
Breviarium Romanum, in 16mo, 1589

in The Plantin Press Online

(755 words)

A. Version with woodcut-illustrations.

Record ID cp013295
Voet reference number835
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1077210, c:lvd:3249143
Uniform title BREVIARIUM
Title page transcription[Within double rules:]BREVIARIVM ‖ ROMANVM, ‖ Ex decreto sacrosancti Concilij ‖ Tridentini restitutum: ‖ PII V. PONT. MAX. ‖ iussu editum. ‖ Additis aliquot SS. Officiis, ex præcepto ‖ S.D.N. Sixti Papæ quinti. ‖ V. ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXXIX. ‖ Cum Priuilegiis Pont. Max. & Regis Catholici.
Collation16mo [100]: A-Z⁸, a-z⁸, AA-KK⁸, Aa-Ff⁸; pages 1-893, [894-896], 1-95, [96] (Errors: in 1st part: 2 of 262 upside down, 293 for 263, 448 for 449, 466 for 460, 82(?)5 for 815, 218 for 818, 392 for 892; in 2nd part: 493 for 49). Printed in black and red, within double rules, on two columns separated by double rules, with the exception of pages [3-6], [10-11], [13-24], [54-56] (on one column)
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-6]: Pius episcopus…ad perpetuam rei memoriam (Rome, 9 July 1568, signed by Cae. Glorierius and H. Cumyn) [6]: Privilege (Rome, 22 November 1568, s. Cae. Glorierius; Brussels, Privy Council, 10 January 1568, and Council of Brabant, 11 January 1568, s. De Langhe) [7-24]: Calendar [25-56]: Rubricae generales [57-59]: Absolutiones et Suffragia [60]: illustration 61-893: Text (parts in italic type) [894-896]: Indices (italic type) 1-67: Commune Sanctorum (parts in italic type) 67-81: Officium Beatae Mariae (parts in italic type) 81-85: Officium defunctorum 85-86: Psalmi graduales 86-95: Septem psalmi poenitentiales cum litaniis and other prayers [96]: Blank
Edition information
IllustrationsWoodcuts: some with the monograms of the designer P. van der Borcht (PB) and of the woodcutters A. Nicolai (N) and A. van Leest (AVL): 1) V. on title-page, 26 × 39 (St. Petrus and St. Paulus) 2) 4 illustrations, 87 × 58, on pages [60] (N), 206 (N), 388, 466 (= for 460) (N) 3) 2 illustrations, 110 × 75, on pages [805] (PB, AVL) and [862] (PB, AVL)
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus (A 221; pages 513-544 and pages 95-96 missing). Not checked which version: British Library London
Bibliographical referencesBohatta, no. 360 Not in Ruelens-de Backer
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Of the edition two versions were issued: one with woodcut-illustrations (as described here) and one with copper engravings (see following no.).
Note 2Plantin told on 23 December 1588 the Lisbon bookseller Lopez Soarez d'Albergia that he would observe Soarez's remarks in the new edition of the breviary he was preparing ('Curabo ea in Breviariis observanda de quibus scripsisti cum novam aliquam editionem paravero': Corr., VII-IX, no. 1422).
Note 3Listed in M 296, folio 2r ([Breviarium Romanum] in 16⁰ uno vol[umine] 89, f[euilles] 31, [price:] stuivers 25 [= for the copies with woodcuts], fig[uris] aen[eis] stuivers 30), and M 321.
Further reading

B. Version with copper engraving-illustrations.

Title page transcription[Within double rules:]BREVIARIVM ‖ ROMANVM, ‖ Ex decreto sacrosancti Concilij ‖ Tridentini restitutum: ‖ PII V. PONT. MAX. ‖ iussu editum. ‖ Additis aliquot SS. Officiis, ex præcepto ‖ S.D.N. Sixti Papæ quinti. ‖ V. ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXXIX. ‖ Cum Priuilegiis Pont. Max. & Regis Catholici.
Collation16mo [100]: A-Z⁸, a-z⁸, AA-KK⁸, Aa-Ff⁸; pages 1-893, [894-896], 1-95, [96] (Errors: in 1st part: 2 of 262 upside down, 293 for 263, 448 for 449, 466 for 460, 82(?)5 for 815, 218 for 818, 392 for 892; in 2nd part: 493 for 49). Printed in black and red, within double rules, on two columns separated by double rules, with the exception of pages [3-6], [10-11], [13-24], [54-56] (on one column)
Number of sheets
Edition information
IllustrationsCopper engravings: 1) V. on title-page, 35 × 48 (St. Petrus and St. Paulus) 2) 6 ills, with slightly different dimensions on pages [60] (97 × 65), 206 (95 × 65), 388 (94 × 63, with the monograms of the designer P. van der Borcht and the engraver 'GH'), 466 (= for 460) (102 × 69), [805] (97 × 63), [862] (106 × 68)
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus- A 1285
Bibliographical referencesCf. preceding no
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Of the edition two versions were issued: one with copper engraving-illustrations (as described here), and one with woodcut-illustrations (see preceding no.).
Note 2For more details see preceding no.
Further reading
The Plantin Press Online

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