
Réformation de la confession de la foy que les ministres de Genève présentèrent au roy en l'assemblée de Poissy, 1562

in The Plantin Press Online

(518 words)

Record ID cp013222
Voet reference number 2163
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:15203944
Author Claude de SAINCTES
Title page transcription REFORMATION ‖ DE LA CON- ‖ FESSION DE LA FOY QVE ‖ LES MINISTRES DE GENE- ‖ VE PRESENTERENT AV ROY EN ‖ L'ASSEMBLEE DE POISSY. ‖ Par F. Claude de Sainctes, docteur ‖ en Theologie. ‖ ⊕ 6 ‖ A ANVERS, ‖ De l'Imprimerie de Christophle ‖ Plantin. 1562. ‖ AVEC PRIVILEGE.
Collation 8⁰ [110]: A-I⁴; folios 1 recto-35 verso, [36 recto-verso]
Number of sheets
Pages [1 recto]: Title [ 1 verso]: Note vituperating the nobility turned Calvinist (italic type) 2 recto-verso: L'aucteur au peuple de France (italic type) 3 recto-35 verso: Text 35 verso: Errata [36 recto]: A ANVERS, DE L'IMPRIMERIE ‖ DE CHRISTOPHLE PLANTIN. ‖ L'AN M.D.LXII [36 verso]: Blank
Edition information
Copies British Library London - 3833. aaa. 4KBR Royal Library of BelgiumGhent University Library.
Bibliographical references Not in Ruelens-de Backer
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Narrative of the meeting of Catholics and Protestants at Poissy, 3 September 1561 (an attempt at reconciliation by Catharina de' Medicis, which, however, backfired; with as principal antagonists, for the Catholics: Charles de Guise, Cardinal de Lorraine, and for the Calvinists: Theodore de Bèze), discussed from a Catholic point of view. Cf. also under Guise (cp012391).
Note 2 A reprint of the Confession de la foi catholique…[against the 'confession' presented by the Calvinist ministers at the 'colloque' in Poissy], Paris, Ch. Fremy, 1561 (cf. Brunet, V, Column 33; Cioranesco, page 631, no. 20123).
Note 3 The privilege was granted by the Privy Council on 25 January 1561 old style (= 1562) (original privilege preserved in Arch. 1179, no. 18).
Note 4 The edition was in fact commissioned and paid for by Joachim Polytes, town clerk of Antwerp, at the request of 'Monseigneur d'Arras' (= the bishop of Arras, Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle, later archbishop of Malines and cardinal, who must have asked explicitly to entrust the job to the typographer). Cf. Arch. 38, folio 103 recto: 'Feb[rua]ro 1562. Avons imprimé la reformation de la confession de foij que ces ministres de Gen[eve] présent[èrent] au roy à Poissy par f. Claude Sainctes, Doct. en Theol. Et ce par le commandement de Monsr Polytes lequel l'a bayllé à imprimer pour Mons. d'Arras et doybt ledit Polytes et est aussi accordé du prix payer [51 stuivers] de la rame imprimée et en veult avoir deux milles [exemplaires] et tient ledit livre imprimé 4 feilles et demi pour 18 rames imprimées: 45 florins Carolus guilders 18 stuivers J'ay receu ledit 45 florins Carolus guilders 18 stuivers dudit Polytes ce 22 feb. 1562'.
Note 5 The technical references (format in 8⁰ but with quires numbered as in an in 4⁰ and counted as half sheets) point to the so-called 'imposition by half-sheet' (cf. no. 722 and L. Voet, The Golden Compasses, II, page 304).
Note 6 Listed in M 296, folio 17 recto (Reformat[ion] de la co[n]fession de foy, 1562, f[euilles] 4½, [price:] stuivers ¾).
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