Record ID | cp013196 |
Voet reference number | 691 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | |
Uniform title | BIBLE: Editions in Latin |
Title page transcription | [Within woodcut-frame:] □ BIBLIA ‖ SACRA. ‖ Quid in hac editione à Theologis ‖ Louaniensibus præstitum sit, ‖ paulo pòst indicatur. ‖ ⊕ 29 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ - ‖ M.D.LXXXIII. |
Collation | 8⁰ [132]: *⁸, A-Z⁸, a-z⁸, AA-DD⁸, EE⁴, A-B⁸; pages [1-16], 1-799, [800-808] (Errors: 108-109 for 208-209, 312 for 412). All pages (with the exception of pages [2-3] and pages [803-806] within double lines, on two columns, separated by a single line |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, Privy Council, 30 May 1573, signed by I. de la Torre, and Council of Brabant, 6 July 1573, s. I. de Witte) [3]: Facultatis Theologicae in universitate Lovaniensi decanus, lectori S. (Louvain, 9 May 1573) [4-5]: Quid in hac Bibliorum editione sit praestitum [6-8]: Quid in hac Bibliorum editione sit observandum (marginals) [9-10]: Hieronymi prologus Galeatus (words in Hebrew) [10-15]: Epistola S. Hieronymi ad Paulinum…(words in greek type; marginals in roman type and italic type) [16]: Table 1-640: Text Old Testament (marginals in roman type and italic type) 641-799: Text New Testament (marginals in roman type and italic type) 799: approbation (Louvain, May 1573, s. Iohannes Molanus, Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus) [800-802]: Index testimoniorum a Christo et Apostolis in Novo Testamento citatorum ex Veteri… [803-806]: Hebraicorum, Chaldaeorum, Graecorumque nominum interpretatio (on three columns, within single line, beneath: double lines) [806]: EXCVDEBAT ANTVERPIAE CHRISTOPHORVS ‖ PLANTINVS ARCHITYPOGRAPHVS ‖ REGIVS ANNO M.D.LXXX [807-808]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 664CambridgeSéminaire de TournaiUL Liège- TH00230 [f°]UNamur- R4Z.0116 |
Bibliographical references | Not in Ruelens-de Backer and Masch |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | Reprint of the 1580 and 1582-editions, in nonpareille type. It may be assumed that the year 1580 given in the colophon (on page [806]) is a typographical error for 1583. |
Note 2 | The making of the book was rather unusual, as the last quires seem to have been printed first (reconstructed from the Livre des ouvriers, Arch. 33): DD in September, EE and CC in October 1582. After the printing of *, A, B, C, D in November and December 1582, the work was continued with s, v, x, y, in December 1582-January 1583. AA and BB were finished in January and February 1583, and about the middle of February 1583 E was taken up and the work continued in the right order till June of that year. The reasons for this queer way of working are unclear. |
Note 3 | 2,500 copies seem to have been printed (Arch. 788), though the entry may in fact refer to the 1582- or the 1584-edition. |
Note 4 | On 20 July 1583 500 copies were sold to the Antwerp bookseller Philip Nutius for the sum of 300 florins Carolus guilders (Arch. 19, folio 50). |
Note 5 | Not listed in M 296, M 164, and M 321. |
Note 6 | Regarding the promised Variae lectiones: same text as in the 1580-edition (cf. no. cp011062; see also no. cp011841). |
Further reading |