Record ID | cp013297 |
Voet reference number | 1043 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:365671 |
Author | Franciscus COSTERUS (DE COSTER) |
Title page transcription | Het Boecxken ‖ Der Broederschap, ‖ Dat is:‖ Vijf boecken der Christelijcker ‖ leeringhen / ‖ Voor de Broederschap der H. Maget Maria: ‖ Eerst int Latijn gheschreuen door den E. Heere ‖ Franciscus Costeras, Doctoor inder Godtheydt / ‖ Priester der Societeyt Jesu: ende nv ouerghe= ‖ set in onse Nederduytsche tale. ‖ V. ‖ T'ANTVVERPEN, ‖ By Christoffel Plantijn, s'Conincks Drucker. ‖ M.D.LXXXVII. |
Collation | 8⁰ [113]: *-**⁸, A-Z⁸, a-f⁸; pages [1-32], 1-463, [464] (Errors: 165 for 265, 179 for 279) |
Fingerprint | 158708 - # a1 *2 be : # a2 2*5 r$Ap - # 1b1 A n : # 1b2 Z5 tsc - # 2b1 a wo : # 2b2 f5 $sa |
Number of sheets | 31 |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Extract of a letter from Pope Gregorius XIII (10 September 1577; italic type) [3-14]: Tot de Broederschap der alderheylichste Maghet Maria (s. Franciscus Costerus; gothic type, one marginal in roman type) [15-19]: Three poems on the book (italic type) [20-22]: Approbationes (Mainz, 3 July 1585, signed by Stephanus Weberus; Cologne, Ioannes Walschaerts van Tongheren; Trier, 12 June 1585, s. Dean and Faculty of Trier; Louvain, 23 April 1586, s. H. Cuyckius) [23-25]: Table (italic type) [26-27]: Different prayers (roman type and italic type) [28-32]: Een openbare beliidinghe des catholijcken gheloofs (gothic type) 1-458: Text (gothic type, parts and marginals in roman type) 458-463: Bediet van't Agnus Dei, int cort verhaelt, vvt de Latijnsche versen in Duytsch vertaelt (italic type, parts in roman type) 463: Privilege (Brussels, 17 March 1586, s. S. de Grimaldi) [464]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Illustrations | V. on title-page: woodcut, 36 × 52, representing the Blessed Virgin with Child, with at each side a kneeling man, surrounded by typographically printed Latin texts (see no. cp010720) |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 882Allard PiersonRuusbroec Institute LibraryKBR Royal Library of BelgiumBollandist LibraryGhent University LibraryPostel AbbeyKU Leuven- Maurits Sabbe Library, P279.313.0 COST Boec;P279.313.0 COST Boec;P279.313.0 COST Boec;PN00293 |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, page 299 (1587, no. 17) Backer-Sommervogel [S.J.], 2, column 1513 Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3935 Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), I, page 864.Bib. Belgica (1964-1970 éd.) C 747 Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 8103 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12926589USTC 402136 |
Note 1 | Dutch translation of the Libellus sodalitatis. First edition. |
Note 2 | The translator is not named, but in the 1591 Moretus-edition of Costerus's Schildt der catholycke Godevaert van den Berghe, curate at Oosterweel, affirms that he also translated Het boecxken der Broederschap. |
Note 3 | Frusius's poem De Agno Dei passed from the end of the 4th 'book' to the end of the 5th 'book' (being the end of the edition). The last strophe of the translation is an acrostic of the word 'Gheesdale' (= Jan van Gheesdael or Gheesdale, Antwerp poet, musician, and schoolmaster), who translated this poem. BB. supposes he also translated the poems in the introductory part (page [15]: Het broederschap van Ceulen den catholycken ende godtvreesenden leser; pages [16-18]: Het gedicht des broederschap van Ments [Mainz]…; page [19]: Eenen lof des broederschaps van Trier, tot de Maghet ende Moeder Godts). References to the translation of De Agno Dei are made in some letters from Plantin to Costerus: on 24-28 May 1587 (Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1257) the printer explains 'In libello Sodalitatis flandrico pervenimus ad caput XIII. de agno Dei versu conscriptum quod cum non inveniremus versum revertimus ad P. Bassonium qui jussit tradi praeceptori scholae Beatae Mariae (= Jan van Gheesdale) vertendum a quo necdum habemus neque diem certum.' He continues on the same subject in the letter to Costerus of 19 June 1587 (Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1268): 'In eo vero Germanica lingua prosequendo postquam aliquandiu distulissemus expectantes frustra versionem carminum; de Agno Dei nos consulto Patre Bassenio nunc tandem rursum eo animo pergimus ut speremus nos eum absoluturos'. From these passages it may be deduced that the translation of the De Agno Dei was not made by G. van den Berghe or otherwise got lost, and that father Bassonius or Bassenius of the Antwerp Jesuit House, who must have been in charge of the operation of the translation, passed finally the text for translation to Gheesdale. The delay in obtaining the text of the De Agno Dei must have been the reason why it passed from the end of the 4th book to the last pages of the edition: the printing of the 5th book continued, whilst the publisher was waiting for the translation of the De Agno Dei. |
Note 4 | This is also revealed in other letters of Plantin: on 3 July 1587 he hopes to achieve within 12 days 'librum Sodalitatis Germanice' 'quod prius propter dificultatem versionis facere nequivimus' (Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1276). Plantin was somewhat too optimistic: on 16 July he now hopes to finish the 'libri sodalitatis germanice impressionem' within 10 days (Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1282). |
Note 5 | Plantin did not print many copies of this edition as he guessed that Costerus would like to improve upon the text (letter to Costerus, 27 August 1587; Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1296: 'Idem intelligo de libro Sodalitatis Germanice cujus etiam pauca exemplaria impressi sperans hanc primam versionem facile a vobis emendandam'). |
Note 6 | Listed in M 296, folio 2v (Broederschap van ons L. Vrouwer, a⁰ 1587, 8⁰, f[euilles] 31; [price:] stuivers 7½), and M 321. |
Further reading |