Record ID | cp013271 |
Voet reference number | 1836 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:1100671 |
Author | Abraham ORTELIUS (ORTELS) |
Title page transcription | Abrahami Ortelij Antuerpiani ‖ THESAVRVS ‖ GEOGRAPHICVS. ‖ IN QVO ‖ Omnium totius terræ regionum, montium, promontoriorum, ‖ collium, siluarum, desertorum, insularum, portuum, popu- ‖ lorum, vrbium, opidorum, pagorum, fanorum, tribuum: ‖ Oceani, marium, fretorum, fluuiorum, torrentium, sinuum, ‖ fontium, lacuum, paludumq̓ue nomina & appellationes ve- ‖ teres; additis magna ex parte etiam recentioribus. ‖ EX ‖ [on two columns, to the left:] Libris typis excusis, ‖ Calamo exaratis, ‖ Chartis geographicis, [to the right:] Marmoribus vetustis, ‖ Nummis, atque ‖ Tabulis antiqui æris. ‖ [text continuing on one column:] OBITER ‖ Multi in hoc Opere auctorum veterum loci corrupti, falsi, dubij, & ‖ discrepantes, emendantur, arguuntur, enodantur & conciliantur. ‖ ⊕ 33 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXXVII. |
Collation | Folio [254]: *⁶, A-Z⁴, a-z⁴, AA-ZZ⁴, aa-rr⁴; pages [1-700] |
Fingerprint | 158702 - # a1 *2 itæ : # a2 *4 facu - # b1 A $l : # b2 2r2 TH |
Number of sheets | 175 |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-4]: Nobili…domino Garciae Loaysa, Sanctae Toletanae ecclesiae archidiacono, regio eleemosynario…S.P. (Antwerp, 6 May 1587, signed by Christophorus Plantinus; words in italic type) [5]: Abrahamus Ortelius, Christophoro Plantino…S.D. (Antwerp, 1587; italic type, parts in roman type) [6-8]: Ad lectorem [9-12]: Poems by Ioannes Bochius, Ioannes Gevartius, Nicolaus Rhedinger, Ioannes Matthaeus Vackherus, Ianus Lernutius, N. Clemens Trelaeus, Fr. Pl. Raphelengius (italic type, words in roman type and greek type) [13-629]: Text (on two columns; roman type and italic type, words in greek type and gothic type) [630]: Errata (on three columns; roman type and italic type, words in greek type) [631-684]: Elenchus vocabulorum recentium et barbarorum, in hoc Thesauro contentorum (introduced, page [631], by: 'Lectori' [italic type]; on two columns; words in italic type and gothic type) [685-696]: Index (on two columns; roman type and italic type) [696]: approbation (Antwerp, 25 April 1587, s. Walterus vander Steeghen) [697]: Privilege (Brussels, 29 April 1587, s. I. de Witte) [698]: Privilege (Vienna, 21 February 1565, s. Haller; Fontainebleau, 5 August 1582, s. De Neufville) [699-700]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 1556KBR Royal Library of BelgiumMunicipal Library CambraiCambridgeMunicipal Library CarcassonneBiblioteca Nacional de EspañaBibliothèque site de Montauban - MontaubanBibliothèque de l’ArsenalMazarine, ParisUniversity Library ParisBibliothèque Départementale des Pyrénées Atlantiques - Pau (France, dép. Basses-Pyrénées)Vatican Apolstolic LibraryMunicipal Library Verdun. |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, pages 301-303 (1587, no. 29) Denucé, II, pages 115-118Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 2309 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12927685USTC 402117 |
Note 1 | Much enlarged edition of the Synonymia of 1578 (as explained by the author in his dedicatory to Plantin; reproduced in Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1259). In the foreword to the reader Ortelius gives valuable information on how he proceeded to compile the list. |
Note 2 | The dedicatory to Garcia de Loaisa, preceptor of crown-prince Philip (pages [3-4]) by Plantin, 6 May 1587, is also reproduced in Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1252. |
Note 3 | A manuscript of the Thesaurus geographicus in Ortelius's own handwriting (with on the first page a Latin poem of 20 lines 'In vellum aureum Philip. reg. stroph. I.B.' and the date 1581) is preserved in Museum Plantin-Moretus (cf. Denucé, Catalogue des manuscrits, pages 28-29, no. 24). It is not very likely that this manuscript was used for the edition as the latter contains many more entries than the manuscript. In any case, this manuscript does not belong to the original collections of Plantin and the Moretuses, but was acquired for the Antwerp City Archives in 1875 and later forwarded to Museum Plantin-Moretus. |
Note 4 | Of the Thesaurus 500 copies were printed (Arch. 788). |
Note 5 | The Thesaurus is mentioned in a number of letters of Plantin to Spanish personalities or residing in Spain: Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1204, page 139 (to de Çayas, 31 January 1587: the Thesaurus is enumerated among the works Plantin is publishing partly at the costs of the authors or their friends, partly at his own expenses); no. 1210, page 155 (to H. de Cocq, Netherlandish humanist, belonging to the body-guard of Philip II, 7 February 1587: interesting details about the genesis of the work: 'Ortelius noster te resalutat officiosiss. Is ante annum mihi donavit Thesaurum suum Geographicum quadruplo priore suo ampliorem, in quo imprimendo jam ante annum laboramus atque ab hinc 2 vel tribus mensibus speramus illum nos emittere posse'); no. 1230 (to P. Pantinus, 23 March 1587: 'Thesaurus vero Geographicus pergit ad finem, uti spero te visurum brevi ex foliis jam missis et ex iis quae prima oportunitate sum missurus'); no. 1254 (to P. Pantinus, 15 May 1587: Plantin's dedicatory to de Loaisa must have been reset and reprinted following advice given by Pantinus: 'Tuas, mi Pantine, III Idus Aprilis scriptas hodie accepi quibus propter valetudinem adversam et alias urgentes causas paucis respondere cogor. Habeo imprimis gratias de tuis prudentissimis et amicis consiliis sequarque quantum in me situm erit uti vides me jam fecisse ex semifolio recuso in Thesauro dedicato D. Garciae de Loaisa Giron utriusque siquidem impressionis specimina mitto solicitus nunc qui ad Patronum cito mittere possim'); no. 1260 (cf. also Denucé, II, page 116, and Suppl. Corr., no. 202) (to de Loaisa, 28 May-2 June 1587: has dedicated the Thesaurus to a man he greatly appreciates: '…ita ego hunc ab auctore mihi datum Thesaurum sub nomine tuo emitto, atque ecce tibi mitto……'); no. 1264 (to Oudartius, 7 June 1587: Plantin sends a second copy of the Thesaurus intended for the Archbishop of Malines); no. 1272 (to H. de Cocq, 30 June 1587: has given to a messenger a bound copy to be presented to Loaisa and an unbound one for de Cocq himself: 'Eidem qui tuas mihi reddidit iterato dedimus exemplar Thesauri Geographici compactum quam abs te cupio meo nomine offerri D. de Loaysa et tibi servari alterum non compactum') (cf. also Suppl. Corr., no. 205); no. 1349 (J. Moretus to Arias Montanus, 18 February 1588: a bound copy has been sent). |
Note 6 | In his above mentioned letter to de Çayas Plantin implies that Ortelius would help to pay the bill. This possibility is taken into consideration in Plantin's ledger (Arch. 19, folio 181), where, at the date of 28 June 1586, it is noted that Plantin owed Ortelius 1,140 florins Carolus guilders 19 stuivers, but that for the moment being he would keep this sum 'pour avansement sur l'impression de son Thesaurus Geographicus. Et s'il les vouldra pour luy estants achevés d'imprimer en accorderons du prix et de la vente de ceux' (text reproduced in Denucé, II, pages 201 and 203). As this sum was completely paid back to Ortelius in four installments (9 August 1587, 22 December 1587, 6 March 1588, and 4 April 1588), it may be surmised that Plantin finally had the edition published at his own costs, and that Ortelius had only to give the typographer some credit by permitting him to pay back in spread installments the sum he owed Ortelius. |
Note 7 | Listed in M 296, folio 18v (Thesaurus Geographicus ortelii, [price:] florins Carolus guilders 3 stuivers 10, f[euilles] 172, a⁰ 1587), and Ms. 321. |
Further reading |