour sa part', namely 1/3 for Plantin, and 2/3 for Mylius (acting in his name and in those of the 'héritiers de la Poule Grasse' [= the firm of Birckman in Cologne and Antwerp]).
Note 5 Details about the publication are listed in Arch. 32, folio 299. Of the 'Annotationes in Epistolas S. Hieronymi' with the 'Index earundem' were printed 1,500 copies; of the other parts 1,250 copies. Plantin states also 'Item ie feray changer les ciffres à l'index général desd. Opera S. Hieronymi qu'il [= Mylius] payera selon que i'en payeray à mes correcteurs à qui ie les bailleray à faire comme i'ay faict de St. Augustin'. The job was entrusted to 'maistre Jehan' who received 58 florins Carolus guilders and to 'maistre Antoine' who was paid 26 florins Carolus guilders The privilege cost 6 florins Carolus guilders The two copperplates are entered for 60 florins Carolus guilders The detailed account, more especially arranged so as to show what Mylius had to pay for the 2/3 of the edition, ran as follows: a) Annotationes in Epistolas S. Hieronymi: 26 quires; Index earundem: 8 quires; together 34 quires. At 1,500 copies printed, 102 reams of paper were used, of which 68 for the account of Mylius, costing, at 2 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers per ream, 170 florins Carolus guilders, together with one ream and one 'main' 'pour les defects' charged 2 florins Carolus guilders 12½ stuivers, 172 florins Carolus guilders 12½ stuivers The printing, at 1 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers per ream, came for Mylius to 102 florins Carolus guilders; b) Arranging the index by 'maistre Jehan' and 'maistre Antoine' came to 84 florins Carolus guilders, of which 56 florins Carolus guilders for Mylius; c) The privilege, costing 6 florins Carolus guilders, was charged to Mylius 4 florins Carolus guilders; d) The Index, containing 48 quires, required for the 1,250 copies, 122 reams 8 'mains' of paper (including 2 reams and 8 'mains' for the 'defects'); Mylius was charged for 98 reams 5 'mains' 245 florins Carolus guilders 12½ stuivers, and for the printing of these reams (at 1 florins Carolus guilders 16 stuivers per ream) 172 florins Carolus guilders 16 stuivers; e) Annotationes in Prophetas et Epistolas: 15 quires, requiring 38 reams 5 'mains' of paper (including 15 'mains' for the 'defects'), of which Mylius was charged for 26 reams 65 florins Carolus guilders, and for the printing of these reams, 46 florins Carolus guilders 16 stuivers; f) 'Folia prima 1.2.3. tomorum cum frontispicio': 8 sheets, printed at 1,500 copies, requiring 24 reams 10 'mains' of paper, costing 61 florins Carolus guilders 5 stuivers, of which Mylius was charged 40 florins Carolus guilders 16 stuivers; g) 'Tomi 4 titulus folia 2. V tomi folium 1. VI tomi folia 3. VII tomi folia 2. VIII tomi folium 1. IX tomi folium 1': 10 sheets, requiring 26 reams, of which Mylius was charged for 17 reams 7 'mains' 42 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers, and for the printing of these sheets, at 1 florins Carolus guilders 2 stuivers per ream, 18 florins Carolus guilders 14 stuivers; h) The two copper engravings, costing 60 florins Carolus guilders, were charged 40 florins Carolus guilders to Mylius. Their printing, in 1,250 copies, cost, at 1 florins Carolus guilders per hundred, 12 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers, of which Mylius was charged 8 florins Carolus guilders 6½ stuivers; i) The 'assemblage' (collating) of 225 reams, at 1½ stuivers [per ream] was put on Mylius's debit for 15 florins Carolus guilders 17½ stuivers In all Mylius was billed for 1,031 florins Carolus guilders 1 stuivers The total expenses for Mylius and Plantin amounted, consequently, to some 1,547 florins Carolus guilders This figure does not give the total cost of the publication, but only the general expenses (arranging the index, the privilege, the copper engravings) and the costs for printing and paper for those parts done directly in the Plantin Press (Annotations, Index, introductory parts of the books). The sum the partners had to pay to Sassenus is not included.
Note 6 In Arch. 18, folio 234, the overall sum owed by Mylius for his part in the project is noted down as 2,168 florins Carolus guilders 2½ stuivers This means that the publication must have cost in all some 3,252 florins Carolus guilders, of which some 1,705 florins Carolus guilders (3,252 florins Carolus guilders minus 1,547 florins Carolus guilders) were paid to Sassenus. The payments by Mylius to Plantin started as early as 26 June 1576.
Note 7 A first draft of the dedicatory to Archduke Mathias has been reproduced in Corr., VI, no. 816. It differs considerably from the final redaction. On this dedicatory and its meaning, see also following no.
Note 8 Listed in M 296, folio 8v (Hieronymi Opera Correcta etc., fº, - voll., 1579, [price:] florins Carolus guilders 12, f[euilles] 720. Ep[isto]la seorsim [price:] 4 florins Carolus guilders). This means that copies of the first volume [= 'Epistola seorsim'] (with a special title-page and the omission of the first quire: cf. following no.) were sold separately.
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