Record ID | cp013220 |
Voet reference number | 1578 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:1171262 c:lvd:830583 c:lvd:899899 |
Title page transcription | [Within woodcut-compartment:] † PLANTARVM □ SEV ‖ STIRPIVM ‖ HISTORIA, ‖ MATTHIAE DE = 55 LOBEL ‖ INSVLANI. ‖ Cui annexum est ADVERSARIORVM ‖ VOLVMEN. ‖ Reliqua sequens pagina indicabit. ‖ ⊕ 21 ‡ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori ‖ Plantini Architypographi ‖ Regij. M.D.LXXVL. |
Collation | Folio (300 × 195): A-L⁴, M⁶, N-Z⁴, a-z⁴, Aa-Zz⁴, AA-PP⁴; pages 1-671 (= for 675), [676] (Errors: 6 not numbered, 21 for 31, 57-58 omitted, 65 for 67, 69-68-69-72-73-72-73-73-75, 92-89-90-91-92, 106 not numbered, 16 for 116, 166 for 164, 656 not numbered. This means that numeration from 59 onwards too low by 2 units; normal again from 75; too low by 4 units from second 92) |
Fingerprint | 157600 - # 1b1 A. u : # 1b2 2R3 cat,nec - # 2b1 + m : # 2b2 2+3 $Bug - # c1 *3 $q : # c2 4*3 iolieren ū |
Number of sheets | 124 |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Summary of the content. 3-5: Universis Galliae Belgicae antiquissimis, simul et nobilissimis ordinibus, gubernatoribus, defensoribus et magistratibus…(lines in italic type) [6]: illustration 7-8: Matthiae De Lobel Franciscus Hemus Insulanus (italic type, word in roman type) 8: Privilege (Brussels, 30 July 1575, signed by J. Blyleven) 9-655 (= for 659): Text (parts in italic type, greek type, and gothic type, marginals in roman type and italic type) [660]: Blank 657 (= for 661)-671 (= for 675): De succedaneis, imitatione Rondeletii, e cuius fragmentis et praelectionibus haec fere decerpta sunt (words in italic type, marginals in roman type, tables) 671 (= for 675): approbation (s. Sebastianus Baer Delphius, Antwerp) [676]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Variants | (according to BB, III, page 1129): Two versions of the dedicatory (pages 3-5). In the second some typographical errors have been corrected and on page 4 the sentence deleted 'cum indocto suo ludimagistro apud Londinenses, sericato & undulato exotico medicastro, aurae et famae popularis avidissimo'. |
Copies | |
Digital copies | Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library: QK41.L726 1576 [#697- 698] Museum Plantin-Moretus: A 1560 (2) El Real Jardín Botánico Museum Plantin-Moretus: A 1354 Österreichische Nationalbibliothek |
Bibliographical references | Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 1975 Bib. Belgica (1964-1970 éd.), III, L-118, p. 1128-1133 Claude Sorgeloos, Labore et constantia. A collection of 510 editions issued by Christopher Plantin from 1555 till 1589. Introduction by Leon Voet. BrussCockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 3957 Bib. Belgica (1964-1970 éd.), III, p. 1128-1129 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12921551USTC 401686STCV c:stcv:12921498USTC 401688 |
Further reading |
II. Variant A.
Title page transcription | [Engraved title-page:] STIRPIVM ADVERSARIA NOVA, ‖ perfacilis Vestigatio, suculentaque accessio ad Priscorum, presertim ‖ DIOSCORIDIS & Recentiorum, Materiam Medicam. ‖ QVIBVS PROPEDIEM ACCEDET ALTERA PARS. ‖ Coniectaneorum de Plantis appendix, ‖ De succis medicatis et Metallicis sectio, ‖ Antiquæ & nouatæ Medicinȩ lectiomm remediorū ‖ thesaurus opulentissimus, ‖ De succedaneis libellus ‖ continentur. ‖ Authoribus Petro Pena. & Mathia de Lobel, Medicis. |
Collation | Folio [226]: Title-page and blank (pages [1-2]): not marked and counted; first quire: ***, *I, *II, *III *V, -; A-Z⁶, Aa-Oo⁶, Pp⁶, Pp⁷ (= in fact Pp⁷ loose sheet, not numbered, inserted afterwards), Qq-Rr⁴; pages [1-14], 1-455, [456-458], 457-471, [472] (Errors: 211 for 221, 284 for 281, 28e for 284, 358 for 356, 498 for 398, 412 for 413, 415 for 416; between [456] and 457 additional not numbered page = [457-458]; 495 for 465) |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-13]: Index (on three columns; italic type, words in roman type, greek type, and gothic type) [14]: Privilege (to Pena and de Lobel: Villiers-Costrez [Villers-Cauterets], 12 December 1570, signed by Pinart) 1-[458]: Text (parts in greek type and gothic type, marginals in roman type, italic type, greek type, and gothic type) [458]: LONDINI. 1571. ‖ Calendis Ianuarijs, excudebat prelum Tho- ‖ mæ Purfœtij, ad Lucretiȩ symbolum. ‖ Cum gratia Priuilegij, 457-471: Appendix (parts in italic type and gothic type, marginals in roman type and italic type) [472]: Blank |
Edition information | |
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II. Variant B.
Title page transcription | [Within woodcut-compartment:] † NOVA ‖ STIRPIVM ‖ ADVERSARIA, □ PERFACILIS VESTIGATIO, ‖ LVCVLENTAQVE ACCESSIO AD ‖ Priscorum, præsertim Dioscoridis, & Recentio- ‖ rum, Materiam Medicam: ‖ Auctoribus PETRO PENA ‖ ET ‖ MATTHIA DE LOBEL Medicis. ‖ Quibus accessit Appendix cum Indice variarum ‖ linguarum locupletissimo. ‖ EODEM M. DE LOBEL AVCTORE. ‖ Additis GVILLIELMI RONDELLETII ali- ‖ quot Remediorum formulis, nunquam antehac ‖ in lucem editis. ‡ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Apud Christophorum Plantinum ‖ Architypographum Regium. ‖ M.D.LXXVI. |
Collation | Folio: first quire (pages 1-4) not counted and marked; A-Z⁶, Aa-Pp⁶, Qq-Rr⁴; pages [1-4], 1-471, [472] (Errors: same as in variant A). N.B.: the not numbered page between [456] and 457 has been omitted |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-4]: Antiquissimae et nobilissimae Nitiobrigum Academiae regiis professoribus caeterisque benemeritis praeceptoribus Monspelliacis, Operis Adversariorum argumentum et emolumentum (London, 24 December 1570; words and marginals in italic type); |
Edition information | |
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III. [Heading:]
Collation | Folio [228]: *-*****⁴; pages 1-24, [25-40], All pages on three columns, except [37-40] |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title 1-22: Index of the names of plants in Latin 23-[36]: Indices of the names of plants in French, German (gothic type), Dutch (gothic type), English (gothic type), Portuguese, Italian [37-39]: illustration and text (roman type and italic type) [39]: ANTVERPIÆ EXCVDEBAT CHRISTO- ‖ PHORVS PLANTINVS, ARCHITYPOGRAPHVS REGIVS, ‖ ANNO M.D. LXXVI. VII. CALEND. AVGVSTL [40]: Blank |
Edition information | |
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IV. [Heading:]
Collation | Folio [221]: †-††⁴; pages 1-15, [16] |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | 1: Heading 1-15: Text (on two columns; marginals) 15: approbation (s. Sebastianus) [16]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Illustrations | I. Woodcuts: 1) 'Coat-of-arms' of the author with his device 'Candore et spe' and with the monogram of the woodcutter Antoon van Leest, c. 160 × c. 125, in first part, page [6] (cf. on this 'coat-of-arms': BB, III, page 1128) 2) 1,790 illustrations of varying dimensions representing plants: 1,469 in the first part, 276 in the second part (of which 5 on loose sheets pasted onto the text), 35 in the Appendix to the second part, 10 in the Appendix to the index. This for the copies with variant A of the 2nd volume; in the copies with variant B four illustrations have been deleted (see Notes) N.B.: 1º) BB counts 1,473, 279, 35 and 10 ills, (together 1,797 illustrations), Nissen 1,441 and 273 illustrations (omitting the ones in the appendices). In fact the count is often difficult to make as some blocks are printed so closely together that one cannot be sure if they are isolated or not 2º) The original wood-blocks are preserved in Museum Plantin-Moretus. II. Copper engraving: title-page of the second part, 240 × 145 |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 1560: complete, of 2nd part variant A- A 1354: parts 2, 3, and 4 only, of 2nd part variant BAllard PiersonHeritage Library Hendrik Conscience AntwerpKBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeGhent University LibraryUL LiègeBritish Library LondonMunicipal Library LyonsPostel AbbeyUtrecht University LibraryVatican Apolstolic Library |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, pages 172-173 (1576, no. 13) Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), III, pages 1128-1133 Nissen, C. Die Botanische Buchillustration (2. Aufl.), II, page 1218 |
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Note 1 | Contains four parts: a) Plantarum seu stirpium historia, b) Petrus Pena and Mathias de Lobel, Stirpium adversaria nova; c) Index; d) Guillielmus Rondeletius, Formulae aliquot. |
Note 2 | This is in fact a combined edition. Lobelius had published in London in 1571, under the names of Pena and his own, the Stirpium adversaria nova (printed by Thomas Purfoot). Plantin could buy 800 copies: it constitutes the core of the second part. Lobelius, when back in the Netherlands, wrote between 1571-1576 an additional volume: the Plantarum seu stirpium historia, forming the first part of Plantin's edition. Plantin re-arranged somewhat the English publication (see further in text), added an appendix (= presented as a continuation of the English edition), and added also, but with separate pagination, an Index and the Formulae Guillielmi Rondelletii. |
Note 3 | Of the London-publication as included in Plantin's edition, two variants are known. In the first the title-page and the colophon with the London address of Purfoot have been preserved. Compared with the original edition (described in BB, IV, pages 646-647), the dedicatory to Queen Elizabeth and an epistle to the professors of the University of Montpellier, dated 24 December 1570, have been deleted. In variant B (which may be considered to be the 'normal' one, sold by Plantin), the Index and the pages [457-458] with Purfoot's London address have been deleted, whilst the engraved title of the London publication has been replaced by a typographical title-page with Plantin's imprint, and the epistle to the professors of Montpellier added (reset in the Plantin Press). In both variants are included the fragments of sheets with an additional woodcut and accompanying text pasted onto pages 10, 33, 150, 152, 400, as they figure in the original London-edition. The omission of the last two pages of the London edition (pages [457-458]) in variant B means that 4 illustrations were also omitted, but these four blocks have been reproduced in the Plantarum seu stirpium historia, pages 345, 654 and 655. On the meaning and importance of the London-publication see BB, III, pages 1129-1130, and L. Louis, Mathieu de l'Obel (who also studies the relationship Pena - Lobelius). |
Note 4 | The sale of the copies of the London-publication was arranged by Paul de Lobel, a relative of the author. On 15 July 1577 is noted in Arch. 18, folio 254, that Plantin had bought 800 copies for the sum of 1,200 florins Carolus guilders (transaction also detailed in BB, III, pages 1129-1130). But it was dutifully stated that only 556 had been received. The remaining 244 copies Paul de Lobel promised to send to Paris to Plantin's son-in-law Gillis Beys. The wood-blocks were also included in the deal, but they were only delivered to Plantin in 1580 (see following no.). However, some blocks must have been forwarded to Plantin in 1576, as he was able to print at least four representations of plants with the original London-material (i.e. the ones reproduced in the Plantarium seu stirpium historia, on pages 345, 654 and 655). |
Note 5 | Lobelius wrote thus, after his return in the Netherlands, the Plantarum seu stirpium historia, forming the first part of Plantin's edition. On the meaning and relative importance of this part, see BB, III, pages 1128-1129, and especially L. Louis, Mathieu de l'Obel. The dedicatory gives interesting details about herborizing and about prominent botanists in the Netherlands. The Plantarium seu stirpium historia proper was followed by a chapter De succedaneis imitatione Rondelletii on medicaments and on the disposition of drawers for storing medicinal plants, compiled from the lectures and notes of Lobelius's professor at Montpellier, Rondeletius. As fourth part to the Plantin-edition Lobelius added another chapter, Formulae aliquot remediorum, from notes of Rondeletius. The botanist made furthermore an appendix to his own London-publication (pages 457-471). It is not clear if he himself compiled the Index copiosissimus or if Plantin commissioned someone to do the job, but in any case to this index were added three pages with illustrations. According to the colophon, this index was finished on 26 July 1576. |
Note 6 | About half of the wood-blocks had already been used in the botanical publications of Clusius and Dodonaeus issued by the Plantin Press, but a large number was especially commissioned for this edition. Antoon van Leest was paid between 21 January 1575 and 8 June 1576 for cutting, at 13 stuivers a piece, 708 'figures des herbes de Lobel' and the 'marque' of Lobelius, a total of 460 florins Carolus guilders 9 stuivers (Arch. 31, folio 168r: on 21 January 1575: 14 fig., 9 florins Carolus guilders 2 stuivers; 17 April: 'Item autres menutez et figures d'herbes', 52 florins Carolus guilders; 17 May: 35 fig., 22 florins Carolus guilders 15 stuivers; 20 June: 32 fig., 20 florins Carolus guilders 16 stuivers; 9 August: 85 fig., 55 florins Carolus guilders 5 stuivers; 9 September: 52 fig., 33 florins Carolus guilders 16 stuivers; 10 October: 71 fig., 46 florins Carolus guilders 3 stuivers; 2 December: 71 fig., 46 florins Carolus guilders 3 stuivers and the 'marque' of Lobelius, 5 stuivers; 20 January 1576: 69 fig., 44 florins Carolus guilders 17 stuivers; 7 March: 71 fig., 46 florins Carolus guilders 3 stuivers; 3 April: 76 fig., 49 florins Carolus guilders 8 stuivers; 16 May: 88 fig., 57 florins Carolus guilders 4 stuivers; 8 June: 44 fig., 28 florins Carolus guilders 12 stuivers). His colleague Gerard Janssen van Kampen was paid 15 stuivers a piece and received on 4 February 1575 (or shortly afterwards) 34 florins Carolus guilders for 44 'figures' and on 15 November 1575 22 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers for another 30 'figures' (Arch. 31, folio 77r). |
Note 7 | In a letter to Clusius, 14 October 1574, Plantin tells his friend: 'Sur quoy je vous veux bien advertir que Monsieur de l'Obel travaille icy jour et nuit quasi continuellement a la poursuitte de son livre aussi lequel il espere mectre de bref soubs la presse. Et pourtant je desire grandement que le vostre precede pour diverses causes que vousmesmes pouvés bien considerer mieux que moymesmes' (Corr., IV, no. 569, page 169). Somewhat more than a year later, on 13 January 1576, the printer wrote to Camerarius: 'Historiam quoque stirpium Matthaei de Lobel habeo sub praelo in qua ni fallor 1500 figurae plantarum erunt expressae, omnes ad unum usque ex ipsis plantis delineatae. Hic liber uti spero sub finem Aprilis absolvetur' (Corr., V, no. 695; Suppl. Corr., no. 121; cf. also Plantin's letter to de Çayas, 31 January 1576: Corr., V, no. 699). The coming publication must already have been announced at the 1576 Lent Fair at Frankfurt, as Ortelius wrote on 24 June of that year to Crato: 'S.P. Stirpium historia Lobelii, neque adversaria, quae scribis contineri eo indice, quem Willerus singulis nundinis Francofordiensibus evulgare solet, nondum ex Plantini praelo exivere; tituli tantum Francofurti prostitere. Ex iis sibi Willerus nomina sumpsit. Solet sic Plantinus, etsi libri non essent ad colum perducti, titulos seu specimina nundinis exhibere, ut innotescerent; quamprimum prodierint, Plantinus ad te curabit' (Suppl. Corr., no. 129). |
Note 8 | Not listed in M 296 and M 164. |
Further reading |