
De oeconomia sacra circa pauperum curam a Christo instituta, apostolis tradita, et in universa ecclesia…observata…libri tres. Antwerp, Plantin, 1564

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(1,203 words)

Record ID cp013313
Voet reference number 2441A
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Title page transcription DE OECONO- ‖ MIA SACRA CIRCA ‖ PAVPERVM CVRAM A CHRI- ‖ sto instituta, Apostolis tradita, & in vniuersa eccle ‖ sia inde ad nostra vsque tēpora perpetua religione ‖ obseruata, cum quarundam propositionum, quæ ‖ huic sacræ œconomiæ aduersantur, confutatione: ‖ LIBRI TRES. ‖ Authore fratre Laurentio à Uillauicentio Xere- ‖ sano Doctore theologo Augustiniano eremita. ‖ Chrysostomus homelia 30. in caput duodecimum prioris ‖ Epistolæ ad Corinthios: ‖ Mendicis quid esse vilius potest ? sed illi tamen ipsi vsum ecclesiæ, tem ‖ plorum foribus admoti pulcherrimum quendam, & ornamentum ma= ‖ ximum præstant, vt his sine plenitudo ecclesiæ perfecta esse non possit. ‖ ⊕ 13 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ - ‖ M.D.LXIIII. ‖ CVM PRIVILEGIO.
Collation 8⁰ [127]: A-S⁸, T⁴, V⁴; pages 1-266 (= for 296), [297-304] (Errors: 75 for 76, 110 for 210, 112-113 for 212-213, 115 for 215, 268 for 288, 266 for 296)
Fingerprint 156408 - # b1 A2 llen : # b2 V3 sce
Number of sheets 19
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, 31 August 1564, signed by Ia. Huloel) 3-21: Sacro catholico et pientissimo domino Philippo Hispaniarum regi maximo (s. Frater Laurentius à Villavicentio, Bruges, 10 August 1564; italic type) 22-266 (= for 296): Text (parts and marginals in italic type) 266 (= for 296): approbation (Brussels, 28 August 1564, s. L. Metsius) 266 (= for 296): Errata (italic type) [297-302]: Ad catholicum lectorem auctor libri [303-304]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 126Heritage Library Hendrik Conscience AntwerpKBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeGhent University LibraryLeiden University LibrariesBritish Library LondonAugustinian Convent, NijmegenMunicipal Library Tournai.
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, pages 40-41 (1564, no. 20) Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), V, page 725 Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 2882 Palau y Dulcet, 27, page 244 (no. 368940; mentions also, sub no. 368938, a Plantinian edition of a work of Villavicentius of 1564, titled 'Adversus consilium Aegidii Witzii de continenda et alendis domi pauperibus', which is, in fact, the De oeconomia sacra; and sub no. 368939 'Idem [= Adversus consilium…, Plantin], 1568', which must be an error)Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 9335
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12925795USTC 404416
Note 1 Treatise on the 'subvention of the poor', defending at great length the thesis that poor-relief ought to remain a prerogative of the religious authorities.
Note 2 Measures to reform the poor-relief at Bruges motivated Villavicentius. In 1562 had been published in Antwerp by G. Silvius the De continendis et alendis domi pauperibus, et in ordinem redigendis validis mendicantibus…consilium of the Bruges town lawyer Aegidius Wytsius (Wyts), defending an ordinance taken by the Bruges magistrate in 1562 on the reorganization of the public poor-relief (replacing an older ordinance of c. 1526). Considering that this meant too great an intervention of the secular authorities to the detriment of the clergy, the religious orders and some theologians protested vehemently. The bishop of Bruges consulted the Faculty of Theology of Louvain, and, taking into account its advice, the Bruges magistrate issued in 1564 a revised ordinance in 36 articles. It remained too 'liberal' for many clerics, including Villavicentius. While in the first two 'books' of his De oeconomia sacra he defends his thesis of poor-relief by the clergy on historical and religious grounds, in the third 'book' he attacks and argues more specifically against the treatise De subventione pauperum published in Bruges in 1526, which was at the basis of the 'revolutionary' ordinances taken by the Bruges magistrate in the 16th century on the subject, written by a 'vir eruditus' Villavicentius refuses steadfastly to name (= the famous Spanish humanist Joannes Ludovicus Vives, who indeed in 1525 and 1526 had published at Bruges by Hubertus de Croock his suggestive book on the reformation of poor-relief: De subventione pauperum. Sive de humanis necessitatibus libri II. Ad Senatum Brugensem. Prior de subventione privata quid unumquemque facere oporteat. Alter de subventione publica quid civitatem deceat. Cf. BB, V, page 736), and against the Bruges ordinance of 1564 of which he reproduces the 36 chapters with his personal comments and arguments against each of them. The tumult raised by Villavicentius's publication did Margaret of Parma, Governor-General of the Netherlands, consult once again the Faculties of Theology and Law of Louvain. In its conclusion of 30 March 1565, the Faculty of Theology approved in principle the decisions taken by the Bruges magistrate, criticizing on many points Villavicentius, but on the other hand disapproving the general tendencies as defended by Wytsius in his treatise of 1562. The Bruges magistrate, consequently, stuck to its 1564-ordinance. On these tribulations: cf. the article on Wyts in Biographie Nationale [de Belgique], 27, 1938, Columns 427-429, and H. de Vocht, History of the Foundation and the Rise of the Collegium Trilingue Lovaniense, 1517-1550, III, 1954, page 293.
Note 3 The cost-accounting note in Arch. 4, folio 72, gives the following details about 'De oeconomia christiana circa paup[erum] cura, 8⁰': the wages for composing and printing are entered from 6 October until 2 December 1564, and amount to 26 florins Carolus guilders 13 stuivers As each copy contains 18½ sheets and as 1,250 copies were printed, 47 reams 10 'mains' (including the 'imperfections') of paper 'petit bastard' were used, which, at 1 florins Carolus guilders 4 stuivers per ream, came to 57 florins Carolus guilders, bringing the overall costs to 83 florins Carolus guilders 13 stuivers 'Par quoy il (= each copy) revient environ a 1½ stuivers'.
Note 4 In the cost-accounting note only 18½ sheets are listed, while in fact there are 19 sheets (18 + ½ + ½). Very likely the last half sheet (V4 = pages [297-304], with 'Ad catholicum lectorem auctor libri', being a virulent 'last word' of the author) must have been printed later as a kind of appendix (cf. also the note regarding the shipment to Sonnius quoted below).
Note 5 Of the edition some 400 copies were sold to the Parisian bookseller Michel Sonnius, with a special title-page showing his Parisian address. The transaction is noted in Arch. 3, folio 25r: 'J'ay receu de Michel Sonnius libraire á Paris en deux fois l'une en Septembre 1564 24 florins Carolus guilders et l'autre en Mars 1565 la somme de 15 florins Carolus guilders qui sont ensemble 39 florins Carolus guilders pour 400 Oeconomia sacra que i'ay imprimés au nom dud. Michel Sonnius à 50 stuivers chacunne rame'. Sonnius must in fact have received not 400 but 389 copies as in Arch. 39, folio 147r, specifying the deliveries, Plantin notes that he had shipped to Sonnius at Paris on 22 January 1565: 100 'Oeconomia sacra 8⁰ bl[anc] Imprimé sur son nom', together with 200 'demyes fuelles V dudit', and on 4 March 1565: 289 'Oeconomia sacra de son nom dont il ij avoijt 85 sans la demie fuelle qui estoit V, laquelle demie fuelle a esté envoyée audit le 22 de Janvier'.
Note 6 Listed in M 296, folio 13v (Oeconomia Sacra 8⁰ page Lau. Villavicentium, a⁰ -, f[euilles] 19, [price:] stuivers 3).
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