Record ID | cp013252 |
Voet reference number | 982 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | |
Author | Marcus Tullius CICERO |
Title page transcription | FLORES ‖ ET SENTENTIAE, ‖ SCRIBENDIQVE ‖ FORMVLAE, ‖ Ex Marci Tullij Ciceronis Epistolis familia- ‖ ribus selectȩ: & in communes locos ad cuius- ‖ cunque generis cōcinnandas epistolas quàm ‖ accommodatissimos coagmentatæ, & certo ‖ ordine digestæ. ‖ Eiusdem Ciceronis & aliorum auctorum sententiæ, quas ‖ doctorum hominum opera illustratas emittimus, ad has ‖ ipsas fulciendas epistolas amplam tibi materiam sup- ‖ peditare poterunt. ‖ ⊕ 19 ‖ ANTVERPIAE. ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ CIƆ.IƆ. LXVI. |
Collation | 16mo [86]: A-L⁸; pages 1-171 (= for 173), [174-176] (Errors: 159-160 twice, which means that from 161 numeration too low by two units) |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-8: Eloquentissimo atque gravissimo viro, domino Dionysio Riserio, supremi senatus Parisiensis presidi, Gabriel Prateolus Marcossius S.P.D. (Paris, 1 February 1556) 9-171 (= for 173): Text [174-175]: Table (italic type) [176]: EXCVDEBAT ANTVERPIAE CHRI- ‖ STOPHORVS PLANTINVS, ANNO ‖ M.D.LXVI. QVINTO NON. IVLII |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 751- A 509Staats- und Stadtbibliothek AugsburgMunicipal Library Düsseldorf |
Bibliographical references | Not in Ruelens-de Backer. |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | Reprint of the 1562-edition (Flores et sententiae: pages 9-160 [for 162]; Sententiae aliquot ex libro primo Officiorum Ciceronis: pages 161 [for 163] -171 [for 173]). |
Note 2 | The cost-accounting note in Arch. 4, folio 108, gives the following details about 'Flores Ciceronis, 16⁰': the payment of the wages for composing and printing the first two sheets is entered on 22 June 1566 (2 florins Carolus guilders 7 stuivers per sheet, and 4 stuivers for the 'format': 4 florins Carolus guilders 18 stuivers), the payment of the rest at a not specified date (8 florins Carolus guilders 4 stuivers), together 13 florins Carolus guilders 2 stuivers For the 1,500 copies printed 17 reams of paper 'petit carré' were used, which, at 1 florins Carolus guilders 8 stuivers per ream, came to 23 florins Carolus guilders 16 stuivers, bringing the overall costs to 36 florins Carolus guilders 18 stuivers |
Note 3 | According to the colophon the work was finished on 11 July 1566. |
Note 4 | Listed in M 296, folio 6v ([Flores scribendi ex epistolis Ciceronis] Idem, Anno -, f[euilles] 5½, [price:] stuivers 1¼), and M 164, folio 13v. |
Further reading |