
Colloquiorum familiarium opus, 1564

in The Plantin Press Online

(505 words)

Record ID cp013210
Voet reference number1130
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Desiderius ERASMUS
Title page transcriptionCOLLOQVIORVM ‖ FAMILIARIVM OPVS, ‖ DES. ERASMO ROT. ‖ AVCTORE. ‖ Nunc denuo ad auctoris ἀυτόγραφον diligenter collatum, ‖ vigilantissime'que excusum, appositis ad locos diffi- ‖ ciliores Annotationibus. ‖ ⊕ 15 ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus. ‖ - ‖ M.D.LXIIII. ‖ CVM PRIVILEGIO.
Collation16mo [91]: A-Z⁸, a-z⁸, Aa-Cc⁸; pages 1-782, [783-784] (Errors: 335-339 for 235-239, 155 for 255, 360 for 260, 351 for 352, 270 for 370, 371 for 372, 174 for 674)
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title 2: D. Erasmus Rot. optimae spei puero Ioanni Erasmio Frobenio S.D. (Basel, 1 August 1523; italic type) 3-756: Text (italic type, parts and marginals in roman type and greek type, lines in Hebrew) 757-778: Des. Eras. Roterodamus, de utilitate colloquiorum, ad lectorem (Basel, 21 May 1526; italic type, word in greek type, marginals in roman type) 778-782: Vita Erasmi (italic type, words in roman type) [783]: Privilege (Brussels, 26 May 1564, signed by I. Fabri) [785]: Index (on two columns; words in greek type)
Edition information
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus- A 733KBR Royal Library of BelgiumBritish Library LondonCensus of BB lists also: University Library Breslau- now WroclawMunicipal Library ToursUNamur- R4Z.0060
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, page 43 (1574, no. 30) Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), II, pages 543-544.
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Collection of sayings and expressions useful for the people who have to write or speak Latin (1st edited by: Basel, J. Froben, 1518).
Note 2This Plantin-edition is a reprint of the 1562-edition of J. Frellon, Lyons (as proved by the fact that the erroneous date of 1 August 1523 [for 1524] in the Frellon-edition has been taken over in Plantin's printing). The biography of Erasmus has been copied from an edition of the heirs of Chr. Egenolph, Frankfurt, 1555 or 1562.
Note 3The cost-accounting note in Arch. 4, folio 70, specifies: the wages for composing and printing were paid from 1 July till 22 September 1564, and amount to 56 florins Carolus guilders 18 stuivers (including 1 florins Carolus guilders 6 stuivers for '4 copies [of the edition or editions used for the reprint]' and 3 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers for 'le privi[ege] et visit[ation] [= approbatio]'). As each copy contains 24½ sheets and as 1,250 copies were printed, 63 reams of paper (including the 'imperfections') were used, which, at 1 florins Carolus guilders 3½ stuivers per ream, came to 74 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers, bringing the overall costs to 131 florins Carolus guilders 8 stuivers, and making the cost price per copy 2 stuivers 'et 2 stuivers sur le tout'.
Note 4Listed in M 164, folio 6r, and M 296, folio 3r, but in a way which makes it impossible to distinguish between the editions of 1564 and 1567: 'Colloquia omnia Erasmi in 16⁰ a⁰ -, f[euilles] -, [price:] stuivers 4½'.
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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