
De conservanda valetudine liber, [edited by D. Silvius], 1580

in The Plantin Press Online

(524 words)

Record ID cp013311
Voet reference number 2125
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3111930
Title page transcription HENRICI RANTZOVII, ‖ DE CONSERVANDA ‖ VALETVDINE LIBER, IN ‖ PRIVATVM LIBERORVM ‖ SVORVM VSVM AB ‖ ipso conscriptus, ‖ ac editus à ‖ DETHLEVO SILVIO ‖ HOLSATO. ‖ IN QVO DE DIAETA, ITINERE, ‖ ANNIS CLIMACTERICIS, ET ‖ antidotis præstantissimis, breuia & vtilia ‖ præcepta continentur. ‖ Altera editio, auctior & emendatior. ‖ ⊕ 29 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXX.
Collation 8⁰ [128]: A-I⁸; pages 1-140, [141-144] (Errors: 8 not numbered)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-5:…Francisco ac Bredoni Rantzoviis fratribus, nobilis ac generosi viri D. Henrici Rantzovii, serenissimi regis Daniae, etc. in Holsatia, etc. praefecti, etc. filiis…(Segebergae, 1573, signed by Dethlevus Silvius Holsatus) [6]: illustration (coat-of-arms of the Rantzovius family), with 6 line Latin poem (italic type) 7-[8]: Poems in honour of Rantzovius and his family by Gregorius Bersmanus, professor Acad. Lips. publicus (italic type, words in roman type and greek type) 9-10: Ad lectorem benignum Christophor. Kellinghausen Hamb. (italic type) 11-12: Table 13-15: Praefatio ad filios [16]: Blank 17-140: Text (parts in italic type) [141]: approbation (s. Waltherus vander Steeghen) [142-144]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations Copper engraving, on page 6: oval, 88 × 72: coat-of-arms of H. Rantzovius, with the engraved inscription 'INSIGNIA * RANZOVIORVM'; underneath, printed typographically, a 6 lines Latin poem
Copies Bibliothèque nationale de France- Tc11 55 A
Bibliographical references L. Elaut, 'Een Plantin-uitgave van H. Rantzovius' hygiënisch tractaat', in De Gulden Passer, 35, 1957, pages 129-138 Not in Ruelens-de Backer
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Treatise on hygienics, edited by Dethlevus (or Ditlevus) Silvius. In the dedicatory to the sons of H. Rantzovius, Silvius explained how, going through the library of their father in the castle of Bredenberg, he found a treatise on hygienics compiled by H. Rantzovius from medical authorities, both ancient and modern, and written in his youth when suffering from an illness. Silvius found the work interesting enough to have it published.
Note 2 The first edition was issued in Leipzig, J. Steinman, typis Voegelianis, 1576 (copies in Bibliothèque nationale de France and British Library London; cf. Elaut, op. cit., page 131). According to the title-page of Plantin's edition ('altera editio, auctior et emendatior') his publication was not a simple reprint but a corrected and enlarged version.
Note 3 On the content: cf. Elaut, op. cit., pages 135-137.
Note 4 It may be assumed that Plantin was approached by Silvius to have the publication printed. Silvius or Rantzovius himself, in order to assure the publication, must have pledged to buy at least a hundred copies. Cf. Plantin's letter to Adr. Burchius, who had asked the typographer to publish one of his works, 22 January 1582 (Corr., VII, no. 976): 'Si quis (tamen) velit aliquot centena redimere exemplaria, paratus ero ea praelo subjicere, uti quaedam feci; quemadmodum Rantzovii, Lae. Torrentii, Sambucae, et aliorum quorundam'.
Note 5 Listed in M 296, folio 16v (Rantzovius Hen. de conservandum valet., 1580, f[euilles] 9, [price:] stuivers 3), and M 321.
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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