
Commentarii, 1574

in The Plantin Press Online

(702 words)

Record ID cp013278
Voet reference number 855
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3241844
Author Caius Julius CAESAR
Title page transcription C. IVLII CÆSARIS ‖ COMMENTARII, ‖ Nouis emendationibus illustrati. ‖ EIVSDEM ‖ LIBRORVM, QVI DESIDERAN- ‖ TVR, FRAGMENTA. ‖ Ex bibliotheca ‖ FVLVI VRSINI ROMANI. ‖ Scholia Aldi Manutij Paulli F. Aldi N. ‖ Ioannis Sambuci Spicilegia. ‖ Quæ præterea in hoc libro contineantur, sequenspagina indicabit. ‖ ⊕ 20 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus, ‖ Architypographus Regius, ‖ AN. CIƆ.IƆ.LXXIIII.
Collation 8⁰ [130]: *⁸, †⁴, A-E⁸, A-Z⁸, a-i⁸, k⁴, l-m⁸; pages [1-24], 1-79, [80], 1-487, [488-552] (Errors: 180 not numbered, 574 for 274)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Table [3-5]: Fabio Farnesio equiti Hierosolymitano Fulvius Ursinus signed by (Rome, 21 May 1569) [6-9]: Ad Paullum Rhamnusium Io. Baptistae filium, de historiae laudibus, Paulli Manutii epist. (italic type) [10-12]: Illustrissimae Aetheriorum Academiae, Ioannes Michael Brutus S.D [13-14]: Nomina locorum…Galliae, quȩ his in Commentariis habentur…(on two columns, roman type and italic type) [15]: Nomina quarundam urbium, et locorum Hispaniae (on two columns, italic type) [16-24]: Technical illustrations, with comments by Ioannes Iucundus Veronensis 1-24: Epistolarum fragmenta (italic type, parts in roman type and greek type, marginals in roman type) 25-79: Emendationes…(roman type and italic type) [80]: Blank 1-336: Text of Caesar (italic type) 336-453: Text of the works of Hirtius (italic type) 454-487: Veterum Galliae locorum…alphabetica descriptio…quae apud Caesarem in Commentariis sunt; et apud Cornelium Tacitum: auctore Raymondo Marliano…(italic type) [488-520]: Libellus variarum lectionum (on two columns, italic type; note at the end in roman type) [521-552]: In Commentarios…index alphabeticus (on two columns)
Edition information
Illustrations 1) 5 woodcuts, 90 × 60, illustrating the notes of Joannes Jucundus, on pages [16], [19], [21], [23], [24] 2) two woodcut-maps, 130 × 170, on loose sheets. The same illustrations as in the preceding no
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 1685- A 880: pages [521-552] missingKBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeRoyal Library of San Lorenzo de El EscorialGhent University LibraryBiblioteca Nacional de PortugalBritish Library LondonBiblioteca Nacional de EspañaBiblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 148 (1574, no. 21).
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Reprint of the 1570-edition, with an addition: In Commentarios C. Iulii Caesaris index alphabeticus (pages [521-552]; missing in Museum Plantin-Moretus, A 880, and bound in Museum Plantin-Moretus, A 1685, after the Scholia Manutii. From the numbering of the quires it is, however, clear that this Index doesn't belong to the Scholia, but to the Commentarii).
Note 2 It was completed by Paulus Manutius, Scholia (see no. cp012645): this publication is presented as a separate book, but the references in the Plantinian records show that the Commentarii and the Scholia were in fact considered to form only one edition and were normally sold together. The Scholia are, moreover, announced on the title-page of the Commentarii.
Note 3 The publication was partially printed by Joannes Masius, typographer at Louvain, who in these years often printed for Plantin with type supplied by the latter. Masius printed 37½ sheets of the Comment. Caesaris (this number corresponds with the Commentarii proper, to the exclusion of the introductory part - pages [1-24] - and the additional Index alphabeticus - pages [521-552] - which were probably printed in the Plantin Press): on 30 November 1573 he had been paid (a not specified sum) for 30 sheets, so that Plantin owed him still for 7½ sheets the sum of 15 florins Carolus guilders (i.e. 2 florins Carolus guilders per sheet and consequently 75 florins Carolus guilders for the whole operation). Cf. the letters of Masius to Plantin of 2 May 1574 (Corr., IV, no. 527, page 85) and 12 August 1574 (Corr., IV, no. 547, page 121)
Note 4 Listed in M 296, folio 2v ([Commentaria Caesaris] Idem a⁰ 74, f[euilles] 45½, [price:] stuivers 10), and M 164, folio 6r. The number of sheets mentioned in both catalogues refer to the combined editions: Commentarii (41 sheets plus an additional ½ sheet for the two maps) and Manutius's Scholia (4 sheets).
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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