
Summa totius theologiae, 1569

in The Plantin Press Online

(4,427 words)


Record ID cp013218
Voet reference number 2312
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Title page transcription S. THOMAE ‖ AQVINATIS ‖ SVMMA ‖ TOTIVS THEOLOGIÆ: ‖ IN QVA QVICQVID IN VNIVERSIS BIBLIIS CONTINETVR OBSCVRI, ‖ quicquid in veterū Patrū (ab ipso nascentis Ecclesiæ initio) monumentis, est doctrinæ ‖ notabilis; quicquid deniq; vel olim vocatum est, vel hodie vocatur ab hæreticis in con- ‖ trouersiā, id totū, vel certè maxima ex parte, vt eruditè & piè, ita fideliter atq; dilucidè, ‖ PER QVÆSTIONES, ET RESPONSIONES ‖ explicatur; ‖ IN TRES PARTES AB AVCTORE SVO DISTRIBVTA. ‖ Quid hac editione præstitum sit, sequenti pagella indicatur. ‖⊕ 11 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ. ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D.LXIX.
Collation 4⁰ [212]: (:)⁶, •)⁶, *⁴, A-I⁴, K-Z⁸, Aa-Ee⁸; pages [1-32], 1-374, [375-376] (Errors: 36 for 63, 186-187 for 166-167, 216 for 217, 162 for 262, 168 for 268, 192 for 292, 399 for 372)
Fingerprint 1# 156904 - # 1a1 (:)2 è$de$ : # 1a2 (:)3 ili - # 2a1 .) n : # 2a2 .)4 ros - # 3a1=3a2 *2 tia - # b1 A u : # b2 2E5 m$an^2# 156904 - # a1 +3 x$s : # a2 +4 nd - # 1b1 A u : # 1b2 Z5 ,quæ$ - # 2b1 a pr : # 2b2 d3 sit$^3# 156904 - # a1 3+3 proxim : # a2 4+3
Number of sheets 279.50
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Note on the edition (parts in italic type) [3-7]: S.D.N. Pio V, pontifici maximo, Augustinus Hunnaeus Machlinianus, S.P.D. (Louvain, 1 September 1568) [8]: Blank [9-10]: Augustinus Hunnaeus benevolo lectori, S.D. (italic type) [11]: Typographus lectori, sacrarum literarum studioso S [12]: Privilege (Brussels, Privy Council, 17 December 1567, signed by I. de Langhe, and Council of Brabant, 19 September 1567, s. Boudewijns) [13-19]: Illustrissimo principi et…domino D. Antonio serenissimi quondam Portugalliae regis Ioannis III. nepoti ex fratre, praeposito Cratensi…Frater Antonius Senensis…(marginals in italic type) [20]: Frater Antonius Senensis…lectori candidato salutem (italic type, words in roman type) [21-24]: Observanda in huius Summae D. Thomae lectione (italic type, marginals in roman type) [25-32]: Indices (on three and two columns; parts in italic type) [1]-374: Text (on two columns; parts in italic type, marginals in roman type and italic type) [375]: Privilege (Brussels, Privy Council, 17 December 1567, s. I. de Langhe, and Council of Brabant, 19 September 1567, s. Boudewijns) [376]: Blank
Edition information
Bibliographical references Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 4505
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12923993USTC 411425
Further reading


Title page transcription PRIMA ‖ SECVNDAE ‖ PARTIS SVMMAE ‖ THEOLOGICAE SANCTI ‖ THOMÆ AQVINATIS. ‖ De vltimo fine humanæ vitæ, ‖ De virtutibus & vitiis in generali. ‖ In cuius initio præfixi sunt duo Indices: quorū ALTER vniuersam istius partis doctrinam ad locos cōmu- ‖ nes seu summa Doctrinæ Christianæ capita, Alphabeti ordine digesta, reuocatam continet: ALTER ‖ omnium est Quæstionum, quibus ij loci communes in eadem parte explicantur; seruato eo qui in auctore ‖ est ordine; vt inde litterarum sacrarum studiosi & quid in ea parte tractetur statim videre, & quod ‖ in ea quærent, sine negotio inuenire queant. ‖ NVNC DEMVM ‖ Ex plurimis manuscriptis exemplaribus, quorundam Louaniensium Theologorum opera, & labore ma- ‖ ximo, ab infinitis, quibus antea scatebat, mendis repurgata, & suo pristino nitori restituta, conclusioni- ‖ busq̓ue, quas ad singulas quæstiunculas prius habebat, castigatis, illustrata. ‖ ⊕ 20 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ CIƆ IƆ LXIX.
Collation 4⁰ [210]: †⁶, A-F⁴, G-Z⁸, a-c⁸, d⁴; pages [1-12], 1-376 (Errors: 154 for 155)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Lectori benevolo S [3-11]: Indices (on three and two columns; parts in italic type) [12]: Blank [1]-376: Text (on two columns; parts in italic type, marginals in roman type, italic type, and greek type)
Edition information
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Further reading


Title page transcription SECVNDA ‖ SECVNDAE ‖ PARTIS SVMMAE ‖ THEOLOGICAE SANCTI ‖ THOMÆ AQVINATIS. ‖ De virtutibus omnibus & vitiis in speciali. ‖ In cuius initio præfixi sunt duo Indices: quorū ALTER vniuersam istius partis doctrinam ad locos cōmu- ‖ nes seu summa Doctrinæ Christianæ capita, Alphabeti ordine digesta, reuocatam continet: ALTER ‖ omnium est Quæstionum, quibus ij loci communes in eadem parte explicantur; seruato eo qui in auctore ‖ est ordine; vt inde litterarum sacrarum studiosi & quid in ea parte tractetur statim videre, & quod ‖ in ea quærent, sine negotio inuenire queant. ‖ NVNC DEMVM ‖ Ex plurimis manuscriptis exemplaribus, quorundam Louaniensium Theologorum opera, & labore ma- ‖ ximo, ab infinitis, quibus antea scatebat, mendis repurgata, & suo pristino nitori restituta, conclusioni- ‖ busq̓ue, quas ad singulas quæstiunculas prius habebat, castigatis, illustrata. ‖ ⊕ 20 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ CIƆ IƆ LXIX.
Collation 4⁰ [210]: (first quire: -, -, †††⁳, -, ††††, †††⁲, ††††⁳, -), A-Z⁸, aa-ll⁸, mm⁴; pages [1-16], 1-551, [552] (Errors: 112 for 120, 21 for 201, 325 ?, 385 ?)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Lectori benevolo S [3-15]: Indices (on two and three columns; parts in italic type) [16]: Blank [1]-551: Text (on two columns; parts and marginals in italic type) [552]: Privilege (Brussels, Privy Council, 17 December 1567, signed by I. de Langhe, and Council of Brabant, 19 September 1567, s. Boudewyns)
Edition information
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Further reading


Title page transcription TERTIA PARS ‖ SVMMAE THEOLO- ‖ GICAE S. THOMAE ‖ AQVINATIS. ‖ De Christi incarnatione, & actis per eum atque passis. ‖ De sacramentis, quibus salutem consequimur. ‖ De resurrectione, & iis quæ eam sequuntur. ‖ In cuius initio præfixi sunt duo Indices: quorū ALTER vniuersam istius partis doctrinam ad locos cōmu- ‖ nes seu summa Doctrinæ Christianæ capita, Alphabeti ordine digesta, reuocatam continet: ALTER ‖ omnium est Quæstionum, quibus ij loci communes in eadem parte explicantur; seruato eo qui in auctore ‖ est ordine; vt inde litterarum sacrarum studiosi & quid in ea parte tractetur statim videre, & quod ‖ in ea quærent, sine negotio inuenire queant. ‖ NVNC DEMVM ‖ Ex plurimis manuscriptis exemplaribus, quorundam Louaniensium Theologorum opera, & labore ma- ‖ ximo, ab infinitis, quibus antea scatebat, mendis repurgata, & suo pristino nitori restituta, conclusioni ‖ busq̓ue, quas ad singulas quæstiunculas prius habebat, castigatis, illustrata. ‖ ⊕ 20 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ CIƆ IƆ LXIX.
Collation 4⁰ [210]: †-††⁴, A-X⁸, Yⁱ⁰, a-r⁸, s⁴; pages [1-16], 1-356, 1-289 (= for 279), [280] (Errors: 2nd part: 3 ?, 16 not numbered, 29 for 92, 138 for 136, 104 for 204, 248 for 348; 3rd part: 21 for 12, 13 not numbered, 117 for 137, 335 for 235, 289 for 279)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Lectori benevolo S [3-16]: Indices (on three and two columns; parts in italic type) [1]-356: Text (on two columns; parts in italic type, marginals in italic type, some in roman type) 1-289 (= for 279): Text of Supplementum (on two columns; parts and marginals in italic type) 289 (= for 279): approbation (Louvain, 1566, signed by Augustinus Hunaeus, Cornelius Iansenius, Cunerus Petri) [280]: Privilege (Brussels, Privy Council, 17 December 1567, s. I. de Langhe, and Council of Brabant, 19 September 1567, s. Boudewyns)
Edition information
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Further reading


Collation 4⁰ (260 × 190): a-n⁸, o⁶; pages [1-220]
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Heading [1-33]: [Index primus:] Auctoritates ex libro Geneseos (on three columns) [33-36]: Index secundus (on three columns) [37-212]: Index tertius (on two columns) [213]: Index quartus [213-217]: Index quintus (on two columns; parts in italic type) [218]: Catalogus [of philosophers, popes, councils, and ecclesiastical authorities quoted in the Summa] (on three columns) [219]: Errata (on three columns; italic type, parts in roman type); EXCVDEBAT CHRISTOPHORVS PLANTINVS ANTVERPIAE, ‖ ANNO M.D. LXVIII. MENSE OCTOBRI [220]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 959KBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeRoyal Library of San Lorenzo de El EscorialMunicipal Library LyonsBiblioteca Nacional de EspañaUtrecht University Library.
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, pages 91-92 (1569, no. 12)
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Edition of the Summa of Thomas ab Aquino in three parts and five volumes, each volume with a separate title-page and pagination, and including in each volume a number of Indices: vol. I: First part; vol. 2: Prima secundae partis; vol. 3: Secunda secundae partis; vol. 4: Tertia pars and Supplementum to Tertia pars (= quam D. Thomas Aquinas morte praeventus perficere nequivit); vol. 5: Index generalis. According to the colophon the printing of the general index, being the last volume, was finished in October 1568.
Note 2 Edited by a group of 'Lovanienses theologi', theologians of the University of Louvain (more especially Augustinus Hunnaeus, who signed some dedicatories and forewords and who was also cred. Plantin in the foreword, on page [11] in the first volume, to have done the principal work), and the Portuguese Dominican Antonius Senensis (or de Conceptione) (who lived in Louvain from 1564 until about 1575, when he moved to Italy and France; died in Nantes in 1585). Both Hunnaeus and A. Senensis claim in their dedicatories and forewords to have corrected the text, but as can be deduced from the note on page [2] of the first volume, and from other indications as well, the 'Lovanienses theologi' were responsible for the text proper, while A. Senensis made the marginal annotations (giving the references to the works quoted by Thomas ab Aquino and eventually providing an 'emendatio'). Additional references to what they did may also be found in some of the sources mentioned in the following notes.
Note 3 Antonius Senensis presented his work on St. Thomas to Plantin on 23 February 1567, describing in detail how he proceeded (Corr., I, no. 23). The Portuguese theologian begins his letter with saying that he had heard that Plantin had the intention to publish 'partes S. Thomae sine Cajetano [= without the comments of Cajetanus]'. Plantin must indeed already have been in contact with Hunnaeus about printing the Summa, but he was nevertheless willing to accept the proposal of A. Senensis. In an unhappily not dated letter to the Lyons publisher Charles Pesnot, but which must have been written in 1567 (Corr., I, no. 24), he gives some very interesting information about the work done by Hunnaeus and mentions Antonius Senensis as well: 'Au reste, il y a par deça deux docteurs en théologie, dont l'un est natif de ce pais (= A. Hunnaeus) et l'autre d'Espaigne (in fact Portugal: Antonius Senensis), qui tous deux ont faict grand travail (ne sçachant rien l'un de l'autre) sur Summa Sancti Thomae. Celuy qui est de ce pais est l'un des premiers ou plus doctes professeurs en théologie de Louvain, lequel a faict toute extresme diligence de trouver diverses copies escriptes à la main de la ladicte Summa, et luy en a ay aussi donné quelques unes, passé 2 ou 3 ans, et ce faict il a mis 6 autres theologiens en besongne pour conférer avec luy ledict livre avec lesdictes copies escrites à la main, de sorte qu'ils ont trouvé des erreurs infinies et restitué plusieurs passages qui n'estoyent intelligibles et desquels Cajetanus mesmes, qui a commenté ladicte Summe, n'est peu venir à bout de les entendre, et de faict il ne pouvoit parce que souventesfois il y défailloit quelque mot, voir lignes et sentences. Et, en plus de cinquante passages, ont ils trouvé que les livres imprimés ont des négatives au lieu d'affirmatives et au contraire en maintes autres telles fautes énormes'. The principal reason why Plantin wrote to the Lyons bookseller was to assure an advance sale of the monumental publication: 'Ceci ay je faict dès l'année passée, pensant de le commencer incontinent, mais les accidens et troubles de par deça m'en ayant osté le moyen et voulant bien commencé de faire quelque chose avec vous, je vous en ay voulu advertir et offrir telle portion qu'en voudrés prendre, pourveu que j'en aye un tiers ou un quart et mesmes, si voulés, la moitié'. So far Plantin had only been speaking of the text as edited by Hunnaeus and his colleagues. Now, he offered also the manuscript of Antonius Senensis: 'Touchant à l'autre copie, je vous envoye ici la lettre mesmes que l'espagnol m'en a rescrit dès le mois de febvrier dernier (= the letter mentioned above). Or n'a cestuy-ciles corrections du texte cy-dessus mentionnées. Parquoy me sembleroit bon, s'il vous sembloit aussi ainsi, que nous imprissions premierement ledict texte, ou bien, si bon vous semble, je le vous envoyeray par delà, si l'ordonnés, pour en disposer par deçà, sy me donnés la charge de traitter avec ce moine ici, ou bien en pourrés aussi parler et en adviser avec ceux qui ont accoustumé de le faire par delà. Car, quant à moy, je seray prest à y faire comme l'ordonnerés'. But, as Plantin had to write to Antonius Senensis on 30 July 1567, the booksellers of Lyons were not very eager to buy (Corr., I, no. 66). The letter to Pesnot makes it clear that at that time, early in 1567, Plantin was thinking of two separate editions of the Summa, one edited by Hunnaeus and his Louvain colleagues, one supplied by Antonius Senensis. When and why the typographer changed his mind and had the two copies brought together into one edition, cannot be ascertained, but in any case the 'combined' text was received by Plantin in November 1567 (see further in Notes).
Note 4 Plantin in his letter to Pesnot affirms to have bought the manuscript for 30 'escus' and 30 copies ('De sorte que, ne doubtant pas que ce livre ainsi imprimé ne fust [estant maintenant ainsi restitué] autant bien vendable que livre qui soit de ce temps, j'ay achapté ladicte copie, ainsi reveue par lesdicts theologiens, le prix de 30 escus et 30 exemplaires, que je dois livrer incontinent que j'aurois achevé d'imprimer ledict livre, qui seroit seulement le texte sans Cajetanus'). Antonius Senensis was also remunerated for his work. The details are noted at an unspecified date (in 1568) in Arch. 16, folio 52: the Portuguese scholar was entitled to six copies of the Summa, worth 27 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers; the sum of 7 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers he paid for some books bought in the Plantin shop were remitted, and on his credit were entered 225 florins Carolus guilders, with the motivation 'Pour aultant qu'il debvoit avoir du m[aist]re la somme de florins Carolus guilders 225 pour l'obligation qu'il luy avoid faict de luy bailler la valeur desdits florins Carolus guilders 225 en aultant de livres de son impression etc. viennent bons lesdits florins Carolus guilders 225 audit Ant[oniu]s pour aultant que la Somme 4to n'a point esté imprimée, et la promesse de l'obligation estant de bailler - exemplaires de la Somme de Caietanus et en cas qu'elle ne s'imprimeroit point qu'il auroit la valeur d'aultant d'exemplaires à scavoir de ce que montent la somme desdits 225 florins Carolus guilders'.
Note 5 In 1567 Plantin contacted other booksellers besides Pesnot on the subject of the Summa (letter to Mathias Gast in Salamanca, 22 June 1567 [Corr., I, no. 44]: has taken note that the bookseller proposed to buy 400 'Summa Sancti Thomae, texte, à payer cent escus, incontinent qu'il y aura 10 feilles faictes, et le reste à la fin du livre'; to Jehan de Molina, 22 July 1567 [Ibidem, no. 61]: 'Je commenceray de brief Sancti Thomae in 8⁰, texte, et autres bons livres à mon advis; s'il est chose que pensiés vous estre utile, le commandant, vous serés obéi').
Note 6 On 10 August 1567 Plantin told Pesnot: 'Je commenceray aussi de bref Summa sancti [Thomae] absque Cajetano…' (Ibidem, no. 80), but in fact he got only the manuscript early in November 1567, as he explains in detail in his letter of 29 November 1567 to Cardinal Granvelle: 'J'ay davantage faict a mes despens conferer Summa S. Thoma a plusieurs vieux exemplaires escrits a la main et la corriger, et aussi adiouxter les passages cités par ledict S. Thomas (= by Antonius Senensis, who, however, is not quoted by Plantin) et fact faire divers indices, et ce par plusieurs des Messigneurs les Docteurs de Louvain qui, passé sont ia quelques 3 ans, ont este empeschés en cest ouvrage, lequel depuis 12 iours en ca ils m'ont renvoye soussigné et approuvé de quatre docteurs de l'universite avec ceste inscription que i'envoye ici a V.I.S. pour luy faire mieux entendre ceste partie des labeurs que i'entreprens' (Suppl. Corr., no. 47).
Note 7 The printing started in November-December 1567 and lasted nearly a year. Details about the operation are found in many letters of Plantin's correspondence. Especially Cardinal Granvelle was carefully informed, and received regularly already printed sheets; he himself offered sometimes advice. Cf. Plantin to Granvelle, 29 January 1568 (Corr., I, no. 102: has already finished three sheets; will print in the future a small number of sheets on better or whiter paper [for the copies intended for the library of the Cardinal]); Granvelle to Plantin, 2 January 1568 (Suppl. Corr., no. 48: the prelate advises the typographer to change some words in the title-page: 'J'ay veu la premiere feulle de la Somme de saint Thomas que vous m'avez envoyé, je dictz la part que contient le filtre, que j'ay monstré a Monseigneur le cardinal Amulio et aultres gens sçavants, qui louent grandement vostre diligence et attendront avec grand desir ceste oeuvre, mais il fault que vous regardez de changer ce mot que vous mettez au tiltre a la premiere ou a la seconde ligne, ou vous parlez des peres veteris ecclesie, car, comment nous pretendons que l'Esglise d'aujourdhuy soit la mesme que celle que vous appellez vielle, plusieurs s'offenseroient de ce mot, car le nom de vielle presupposeroit quil y aist une nouvelle et, au lieu de ce, samble que vous pourries dire, de patribus qui vixerunt tempore nascentis ecclesie, qui seroit satisfaire a ce que vous pretendez, de monstrer que les fondementz sont prins de l'antiquité'; he asks furthermore Plantin not to forget the three copies on 'good paper'); Plantin to Granvelle, 5 February 1568 (Corr., I, no. 103: the typographer thanks the cardinal for his warning [concerning the title-page], which he intends to follow, reprinting the sheet after the remainder would have been finished); to Granvelle, 8 March 1568 (Corr., I, no. 114: 'Je besongne à la Summa Sancti Thomae…'); to Granvelle, 17 March 1568 (Suppl. Corr., no. 56: 'Je continue a l'impression de Summa S. Thomae…'); Granvelle to Plantin. 27 April 1568 (Suppl. Corr., no. 59: 'J'ay veu la premiere feulle que vous avez envoyé au Seigneur Fulvio de la Somme de saint Thomas, mais je voys que vous l'avez reduyt en beaulcoup plus petite forme que n'estoit la premiere monstre que vous aviez envoyé, en quoy je me suis forcompté, car la forme estoit belle et grande et la lectre de mesme, vray est que ladicte lectre, dont vous usez maintenant, si bien elle est petite, est fort belle, en fin il en est faict; j'entends bien que c'est pource quil coustera moings a l'imprimer a cause du papier, mais, a la verité, l'aultre eust heu beaulcoup plus de maiesté'); to Granvelle, 1-2 May 1568 (Corr., I, no. 123; Suppl. Corr., no. 60: hopes to complete the Summa within three months); to Granvelle, 7-8 May 1568 (Corr., I, no. 125; Suppl. Corr., no. 63: continues the printing); Granvelle to Plantin, 15 May 1568 (Suppl. Corr., no. 64: is waiting for the 'beginning' [first sheets] of the Summa, [and expects to receive the following ones] 'tousiours de feulle en feulle'); Granvelle to Plantin, 24 May 1568 (Suppl. Corr., no. 66: 'Et quant a la Somme de St. Thomas, lon desire singulièrement la veoir pardeça [= in Italy] '); Granvelle to Plantin, 19 June 1568 (Suppl. Corr., no. 67: 'Vous me dictes que vous aurez achevé la Somme de St. Thomas devant la St. Jehan', but I guess you confound in your letter with the work of Goropius Becanus); to Granvelle, 26 June 1568 (Corr., I, no. 136; Suppl. Corr., no. 68: has put in one of the bales with books for Giorgio Ferrari, bookseller in Rome, 142 finished sheets of the Summa intended for the cardinal); to Granvelle, 10 July 1568 (Corr., I, no. 142; Suppl. Corr., no. 69: hopes that the cardinal has received in the meantime the sheets, and includes in the letter some other quires); to Granvelle, 17 July 1568 (Corr., I, no. 145: another number of sheets of the Summa are included; remark made in passing 'Car je n'en imprime gueres davantage que 15 [sheets] par chaicunne semaine'); to Granvelle, 24 July 1568 (Corr., I, no. 148: again 14 sheets of the Summa are included in the letter; the typographer had hoped to finish the printing about 'la St. Jehan' [24 June], but the preparations for the Polyglot Bible had upset the timetable. 'Maintenant ay je bon espoir d'avoir achevé ladicte Summe environ la my-aoust'); to Granvelle, 14 August 1568 (Corr., I, no. 152: another 38 sheets accompany the letter); to Granvelle, 21 August 1568 (Corr., I, no. 153: 'J'envoye ici le reste des feilles imprimées de la somme de S. Thomas, car il ne reste plus qu'aulcunes premieres feilles et celles de l'index…'); Granvelle to Plantin, 30 September 1568 (Suppl. Corr., no. 75: has received Plantin's letter of 21 August, with the sheets of the Summa included, but not yet those sent 'par conduytte' [= shipped in the bale to the Roman bookseller]); Granvelle to Plantin, 16 October 1568 (Suppl. Corr., no. 76: has received the last sheets, but not yet those sent to the Roman bookseller); to Granvelle, 22 October 1568 (Corr., II, no. 155: 'Ayant quasi achevé d'imprimer la somme de S. Thomas, jusques à une parties des Indices nouveaux, dont j'envoye ici le reste…'); Granvelle to Plantin, 19 November 1568 (Suppl. Corr., no. 78: has received Plantin's letter of 23 October with the sheets, but not yet the sheets sent to the Roman bookseller); to Granvelle, 10 December 1568 (Corr., II, no. 159: two copies of the Summa have been bound for the cardinal); to Granvelle, 31 December 1568 (Corr., II, no. 163: sends a complete copy of the Summa to the cardinal); Granvelle to Plantin, 15 January 1569 (Suppl. Corr., no. 80: the first sheets [sent to the Roman bookseller] have finally arrived, some ten to twelve days ago; 'et vous renvoye la feulle cy joincte, qu'est venue in indice double, et au lieu d'icelle il y a faulte du b. audict indice, que sera bien que vous faictes chercher pour la m'envoyer, afin que l'exemplaire ne me demeure imparfaict'); Granvelle to Plantin, 5 February 1579 (Suppl. Corr., no. 81: the cardinal repeats that his Summa is now practically complete, that he mailed back a double sheet and is expecting the one which is missing in his set); Granvelle to Plantin, 17 March 1569 (Suppl. Corr., no. 84: no sheets of the Summa need anymore to be sent, with only the exception of the missing quire).
Note 8 Other personalities were also in 1568 informed about the printing. Cf. Corr., I, no. 116, page 253 (to de Çayas, March 1568: 'J'imprime Summa Sancti Thomae…'), no. 124 (to de Çayas, 3 May 1568: Plantin has used part of the paper initially intended for the Polyglot Bible to print the Summa), no. 132 (to Mathias Gast, bookseller in Salamanca, 14 June 1568: the text of the Summa will be finished within five to six weeks), no. 143 (to an unknown correspondent in Lyons, July 1568: the Summa will be finished before 15 August; it is noted incidentally that Plantin works with three presses on the Summa, and that the Junta, booksellers in Lyons, are failing in paying for the Summa [probably meaning that they yet did not had paid in advance the sum they had promised for a number of copies]); Corr., II, no. 162 (to F. Richardot, Bishop of Arras, 21 December 1568: Plantin sends him a bound copy of the Summa).
Note 9 Scholars in Rome were in those years preparing a new edition of the complete works of Thomas ab Aquino (it would be issued as the Opera Omnia, in Rome, haeredes Ant. Bladi, in 1570-71, 18 vols. in folio: cf. Brunet, V, Column 824). Plantin must have heard about the forthcoming publication (cf. his letter to Granvelle, 24 July 1568: Corr., I, no. 148), and in the following months the cardinal kept the typographer regularly informed about the project (cf. his letters of 7 August 1568 [Suppl. Corr., no. 71], 9 September 1568 [Ibidem, no. 73]; Plantin's letter to Granvelle, 22 October 1568 [Corr., II, no. 155]; Granvelle's letters of 29 December 1568 [Suppl. Corr., no. 79], 5 February 1569 [Ibidem, no. 81], 17 March 1569 [Ibidem, no. 84] and 23 April 1569 [Ibidem, no. 86]; Plantin's letters of 5 February 1569 [Corr., II, no. 167], 26 March 1569 [Ibidem, no. 169], 4 June 1569 [Ibidem, no. 176]). The cardinal must have warned Plantin that this forthcoming edition could be prejudicial to the sale of the typographer's own Summa. In his letter of 26 March 1569 (Corr., II, no. 169), Plantin answers rather dryly: 'Je remercie très humblement V. Illme…des bons advertissements et principallement des oeuvres de St. Thomas, èsquelles je ne veux doubter que tant de doctes personnages et si bien fournis d'exemplaires ne trouvent beaucoup qu'amender. Cependant je distribueray des miennes ce que je pourray et seray plus aise de l'amendement, avec ma perte, que de mon proffict particulier, au détriment de la république chrestienne'.
Note 10 Some 150 copies of the Summa were sold to Gaspar de Portinariis (cf. Plantin's letter of 7 September 1569, concerning a squabble about the payment and sale of the copies: Corr., II, no. 182).
Note 11 Listed in M 296, folio 17v (Summa S. Thomȩ, in 4⁰, A⁰ 157 [sic], f[euilles] 279½, [price:] flor. 4 stuivers 10) and folio 20v (Summa D. Thomae, in 4⁰, A⁰ 15-. P[rim]a pars: f[euilles] 51, P[rim]a 2ae: f[euilles] 48½, 2a 2ae: f[euilles] 71, 3a pars: f[euilles] 46½; Supplementum: f[euilles] 35; Indices: f[euilles] 27½. S[umm] a in t[oti] s: f[euilles] 273½ [= for 279½]).
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